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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Despite the super-long Kickstarter delay, Cannon Busters definately seems to have been worth the wait.
  2. Just went up for pre-order today. 11/26/19. https://www.rightstufanime.com/Star-Blazers-Space-Battleship-Yamato-2202-Part-2-BD-DVD
  3. Is that Danny Trejo in the Ride Armor in the right?
  4. Those are wonderful, they really look like the characters from "The Adventures of Mark Twain." ::Looks at topic again::: Wait, these were for Battle Angel???
  5. Kingdom Hearts 4 combo attack?
  6. Look under channels, CBS All Access is an add on for the Prime subscription.
  8. I think you can tack it onto Amazon Prime.
  9. Prepare yourself. I still haven't recovered after almost 15 years.
  10. It however was not the dumpster fire that Valvrave degraded into.
  11. The subs have me even more excited. I wonder what the chances are of a simultaneous worldwide release this time.
  12. I'm still ruminating on it. Loved the season, but soaking in the story implications.
  13. The Earth is angry at this development.
  14. No, I wanted them to both lose & get someone to start a decent domestic release.
  15. Implication - finding a pilot is a singular endeavor, when it actually "also" requires a compatible core to sync with that pilot.
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