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Everything posted by Keith

  1. it'll go by like that. Now waiting for the shipment to arrive at your home, that's gonna feel like forever!
  2. No, that was just Kawamori's Ultimate Cock-Tease technique, MINMAY LOCKET KICK!
  3. Then you are on the path of kicking common sense to the curb to make the impossible possible!
  4. Sam Raimi hates Venom, and wanted everyone to know. Kinda like how Kevin Smith hates clowns, and showed everyone in "Vulger."
  5. I think they should do a hip new 2010 version of the franchise, and truly make them "FANTASTIC!" That's right, and all gay version of the FANTASTIC!" 4.
  6. Forgive me if this is a stupid quetion, by why bother contacting Steve, when he's part of the machine that implemented the fanwank politics as company rule? Do you honestly think Frank Agrma/Ahgama/Agarutter? is the one who said "don't let them badmouth us on hte internet!" Hell no, it was the new fanboys put in charge who implemented the zero toleranc policy to protect their ego's from the fact that "everyone" hates fanfiction, and that's all that's going on there now.
  7. Everyone knew this would happen as soon as "Sentai Filmworks" popped up, it's called weaseling out of debts. When CPM went under, they did it with style, using their last breath's to make the best possible Votoms releease as they could A shining moment in the life of a mediocre company. When Geneon went under, it was because the Japanese parent company pulled the plug, but wiseley sold off its assets to Funimation, the "who the hell woul have thought" new king on the block. With ADV going down, it's more of a "you sneaky bastards, you set your own house on fire to collect the insurance money, whilehanging out in Hawaii to wait for things to blow over." Not even remotely as sad.
  8. A: You don't have enough Anima Spiritia, SING HARDER! B: You did it wrong.
  9. That's not true, I'm up to 240 h ours on Ace Frontier... I'm hoping Gundam Senki helps curb both habbits.
  10. Why, that'd ruin my near decade of covert ops work to get into the super secret commanders boards so I can find out all their fiendish robotech secrets!
  11. I keep my Shadow Chronicles Blu-ray next to my import DVD of Space Gundam V & DVD of Robotech II: The Sentinels, does that count? Oh the horror... Oh come on, everyone know's I'm Robotech fan community enemy #1 (there's even a web page about it), and I've yet to be banned from Robotech.com, in fact, I'm up to master doodle deally guy, nearly up to lieutenant ultra detective!
  12. Just Zero on Blu-ray, and damn, apparently I'd never seen it before
  13. Macross 7 is full contained extreme levels of hot blooded manlyness, sadly a bit too much for some of the fanbase to take. That's ok though, because Macross 7 is still there for you when you've matured enough to understand it!
  14. Says you, MGS4 is definately my killer app! Speaking of which, when you get up to playing MGO, look up SMS Skull Team.
  15. Yeah, that sounds like Sony.
  16. Graham wanted to know if his was compatable with Japanese UMDs if they put the lock on there.
  17. Stupid bandai for not picking up those Haruhi shorts...!
  18. Glad I never picked up either game, looks like I'll snag this version.
  19. It'll be easier once you unlock the era limiter (letting you bring in Valkyries from any era).
  20. With Sexy Results!
  21. In true Ayanami fashion, I'd say Yuki has some feeling for Kyon, hence her ceasing to wear glasses.
  22. The 3000 actually doesn't require that you have a prog-scan tv, but a setting for it may need to be adjusted. As for your router, look up your manufacturer's page, and search your model number, they should have all the info you need to set it back up (default passwords & what not to log into the router for a first time setup). After that, it's a simple matter of selecting your encryption type (don't think DS will take above wep, but PSP/PS3 will take about anything), setting up your password, re-running the connection scan, and you're good to go. Also, pre-order your copy of Ultimate Frontier!!
  23. That's awesome. Considering I have a chipped PS2, does it just require downloading & burning to a disc?
  24. Definately crossing my fingers that Bandai will forget to put a region code on the UMD.
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