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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You might as well give up anime all together.
  2. Warning her against getting involved with (gang?) members, and blaming her for making him fight are two different things. And yeah, Basara was mad at Ray for arming his Valkyrie without telling him, but he was also clearly pissed at himself for using them in desperation, regardless of the outcome, Basara was someone who believed there was always a better way. He made sure later to find that way.
  3. Guy's, don't get colony fleet mixed up with NMC (New Macross Class) colony fleet. I'd wager that Galaxy is the 51st colony fleet, and 21st New Macross Class. Frontier obviously being the 25th.
  4. Seconded. On the bright side, with BV releasing their first (non BE prompted) bluray, chances are good we'll get a bluray home release.
  5. Not liking Reba West has nothing to do with musical taste's, and everything to do with shitty dubbing.
  6. Haruhi, because of her inherent super genius, never had to have a group cram/study session, so it was a social event that was foreign to her. Hanging out with everyone in a relaxed, natural, and unforced setting was just the type of summer activity she craved for 500 YEARS AND 8 FREAKIN' EPISODES!
  7. Just what the hell is the doujin community doing not jumping on this, for shame. Although shy of Sheryl & Ranka, Macross never has been much on the doujin circuit.
  8. Again, Bassara felt "disengaged" because Macross 7 was designed to take you along with the universe in catching up to Basara. Mylene & Gamlin are the perfect audience windows for following along with him, and learning to understand him. And then of course there are those of us who from scene one jump up and yell "F^CK YEAH, this is awesome." And in the end, I don't care if you don't get it, because this show was apparently made for me!
  9. I demand pictures! And not of Macross 13!!
  10. Our sweet little ANN is growing up, and on its way into becoming just like the big boys of media
  11. OMG, I can't believe it, Betty was a futa the whole time!
  12. She's the most powerful entity known to man, a irch heiriss
  13. Rocky Horror is so easy to find in the U.S., it's cheaper & more easily attained than water. lAmost makes me want to ship you a copy
  14. So young, so naive. It's exactly that kinda thinking that brings idiocy like robotech into existence. You're welcome to hang out here, but I question your desire to do so since you have no idea what hot blooded passionate anime is all about.
  15. Memo's been here, and is perfectly capable of viewing other topics/forums, he obviously can't handle that Sheryl's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
  16. Haven't seen Eva 2.0 or Frontier yet (obviously), so I'm gonna have to go with Star Trek.
  17. You know, you bring up a very interesting point. HG is treading a dangerous line, should they somehow magically somehow make Robotech popular, Tatsunoko could pull the rug out from under them, demanding all since "they" are the ones who actually own what HG has.
  18. Except ADV isn't actually dead, they've just shed their skin & slithered into a new name.
  19. True enough, Q, Charlie X, & V-Ger ain't got nuthin' on Haruhi.
  20. I think they just didn't try hard enough.
  21. Thought of that, but I like that someone around here runs around calling him "Lick Hunter" so I went with that.
  22. Here's my quick & dirty go.
  23. Which is why I said to watch it subtitled!!
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