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Everything posted by Keith

  1. In other news, damn, the R1 Haruhi season 1 DVD's upscale incredibly nicely.
  2. 205!
  3. LOL, I'm loving tihs fandub/re-edit more and more. I can't tell if you're joking or not, but I'm pretty sure absolutely none of that is true. The only remote hint of cross-involvement was the toyline.
  4. Really? This tempts me to dig out my Saturn. Does it output through Component?
  5. Does Toynami sell enough toys to bankroll the HG staff? I can't help but assume Robotech DVD sales have all but dried up now, and the few novelties they sell off their site couldn't possibly finance their payroll roster.
  6. Just replace "All Along The Watchtower" with "Protoculture." PERFECT! You sir have a bright future at HG. Hell, if I had the resources & time, I'd actually consider doing a dub edit of BSG into a Robotech Live Action Movie. The comic value alone would be worth it. Universe get someone on that!!
  7. That's why I specified "next new"
  8. Stupid youtube uploaders, only caught the first & last 3rds, but really, I've watched this damn thing so many times now.. I'll say this. The ending here would have been epic, had this been the "3rd" repetition. I can tell you I would have been on the edge of my seat anticipating every moment of it, marvelling at the simplicity of the solution (even after having guess, and read translations of the novel chapter ending to comfirm my guess), it would have been one hell of a 3 part ride. However, the me after watching this episode for the 8th time just can't feel anything about it. Which is sad because I really really want to. It's a well done story, nicely executed conclusion, coherently makes sense, but there's one factor that the studio forgot when planning their prank. Kyon has his memory whiped after each interval, with faint deja vu traces to remind him. The viewer remembers each and every minute of watching the same damn thing 8 times. Botom line, fail for ruining the story, with the side note that we can all luckily watch any variationof only 3 episodes of this when it hits home release, and hopefully by then, the bad taste will be gone. Now, the next new episode better be so freakin' epic that I totally forget this stunt. I'm talkin Live Alive epic. You'll excuse me while I go watch the missing middle part that's now been uploaded, I can only assume I've got some deep rooted OCD for even remotely thinking I need to see the animation variations that I missed..
  9. Is it really? Is it REALLY REALLY OVER!?? IS THERE A NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW? Wait a minute, was there ever a Haruhi Suzumiya episode that wasn't Endless Eight? I've heard rumors, and have faint traces of memory, but I dont' know if I can trust even that.
  10. Focusing on it how? Does anyone honestly think WB would let any of their staff, let alone Yune anywhere near an official studio production? Licensing is just that, far more likely than not, WB is/would be putting together their own team to work on things, while the HG gang hang out & decide how to spend their sweet sweet check. There's no reason for a production hold up right now, they just have no idea how to put out anything better than Shadow Chronicles, which was pretty freakin' gheto by animation standards (not even getting into writing, acting, etc). Let me put it this way, what usually goes on when say an X-Men movie is announced. Almsot without fail, there's a new animated series in the works to make sure to cash in on the hype. HG on the other hand seems to be taking the complete opposite approach with "We'll hang out and wait unitl this live action production gets finished, then we'll do something, because we're soo busy with our tranny prostitudes with fake boobs." At this point, I'd guess at one of two scenarios: -The deal with WB cost them a little something more than usual, likely due to the risk involved for WB. That being WB either wanted no competing media out there while they work on their movie, or WB wants to profit share should HG release anything. or -Tommy Yune just can't figure out how to write himself out of the hole he created with Shadow Chronicles, since not only are the bulk of the Mospeada cast MiA, & "Rick Hunter" sucked into a mystery hole, but he left his main cast roaming through space on a lightly armed (if that) ship that has no crazy nukes, no huge beam cannons, and apparently not much of a fighter escort either (not that it would matter since most of their pilots were killed off). Hell, they didn't even seem to leave with much in the way of food or supplies (unless they hung a u-turn back to Earth to stock up). Likely he was hoping to find something in Frontier that he could rip-off, but since he left Yellow in the Abyss of rewrite plot holes, he has no way to incorperate a cross-dressing ace pilot main character. Not to mention Robotech has played the ancient superpower alien race card a few too many times.
  11. Noriko Hidaka as Noriko Takaya If Noriko Hidaka did drugs, her Onee sama would come kick her ass!
  12. Ok, I've moved on to S ranking all the freeplay versions of the regular missions, and still no Minmay. Next up is to try attaining all cad titles (not missing very many at this point), and if that doesn't work, the dreaded go through "each" story mission with "each" unit... Think I'll save that option for last. BTW, Looking at my player card, it would seem I have all icons except for one, right inbetween the blonde operator & the first destroid. I assume it's Misa, but since I have her unlocked as an operator, it's curious that she's not unlocked via icon yet...
  13. Honestly, it's not likely to arrive before mid/late november, don't sweat it right now.
  14. Don't hold your breath, why do that when they can make sweet sweet money on selling downloads. Hell, you can't even download games off of more than one PSN account without having to register/re-register your PSP to play between them. Really, the market for the "Go" won't be those who already have PSP's, they're already portable. It'll be thsoe who don't, and want the ease of....why is the lack of UMD's better again? If there's an innovation to come with the Go, ti should be an improved web browser, better java, youtubde, and the use of the memory stick to increase the cache.
  15. Which side would that be? The side where they forcibly try to exploit something that isn't theirs, prevent legitimate licensors from working with, and generally bully around something they'll never "truly" be able to have? Or the side where they churn out the same redundant crap because they have no idea how to make a quality product, so they just milk the disdended Macross & Mospeada teet infinitum. Perhaps you mean the side where they kick their own fanbase in the nuts for wanting something new that can never truly be provided, and when such things are attempted all they give are "The Sentinels" & Shadow Chronicles." Maybe you just mean the side where Tommy Yune churns out the absolutely most masculine looking female fanart possible. Please, enlighten me to which "side" you're referring to. While I'm waiting I'll continue to contemplate why there are no Macross Frontier & Zero Blu-rays with english subtitles on the horizon, to go with the Macross 7 & Plus HD remaster box sets with English subs that I'll also apparently never have.
  16. Melee all targets, destroy crate, melee more, destroy crate, repeat. Then take out the VF-1's as quick as possible when they appear.
  17. Since do facts have anything to do with the law?
  18. Or they can just continue to ban & ignore any malcontent fans like they always do, much easier. As for a reboot, I've been saying that forever. Bringing up Exosquad again, just enough influence to see where it blatantly came from, with enough originality to tand on its own.
  19. I was just going through some old links, and re-discovered these. both songs fit the scenes scarily well.
  20. The only thing better would be if due to some bizarre manufacturing error, you attempted to watch E.T. on DVD, loaded it up, and Tron started to play.
  21. The issue was waiting for hacked firmware updates that newer games require, vs playing newer games without waiting for said updates.
  22. Well, have you considered picking up a regular PSP for regular game play, and keeping the hacked one for hacked stuff?
  23. The Strike pack? Or the bootleg quality head-sculpt?
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