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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Damn a posable Nono figure all buster machine'd out would be sweet. Spinning leg lasers & all.
  2. "It's evil, don't touch it!"
  3. I stadn by my statement, the DVD's look pretty freakin' good upscaled. As does Gurren lagann.
  4. Also pre-ordered the limited, because I can't resist anything with the Nyan Nyan name!! Also BATTLE 7 HAS THE GUNSHIP IN ITS HAND! YES!!More changes need to include Battle Frontier being able to fire while in cruiser.
  5. Sweet, hopefully this game will have all Macross music, and no trademark vs music, not that I disliek the vs music, but it really has no place in a Macross game. I also hope that is only a preliminary track listing, for one thing you can't have a Dynamite campaign with Angel Voice, that's just inane!
  6. Unfortunately, the goals are a lot more random in Ace Frontier than they were in the Gundam games. Something I hope they tighten up in the next game.
  7. This interests me greatly now!
  8. Now this I'll go see, Terry Gilliam is full of infinate kinds of awesome. Also for those who don't know, he's finally got "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" back on track for production next year.
  9. The ending was totally another Escaflowne cock-tease! Also similar main characters with feathers.
  10. Damn Ishtar looks hot, almst makes me want a bluray of Macross II...
  11. No, it's more like a combination of Escaflowne, Arjuuna, & Godannar.
  12. I've been trying to wait for the DVD release (what the hell is wrong with you Funi), but of the few episodes I've watched so far, I really like it, much more than the all too DBZ syndromed Bleach.
  13. Same goes for when Warner closed their animation department (killing Animainacs, Pinky & the Brain) after The Iron Giant. Just because the fools had no idea how to market a mvoie!
  14. I know, and unfortunately, I'm still having trouble with a good number of those single pilot missions too. I've got them all regular S'd, but the gold SS seems to illude me. I've had some luck with using the Macross + Misa skill, and having 3 backups use Glabil. The upside to that combo, is that all the Glabil's have barrier shields, & spiritia beams. The Spiritia beam if it connects will stop a target in its tracks, making it an easy target & stopping it from attacking you while affected. The downside to using any backup is that if they tke damage it lowers your score. As for the Macross, its got a quicker recovery time from its Macrsos Cannon special than Battle Frontier, and if you use the Misa skill before the cannon, it'll do a ton of damage, and if you're lucky kill the target if you were able to hit it with enough missiles first. A good trick with Bodolza, is to use all Gigil's mecha as your backups, since you can only damage him in the face, and they'll freeze him almost all of the time. if only all of levels were that easy.
  15. Not as hard as it looks, the trick is to 1: only use melee attacks in battroid, and 2: don't kill the Large Vajra unless there's nothing else on screen. This is one of those missions where waves of small vajra will continue to spawn (not infinately thankfully) as long as the large vajra are there. The tricky part is being careful of what you're locked on to. If you find yourself locked onto the large vajra, just hold down on the crosspad while hitting the target button to switch to a weaker target. That should get you an SS. As for me, I've only got 2 regular campaign missions that I can't gold SS. -Hold Up -The Vermillion If anyone know's the trick to those, I'd appreciate it.
  16. Exosquad is dead, the production staff have moved on, the animation studio is closed. Be extremely happy if we even get the second season on DVD.
  17. That's because it was an MMORPG, those don't count!
  18. Where do you think the masters came from?
  19. What are you worried about you have "Shrimp" and "Geisha Saw"
  20. Wow, is that real? Just wow.
  21. That's more to do with Kyoto being cocks over the sheer notion that R1 fans would want broadcast order DVD's.
  22. Not to gloat, but Ive been using Misa exclusively non-stop for months, have 100% maxed out hearts, and without skiping the dialogue, have never encountered this bug.
  23. I imagine Tommy Yune ripped up all his fanart design proposals for "Shadow Rising" through him in his little desk trash can, then quietly walked into the bathroom to cry in a stall. And now that we've stumbled upon the genius of taking Battlestar Galactica & re-writing "Shadow Rising" to reflect a not so subtle riip-off of that, he's likely doing the same thing. Of course I also like to imagine that someday Gedde Watanabe will walk into the HG offices and and then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx_UJxuQGXo
  24. Prepaire for epic awesome during the second half of the show!
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