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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The Macross & Mechwarrior fan community should somehow come together. Hell, I don't mind sharring our Destroid's with them, as long as they don't produce any more of that Battletech cartoon crap!
  2. Damnit, this is MacrossWorld, we're too freakin' old to give a crap about yu-gi-oh. Hell, I care more about the shitty VR Troopers series, or the Samurai Super Cyber Lawrence Bros's, or the Big Bad Jay Lenno Clown Beetle Borgs than freakin' Yu-Gi-Oh, and I don't give a crap about those shows either!
  3. Is there really anoynce left interested enough in Robotech DVD's for it to be an issue? They've been out for nearly a decade, can't imagine any robotech fans who would want them would still need them.
  4. Hmm, out of curiosity, how novel accurate was the newest episode? For some reason that level of power display just didn't feel right to me.
  5. Solution: Just call the "Bamco" that's what I do
  6. Basara doesn't need to grow or change as a character, he was right to begin with, knew exactly what he needed to do, and everyone else in the freakin' universe had to catch up to "him."
  7. Solution game designers, remove one arm cannon, replace it with a hammer, paint it black, and call it "The Shadow Cronc" HG can't touch you!
  8. Solution, watch it subtitled!
  9. ::goes to look at picture:: Bullshit, that thing barely resembles a Tomahawk anymore, stfu HG!
  10. Wow, discovered a sure fire way to crash the game hard today. Freeplay + 4 Bodolza's + attempting any type of tentacle attack = Super crash & freeze. Hell, it even caused the graphics to freak out, and the hud to go all wonky. I haven't seen that since a cartridge game
  11. Hmm, Bill Gate's crushing HG...if only!
  12. It all goes to pot when games are considered on the merch side of the dispute, rather than the intellectual property side.
  13. That's a habbit you've got to break her of immediately!
  14. Nope, Funi's got the slayers seasons, including the new one. ADV had the movies & OVA's.
  15. The simple solution of course being "put the damn subtitles on there to begin with. This is why I'm mad Bandai Visual U.S. went under, their positioning was going to lead to just these types of developements. i.e. 1 disc for international sales period, and also simultanious multi-country releases. Gundam Unicorn fortunately will carry on this spirit.
  16. I'm sure there are links with sources & whatnot over at animeondvd. But around the time ADV licensed (and thankfully lost) Gurren Lagann, they way over exerted their funds, Newtype USA just died, who know's how much money they blew consulting Weta digital on the Eva movie project a couple years ago, and the Japanese backer they pulled in said "uh huh, you guys are teh suck at banking) and left with whatever licenses they paid for. Those licenses got split between Funimation & Bandai btw. Next thing you know, "Sentai Filmworks" pops up, and all the writing was on the wall.
  17. 96 back when I had a dream about a show I hadn't seen in nearly 10 years. In it, the ship had been called the "Macross" instead of the "SDF-1", and it made so much sense, I had to investigate why my mind had made that change. And so my love of the "true" Macross began. BTW, looks like Manga has finally started to dip their toes into blu-ray. HG has failed to contest their Plus license, dare we dream Manga could go for licensing the HD remaster of Plus, and pop that onto bluray (since they'd only ruin it on a DVD..)?
  18. Macross 7's technology is quite believable within the realm of unbelievable Macross technology. -All life produces energy -The more passionate you are, the more pure the energy you produce is -That energy can be amplified. As for execution, ya'll need to stop confusing your not liking a pilot who sings instead of shoots as shallow story telling. Basara & Isamu are 99% the same character type, minus the womanizing.
  19. Trailer looks solid. Writing & directing is in place, actors are in place, think I'll relax on this on and not expect the worse. Although Judd Nelson doesn't quite feel right.
  20. And don't you forget it!!
  21. Visual, since Entertainment doesn't do Japanese releases.
  22. Bah, you shouldn't be playing with anything lower than Master Grade anyway.
  23. Bootleg's in China you say?!
  24. Dub? Useless, Subtitles? If they were going to, they would have. Check out the upcoming Unicorn OVA spec's, there will be English subs there. But sadly, no subtitles again for Macross fans...
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