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Everything posted by Keith

  1. But instead, you get Max Jenius as Cline Sandman!
  2. What are yo utalking about, Robotech is still a flourishing franchise. They just released a brand new movie 2 years ago, and re-released it 3 times already! Now they're making working on a possible sequal, and a live action movie that could possibly happen someday. Robotech is more alive than ever!
  3. Give DVD's away to a friend, buy the bluray set. That way you get karma pints for double purchasing.
  4. I've been watching FMA Brotherhood streaming, and so far, I like where this version is going a lot better than the original.
  5. LOL, gotta love Kevin Smith.
  6. Nope, that wasn't the time someone threatened to sue me online.....
  7. I wonder if the Macross II Macross will blow up when it tries to do its SP special
  8. Don't remember names, what was the subject?
  9. I was banned from the Working Designs forum when I called Victor Ireland an ignorant racist for thinking he was improving games by ripping out all the Japanese dialogue (at this point it had escalated to overdubbing the spell casting in Lunar SSS-C), and going too far in story/joke rewrites. Now the company is complete defunct (and by default I win!!). Banned her for a week for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!, but I got over that eventually, mods were tossing out bans like they were candy that week, and while I had psoted "in" a topic, I hadn't been involved in the hijinks. I WANT MY WEEKS POSTING ABILITIES BACK DAMNIT!!! ::sigh:: Back in my more rebellious internet youth, I mostly posted on un-moderated sites where flame wars were epic and free as the old west. And then of course there was usenet where there was never anyone to give a f^ck. Heaven help anyone who aws naive enough to post anything even remotely fanfic like on AFM, I'd dissect that puppy & rip it to shreds sentence by sentence. Good times. And then there was my peroid of time as epic Eva guru. To date, I've yet to be banned from the robotech.com forums, though I rately post there anymore either. I mostly just log in to get points every day to one day enter that exclusive officers lounge, and find out all their HG secrets!
  10. It boils down to this. It was established in court that Big West owns Macross, its concepts, designs, derivatives, etc outright. Tatsunoko owns the international distribution & merch for the original Macross series internationally (outside of Japan). Tatsunoko tried to contest the ruling, and were shot down. Harmony Gold applied for a copyright on the name "Macross" in the U.S., and attained it. They use this to try & blockade all attempts at licensing Macross series/products (despite not being included in what Tasunoko, and by proxy they have), on that contention alone. To date, no one has wanted to spend the cash in court to tell them otherwise, which is a damn shame. My question, shouldn't our courts ackonwledge the ownership of the name/etc internationally by its rightfull owners?
  11. i've put so much mileage on my PSP with Ace Frontier & the Gundam Battle games alone, seriously consider checking them out.
  13. Capslock is a privelidge, not a right!
  14. I'm currently at around 156 hours into Ace Frontier...
  15. That's why the expanded browser features would be optional depending on who would want to spend on a bigger memory stick. Do I see hanger stats for Sivil on the left page there??? Nope, on second thought, looks like the YF-19. But I do see a VF-0 with Ghost Booster.
  16. Seconded. Also, can't it be linked to with a NSFW warning?
  17. Possible backfire, "if" the WB movie gets made, and "if' its popular (admittedly to huge ifs), HG risks some company with bigger pockets swooping in for those rights. Tatsunoko will only renew with HG as long as its profitable. If someone ever tossed more cash their way...
  18. I heard it was coming to all the new consoles, in fact, I just found this exclusive footage of it.
  19. Just bring a delicious pie with you, they'll back down OMG, THAT'S THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEMS! IF WE CAN GET BANDAI TO ORDER PIE CATERING, THERE'S NO WAY HG WILL TRY TO BLOCK THEM RELEASING MACROSS! Damn, it's been right under our noses too! Problem solved, everyone enjoy.
  20. Hmm, I'll only cosider Klan if it's Fast Pack Klan!
  21. We'll see, they may be able to justify the cost iwth the popularity of the first game.
  22. Almost there, out of 30 pilot characters, I only have 17 or so left to go.
  23. You don't equip super/strike parts per say, rather you unlock alternate versions of fighters that have them. In Ace Frontier, only the Armored VF-1J, Super VF-1A (Hikaru), & Strike VF-1S (Hikaru & Roy) are available as unlockables for the VF-1. Hopefully Ultimate Frontier will have more, such as a Super VF-1S Roy, & Super VF-1J Max & Milia.
  24. Skip to what end? IT NEVER ENDS!
  25. BAH! I hit a snag in my quest to have all pilots with 100% stats. The stupid small vajra doesn't seem to have a block ability, which means it can't raise its block stat! Right now it's stuck at 23, which I think is what it started at, has anyone had any luck raising that stat?
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