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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Points for a direct relivent argument at A1's gut!
  2. Dude that she shoots in the head? Didn't you catch that they were all Degwin's kids? Giren being the oldest wields power comparable with his father, which is why he was able to fire the Solar Ray unchallenged.
  3. If you're referring to the frame error when Bodolza is going up, I'm pretty sure that predate's the remaster, but for some reason it's much more apparent. And while we're at it, damn the soundtrack needs to be cleaned up. Again, all the audio pops & DYRL were present before, by the remaster makes them so much more obvioius. After seeing Honneamise on bluray, as well as various other classic animated features, I have no doubt DYRL can look awesome, the care just needs to be put into it, and the guy sitting around with the auto tools needs to be fired.
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=764518
  5. Solution? Watch the original Mospeada!
  6. You could consider it magic, or you could go the other route. The Protoculture essentially figured out how to deconstruct, re-assemble, and shape, the building blocks of life any way they saw fit. What you are considering "magic,' is little more to PC science than upgrading a machine. The Vajra's neural network presides in their digestive tracts (eww), and happen to be a highly complex super computer form. Neurons & circuits aren't fundamentally different, one just occurs naturally, while the other occurs through man made recreation of that science. Spiritia? An amplification of the electical waves that the human brain already operates on. Anima Spiritia? A speicfic type of energy that hacks through other's software & inspire's them to get along better, while invigorating them at the same time. Hell, Kawamori's whole direction from Plus & 7 onwards was to blur the lines between man & machine, to what ends we've yet to see. Maybe it's more of a commentary on the way things are already headed, presented in a much more dynamic mecha way than Ghost in the Shell. But the basic principles are the same they've always been, fighting begets more fighting, and compromise & understanding are still the best ways at achieving peace.
  7. No, I say accept Macross II now!
  8. Or more likely, the Macross in Macross II isn't the original, it's another production model like the SDF-04 Global, and the planet it takes place on wouldn't necessarily be Earth, but a distant outskirts colony world (that also happens to have a moon, and a planet named Jupiter..) This would also explain the necessity for the Culture park, instead of literally being said landmarks, they'd be recreations of them to give a sense of "home."
  9. I've seen Hidden Fortress, own it too. Great movie, but not instantly recognizable as Star Wars. On the same token, I also own & Love Uchuu Senkan Yamato, & Gundam, but those aren't instantly recognizable as Macross either.
  10. You know, i really didn't accept Macross II until the last episode of Frontier. Following through that series with its inclusion of the Global, and the various custom imigration fleets finally opened a window in Macross canon for II to exist. To be honest, the when Grace sent the Vajra after the various fleets (specifically the Macross 11 fleet), I initially thought it said "Macross II," and something clicked. My main problem with II (aside from the total retread of DYRL), the culture park didn't make sense, the funky changes to the Macross didn't make sense, the Zentradi hulls "still" being used as buildings didn't make sense, the Macross Gunships didn't fit in anywhere else, and the detatchment from any indication that there had been a colonization program (like in FB 2012) just didn't add up. Now with Frontier, we have the SDF-4 Global, which would also for a randomly designated SDF-somethin' Macross II. We have indipendantly funded custom fleets (Macross II pioneered the NUNS name in Macross btw) with individually designed kites (Macross II's NUNS had their own logo), and custom ship design asthetics (like Battle Galaxy) which can explain away strangeness like the Macross's full body canon, and the half Zentradi oversized Macross gunships. Fold Fault's explain away the detatchment from distant Earth & colony fleets (i.e. the inability to call in for backup), and the Galaxy network can attribute the existence of Riding in Your Valkyrie, Only Your Friends, & other Macross II siongs existing in other Macross series (though their origins would place them in Macross 7 era instead of later Macross II era). Stuff like the VF-2SS & Metal Siren can again be attributed to custom fleet designs. So while Macross II still is far from my favorite Macross, I can finally accept it as "a" true Macross series.
  11. The only specific's people need to know, are that LOVE WILL SAVE YOUR HEART! LOVE WILL LIGHT THE LIGHT!!
  12. Speaking of which, did Toynami ever get patent rights to the molds of the various Macross toys with their individual specific transformation styles that they've ripped off? I still say there's room for Bandai to ream them.
