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Everything posted by Keith

  1. To the makers of this, I have but one thing to say. GIANT ROBO CRUSH THEM!
  2. Awesome, I can't wait. Although the greedy gamer in me now wants the types of upgrades applied back to the Gundam Battle series of games. BTW, what was that Mazinger game next to the display, a new SRW?
  3. Not even the mighty "Wanna Be An Angel" can contend with Sheryl. Hell, Sheryl is so awesome, even Marj would abandon Sharon for her!!
  4. That's going excessivly overboard, it's not like she was turning tricks for crack on the street.
  5. Weak Americanization is weak and americanized!
  8. Damn thats sexy, we need that to become a realistic, and a 16:9 reality!
  9. And as good as Plus's soundtrack was, Sheryl's vocals are on a whole higher level than Sharon's.
  10. Yah a show named after a Mylene song Oh and Armed Librarians, can't wait to see that!... Seriously though, only thing there that makes me jump is the new Mahoromatic special, I hope we get that, as well as a domestic release of the upcoming Mahoro-bluray! Actually, is New Three Musketeer's a Gonzo production? I'm still hoping they get around to Hamlet.
  11. I can't help but wonder if Battle Galaxy will have the ability to project a giant ranka...
  12. I'll do no such thing, instead, I'll suggest that he go track down that friend, kick down his door, punch him in the face, and take back his DVD. For like I also said, while there are current boot's with that same title & cover, they're actually the older MI/AC inferior version.
  13. ::Takes out magnifying glass:: OMG, I think I just found the square root of pi!
  14. I also loved "Go Tight" from Aquarion, song fit perfectly with the intro, hell, one of my favorite intro's ever.
  15. Simpler solution, it's a bootleg, just make a copy of yours for your friend. It's not likely it's suddenly going to become more bootleg.
  16. Don't forget somewhat more contemporary examples, such as Ryoko drinking "tea."
  17. OMG this game JUST HAS TO HAVE FAST PACK KLAN KLAN, IT JUST HAS TO!! Damn I'm so happy Chlore is in it, and is it just me, or o all the models look, beefier? Beefer in a good way that is, all the recent picture's, including the trailer, everything just looks a bit bigger & more detailed.
  18. Definately a bootleg, and an OOP one at that, you'll find current boots listed as the same thing, but they're actually the older inferior version.
  19. Turn-A & Frontier!! Also Arjuna!!
  20. Wait a minute, why does that thing use a Wii classic controller?
  21. No, the whole point is whistle while you work makes the job go faster & seem not so cumbersome. Don't think being coy will get you anywhere!
  22. How would you go about ripping a propritary format that doesn't read in anything else but a PSP?
  23. Remember the first episode when Amuro takes out a Zaku, it blows up, and Amuro's dad and someone else get sucked out through the hole in the colony that the exploding Zaku made? His dad floated out in space a bit long before being rescused, and suffered brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
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