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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Hmm, Haruhi movie, plus BV releasing the R2's with English Subtitles (which I'm not importing btw, at least not until there are blurays), equals an awesome chance for a R2 subtitles Haruhi movie bluray release!
  2. No, they don't carry over from MAF, but in MAF, you were limited to base stats for all the EX missions. In MUF, you can use your levelled up mecha in the retitled "Chronicle" missions.
  3. Damn that's such a waste for it all to be a Pachinko game. Come on Big West, we know your dialogue tracks are in good condition, and seperate from your SFX/Music tracks. Macoss 30th is coming: -Redo the animation, widescreen & awesome -Use the exact dialogue tracks -Remix the BGM into modern stereo -New (but similar) SFX = Win!
  4. Back to the game though, just about done unlocking stuff, mostly just the odds & ends in the Nyan Nyan shop, and levelling up stuff to get it ready for Chronicle mode (thank you for letting us use current tune points for these levels!). Also need to go through with the little EX versions of the regular era stages, but damn this game is cool. On the Gundam Battle scale, I'd say if Ace Frontier was at a Battle Royale state of polish, then Ultimate is at a Universe level of polish. Better yet, this engine finally screams Macross. If any given MS from the GB series were to step foot into this game, even the Hi-Nu would get owned like a Zentradi soldier. I think the goal this time around was literally how to mix all the dynamic missile fun of VFX-2 with a modenr version of the GBU engine, and a resounding success it was. Hell, they fullfilled by biggest wish for this game with an awesome rendition of FP-KK, and teased at what might be in the next game by showing off Sivil & Giant Ranka. The only thing that I felt should have been here but wasn't was the VF-11D Kai,, which I fully expect to see along with the Jamming Birds, Docker, Physica & Kinyru, Liza, Support Character Mao, Kim, Shammy, Vanessa, Sally, Miho, & the Frontier girls, Pixie team, Fairy team, Emilia, Chlore, Negative effect support character Exedore TV (singing so bad that it lowers your sides moral), Giant tentacle Exedor (acting something like DYRL Bodolza), Gilliam, Ages (and the rest of the VFX-2 Gang), Battle 13, Valgo, PD Gigil, Zomd & Goram, Hibiki, Dennis, Silvie, Feff, generic Zentradi soldier, playable MII Battle Pod, MiI Destroids, MII Macross Gunship, Nexx, a full VFX2 campaign, a full Macross II campaign. Frontier Moive campaign, a more detailed custom song selection option (i.e. make it easier to customize songs for Sound Force styled attacks), some other random odds & ends that I can't think of right now, and we will truly have the perfect Macross game. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy with what's there now. But just enough tease was left for the next game to leave me wanting it already .
  5. You'll also have to either have a PS3 with a secondary Japanese PSN account (easiest way), or register your PSP Go "only" for a Japanese PSN account (not too tricky). Unlike the PS3, the PSP (currently at least) can only have one active profile, so if it's set to the U.S. or other, you won't be able to get to the Japanese PSN store without deleting that U.S. profile. Also, anything you download is registered to a specific profile, so by no means should you be careless with that information, make the password something easy to remember, and the log in an E-Mail address you intend on keeping for a while. And worse yet, if you plan on downloading anything from the U.S. playstation store, DLC is region coded. So you will have to delete & re-enter your profile each time you want to switch betwen the two countries PSN accounts. Bottom line, you can't play Japanese DLC unless your PSP is currently registered to the Japanese PSN, and vice versa with U.S./E.U. stuff. Like I said, this is all much easier to do with a PS3, since you can just attach via USB, log in to which ever countries PSN, and register/unregister quite quickly.
  6. Guys, is Sivil an unlockable playable character? Because her intro level was freakin' awesome!
  7. Just remember, as fun as it sounds, do "not" use 4 Bodolza's in any of these missions. It will crash the game & freeze your PSP until it restarts itself.
  8. Nope, A3 definately had a prtoto-Shin-Shoryuken. A-ism high kick super. Besides, Sagat got that freakin scar from a Shoryuken, not a Haduken!
  9. Ace Frontier is dead to me, LONG LIVE ULTIMATE!
  10. There are so many nice little touches, I just don't want to spoil them. But damn, the VF-11B's bayonette finally pups up during melee.