  13. Difference being, GEOREGE LUCAS CREATED FREAKIN' STAR WARS! HG did not create Macross, they own zero in the way of intellectual rights. Kawamori, Nue, BW can call the next series "Macross Macross Macross Macross" if they want, and it doesn't matter, because THEY OWN & CREATED MACROSS! What you're describing is an event where say SW is released in the U.S. in '77, and let's for arguments sake say Tatsunoko decides they want to distribute it in Japan, goes through all the legal mumbo jumbo, and does so. Then immediately file's for trademarks on the name "SW" in as many countries as they can before Lucas/20th Century Fox get an opportunity to, and demands that they pay Tatsunoko money in every country that's not the U.S. that they try to release SW in. Or hell, I'll do you one better, let's just say while all this was going on, Gene Roddenberry put a trademark on the word "Star" in every country including the U.S prior, and demands that EVERYONE pay him for putting the word "Star", and immedately demands royalties be paid for releasing SW, Stargate, Starship troopers, Starman, Star Search, The Next Foodnetwork Star, Star Force, Starburst, Tri-Star pictures.. Do you understand the point? To put it simply, the name "Macross" isn't the same as the name "Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross Dynamite 7, Macross Frontier, Macross Zero, Macross II." That's like saying anything with the name "NInja" in it can be suided because someone decided to trademark "Ninja Scroll." And while the name "Macross" is unique, it still doesn't belong to HG, since any burdon of proof regarding inception of the name would be against them.
  14. I didn't mind the magic or re-incarnation, I didn't mind the mecha, and I actually really wanted to like the show. But borring plus a totally non-rewarding ending = fail!
  15. Not a man for depth? Wouldn't say that, I've just been at this for over a decade, and when you've been at it for as long as I have, you get a feel for how much attention people pay to the defense of 7.
  16. True, but a proper source transfer to BD, with an even hand controlling the DNR, would still look better than the remaster DVD's due to better compression than can be done on DVD. To me, that would be worth it.
  17. What should a normal person take away from the show? A BURNING PASSIONATE HEART, AND A SOUND MORE EXPLOSIVE THAN MISSILES!
  18. They're just jealous Basara had the best kiss in anime ever! Sivil in the alley complete with explosion & busted glasses was freakin' epic!!
  19. Given the nature of the Protoculture, and the prowess they had with altering life on other planets, I'd take Zomeo & Zoliette with a big grain of salt. Do you really think the PC would screw up bad enough to make a potential future member of the Stellar Republic incompabitible iwth teh rest? We see a good share of both Graham & Elma, and I saw no pouches. And even if we assume there are some marsupial pouches of some sort, that still wouldn't rule out genetic incompatability, it would just make it really awkward & strange to have sex, most likely with someone cuming in someone's puch with little in the way of traditional intercourse. THAT'S RIGHT, I WENT THERE, BECAUSE YOU GUYS JUST WOULDN'T DROP IT!! Now flashing back on the various Zolan city shots, does anyone remember seeing babies being carried in flesh pouches in womens belly's? Because I sure as hell don't.
  20. Bottom line, Manga is still releasing Plus & II, on DVD, and Digital media download. Both productions are being released with the name "Macross," and both blow huge holes in any attempt for HG to claim ownership of the name "Macross." Any hard litigation would default back to the ownership of the intellectual property, which resides with BW. What needs to happen? Manga & BE need to decide they want to release more Macross, form a posse, go on down to Big West to get their blessing, come back and blow HG out of the water.
  21. This is why Tomino's Gundam Movie Trilogy is one of the few re-used animation with minimal new animation movie compilations that actually works. He knew he was forced to compromise with the TV story, and streamlined it into awesome for the movies.
  22. Rule #1 for being an anime fan: Not having money for something has absolutely nothing to do with getting something. If you can't afford it, scrimp, scrounge, save, mow lawns (even if you're over 30), and damn, Sigma 2 will be like $30 in 6 months, get the special edition!
  23. I've done everything shy of 11 titles (3 of which I should have met the requirements for and still haven't been awarded), and officially call Shenanigoats on the Minmay durring freeplay thing!!
  24. BTW, you never told us, which one are you, Tommy, Steve, or Kevin?
  25. To be fair, the scenario involving paying royalties to HG is only an absolute in "HG's World." All it would really take is for a company (after paying those licensing fees) to be balsy enough to just ignore HG's threats of litigation. Hell, at thsi point, I think all it would take is a company like Manga to go out and get new masters of Plus from Big West, and release those here. Going by the rule of "we have copyright on the name Macross," Manga's ability to get Plus out the door before those shinanigoats started, and continue to release "Macross" without paying said copyright all these years would kill any litigation HG could try. And bonus, Manga & BE already have a history of working together with Stand Alone Complex.
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