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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Wow.. Regardless, this is truly one of the most legendary, though inane anime stunts ever.
  2. Hit start, 3rd from the bottom option.
  3. It's just one of those random weirdness shows that doesn't have to make any sense, either you dig them, or you don't.
  4. It's not about whether you like the VF-1 or not, it's S ranking all the missions so you can way overpower your mecha!
  5. Did they ever port SRW Alpa 1 or 2 to PSP? Seems like an easy decision, and no one apparently wants to part with their PS2 copies.
  6. You know, I was thinking about something like that, more specifically the "play all" feature on one of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD's, that plays every episode on screen at the same time.
  7. If you did YOUR research, you would have been able to tell him that in the future, it is Japan which will take over America!
  8. F*ck, I can barely keep up with Guitaroo Man, I never want to play that game ever, no matter how catchy the song is. Project Diva, not weird backwards shoooter.
  9. Graham, Gundam Battle Universe, nearly as fun as Ace Frontier!
  10. 177 hours, 8 pilots left (not counting the defense stat on the small vajra, grrr). You still haven't done the Macross campaign? For shame!
  11. If anyone knows how to do archived web searches, look up macross.co.uk from before the page reboot (i.e. before zero came out) to fin dthe info. Aren't there also several court transcripts archived in this (or previous incarnations) that have been translated? I've been following this issue for shy of a decade, and unfortunately, all news sources have been lost to the ether of the net. I can tell you this whole feasco started when Gametek went under. They licensed "Robotech Crystal Dreams" from HG, and when their assets were picked up by I want to sy Activision (but not necessarily), whichever company picked up their stuff looked at the license they purchased from HG, and decided it meant that "they" own all Robotech. HG promptly sued them & put them in their place, but now took the stance that "they own all Macross" that we know & love today. When it comes down to it, HG hasn't shown proof of anything they clam, ever. Big West on the other hand has court transcripts. The tell tale is that HG hasn't used Macross designs in any new animation, ever. They used some stock footage in "The Sentinels," but considering they made those drastic changes to "Rick Hunter" in Shadow Chronicles, and didn't so much as even come close to using the word 'Zentradi" in the aforementioned film, says far more than anything they've claimed. Sure they've whored out the designs in video games, comic books, & toys, all those fal under the merch license that we already know they have. Hell, if you look at any of the Shadow Chronicles documentaries, you'll find stock footage & mention of Mospeada & Southern Cross, re-use of those designs, but not so much as a hint about Macross. Until HG dares to use a Macross design in new animation (and I won't count their mangling of the DYRL flight suit in Sentinels), I don't think they can even remotely claim to own anything "Macross" aside from merch righst, distribution of the already existing animation, and the trademark they shiftily applied for. The proof is in the pudding afterall. If HG did own "Macross" outside of Japan, they should have no problem requesting masters of Plus, II, DYRL, 7, Zero, Frontier, etc, from Japan since they'd have "right to them" no questions asked, and be supplied with them. There's also the case of the AnimEigo remaster of Macross. HG basically forbode AnimEigo from getting decent quality video masters from Japan, so they had to deal with the filmstock HG had (note that HG is unable to get new filmstock from Japan themselves). On AnimEigo's mailing list, they did let it slip that they went back to Big West to get decent audio tapes to remaster from (since HG's Japanese audio was in horrid shape). Flash forward a few years, ADV now has the remastered video AnimEigo used for their release, but for some reason, the Japanese audio is entirely different. Compare the two releases, and you'll note the Japanese audio on ADV's release is crackily, degraded, and all around substandard. Why? AnimEigo dealt with Big West themselves for that audio, and as such didn't have to surrender it to HG when their license expired.
  12. What inference? It doesn't get any more cut and dry than the company actually involved in the creation of the series detailing what they own after prooving it in court. You may also remember a few years ago, Tokyopop "licensed" the Macross 7 Trash manga through a french company who'd translated it. They also went through HG to substanciate their license and announced it through Robotech.com. 1 day later, all news was pulled, and Big West laid the smack upon them.
  13. Don't have a direct link, but after the Japanese court cases, Big West had a complete spread on their page (in english) detailing what their rights covered. Including intellectual properties, designs, concepts, specific characters & designs, etc.
  14. I thought the Voltron Movie was long scrapped. Crazy.
  15. "MW Con: We may not like you, but we won't hit you with a pie!" Sidenote, kinda sad I didn't go, but wound up being pretty busy this weekend. Maybe next year. Did you guys have any kind of Ace Frontier tourney?
  16. Hmm, any of you Japanese fans know how to raise the defense stat of the Small Vajra (Bajura S) in the PSP game Macross Ace Frontier? Feel free to post over here! Hell, wonder if they'd visit if we set up a seperate international area.
  17. Registering for a Japanese PSN account (which would be a bit harder without a PS3, buying a Japanese PSN point card with enough for the game, (which are offered through some import shops), and then the slow as all hell speed that the PSP actually downloads games from the playstation store. Get a 3000 model and save yourself the headache. Either Domestic or import, you're good. They may even do a custom Macross PSP with ultimate frontier, I think there was a custom with ace frontier.
  18. If you've seen Irresponsible Captain Tylor, he had a good comic role as Yamamato.
  19. They'll have the increase the maps even more if they want to fit in any of those gunships though.
  20. I am talking about Sho Hayami, the only man to play Max Jenius in any incarnation. He was also Nicholas D. Wolfwood in Trigun, amongst many other parts. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ople.php?id=724
  21. As long as they're TV VF-1's, and not movie VF-1's, which they've shiftily incorporated into their toyline. Nor should Macross 7/VFX-2 VF-1X's count towards their profit line.
  22. Sadly, the duet (and Mari version in general for that matter), is one of the few Macross songs I don't have.
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