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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Best thing I can reccomend is to use a Valkyrie with a melee special on him, and don't waste any ammo when he turns purple, he's temporarily invincable, so just trasnform & dash away.
  2. This is gonna be a long month...hopefully Gundam Senki will help pass the time.
  3. As I understood it, they were showing the movie "outside' of the actual film festival, in nearby theatres, pretending they were part of Cannes.
  4. Kyon as the camera man is the "observer" in both the fiction & reality of it. And Gurren Lagann actually is "the best thing in the universe."
  5. Me, I leveled up a bunch of crap, and want to start off super powerful! Actually, tune points likely will carry over, but you'll still have to unlock the stat limiter to use the bulk of them.
  6. aWESOME! VF-22S(GK) Gamlin Kizaki comfirmed! In addition to the already mentioned VF-4. As for a bonus for Ace Frontier save data, I hope at the very least it's carried over tune points, and at best carried over heart levels.
  8. Damn you kids, you've never seen "Mork & Mindy" ? That is a character from the aforementioned show named "Exidor" that predates the Macross character by several years, and suspiciously has the same haircut.
  9. Someone get on those scans STAT!
  10. NCS is based in New York, so they are an american based store, just not a physical one.
  11. The Yamato is special, it's the freakin' Yamato!
  12. NCSX has been around forever, and are super reliable.
  13. Well, to be fair, being on the Bridge in a Robotech ship is the absolute most dangerous place you can be. Hell, nearly all of the original bridge crew died when the Daedelus arm was hit in the original series I think they're designed like those ST:NG bridges where nothing is grounded, and any hit the ship takes automatically surges up to the bridge and kills anyone near a panel. Macross bridges on the other hand are the safest place in the universe. Hell, in Macross II, the whole ship went up, but the bridge coasted down to safety.
  14. In fact, did they ever explain how "Rick" suddenly massively outranked "Lisa" ??
  15. OMG, Daria, what are you doing!
  16. Something odd I noticed. You may recall how I was trying to figure out why I didn't have the Misa icon in my cards icon list. Playing around a little more today, she actually is there, when I access the card through the hanger menu options. when I go from the main menu to settings, it's still a question mark there. Stranger yet still, I can set it form in game hanger menu, but not from that settings option...?
  17. If that's the LE cover, then I'm glad I pre-ordered that version!! Although Sheryl should be more prominent!!
  18. I thought the current robotech fanbase was a-sexual, what the hell would they do with a porno?
  19. Games aren't locked, just UMD movies.
  20. Minor updates, looks like another showing of the limited track list (I really hope the Nyan Nyan shop winds up beefing it up), and a bit of info about Ishtar & the VF-2SS under the system tab.
  21. Leave it to Grace to save us from evil spambot A.I.'s!
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