  11. I've been playing for the past day + savoring a bit, as I'm playing chronologically, and am just now finishing DYRL, but I can honestly say this is the best Macross, nay, BEST ANIME GAME E-V-E-R-!-! I knew Ace Frontier wasn't finished, but Ultimate is making it look like an early beta. The subtle attention to detail in the story missions is incredible (having to catch Minmay at the end of the first DYRL mission after the gravity system goes down!). The genius foresight of the programmers knowing they couldn't possibly get the license (or afford to at least) all the songs, and letting us slip our own MP3's in, genius! I've opted for normal flight, as "real" just isn't dynamic enough for me with this game, but regardless of which you choose, this game rolls up all the best of the PS2 Macross game, VFX-2, and MAF, for a true mecha porn experience. And while I'm sad that as of yet, it doesn't look like all my sweet sweet tune points will carry over, my titles did (of which I was only missing 11), and over a million missile count did as well. Another nice touch, things seem to be in much better scale this time around. I definately can tell now that Regult's are larger than Valkyries, and Zentradi soldiers are around the same size. I haven't dipped into the enemy mission, or chronicle tabs yet, I want to savor story first, but damn, everything is fitting together soo smoothly this time. And Graham, the save menu is nearly exactly the same. The only difference is that the 3rd option down is where they stuck the settings tab from the last game (auto save, player card, sound levels). But everything else there is exactly the same. Ah, and I haven't played much with the SV-51, but its machine guns still seem fierce, but totally unlevelled they don't last long. I can't wait to get to 7, but I must! The Ghost Booster is soooo awesome! As for anyone having trouble with the AFOS, get behind the mofo, and spam it with gunpod & HM missiles. It'll go down pretty quick. If you still need more help, set your support character to the little sword icon, and save that for when you're about to fight the AFOS and get a good lock on it, since I think you can only use that particular support skill once per battle (for some reason??). Nora & DD? Spam with HM missiles, and use an SP combo on Nora to wittle her down quick. If you don't own a PSP, buy one, then buy this game! If you're still playing Ace Frontier, put that sh!t back in its box, and pop in Ultimate!!
  12. Ah, click reply (next to quote), which should bring up the full posting options, select upload picture, browse, find picture, upload it, then attachment, hit the green picture to add into the post, and bazing, you've uploaded a pic.
  13. Actually, not so impossible. Or I should say, not so impossible to S, SS is another matter. For the single Valkyrie/Q-Rau missions, the SV-51 is your friend, I prefer the Nora type. Equip the Misa skill, fly in by yourself (zero backup, unless it's just too hard which some are), and switch your main weapon to the machine gun. Spend most of your time in fighter, shooting off missiles constantly, but when you get enough SP, use the Misa skill, switch to battroid, SP dash right next to your foe, and unleash the blazing death that is the SV-51's machine gun. Repeat as necessary. If you come out with enough HP, you should get an S. Now for your fights against bitchass foes like Bodolza, stick with the SV-51, but have your 3 other Wingmen in Gigil's mecha. They will use the Spiritia sucker to freeze Bodolza dead in his tracks. Enjoy the free kill fest as you use the Misa skill to increase your killing power, and you should get an SS on him pretty easy. Gepelnitch is a little tricky (stay low) and avoid the beam attack.
  14. The in game video recording option should still have the option of taking a couple snap shots per recording. Those pictures will save to a folder in your picture's folder as jpegs.
  15. Can we get some FP-KK action pic's?! As for Kanaria, Nene, Raramia, & Liza, I'm actually surprised they're not there. Any sign of Emilia? I wouldn't count any of them out yet though, at least until everything is S ranked, and all the extra mission passwords have been released. Any sign of a custom pain scheme "Monster Girl," VB-6?
  16. You and me both! Grrr for no transit info update today...
  17. Silly rabbit, everything HG makes is bootleg. Just look at robotech!
  18. Ah, hit right (or left) on the top option, should remove the bottom 3 options, and then switch the one that say "limit" to on, and then ok, that will take you to a set of special "ace" vs stages via freeplay.
  19. -Custom music/soundtrack from MP3's, myth or reality? -Do character/mecha tune points/stats carry over? -How well do "real" controls work for battroid & gerwalk?? -Does any of the Macross era stuff seem like retread from the first game? Can't even think right now I have so many questions. I was glad to see FP-KK in one of the still pictures during that playthrough linked above. That gives me high hopes she'll be unlockable.
  20. Hmm, now Graham, did you S rank the freeplay missions?
  21. Bottom line, in reference to any "Robotech" history in the doc, the only thing shown was Mospeada. "Maya Sterlying" was referred to as an "alien," and the SDF-3 now looks like a Mospeada ship design, as opposed to the big red fake Zentradi turd it used to look like. No amount of robotech fan denial can hide the fact that HG can't touch Macross with a 10 foot pole in any remote attempt of a new produciton.
  22. Second toughest mission in the game. Don't worry about melee, don't bother using the YF-21's special on anything except the Ghost. What I'd reccomend for the Macross half of the mission, is immediately tab + down on the crosspad to lock onto the Macross's missile turrets. switch to Gerwalk, and keep your ass in motion while unloading the gunod. If you survive long enough to take out all the missile turrets, you'll significantly cut down on the fire coming your way. Switch back to fighter, and missile the VF-11's to hell. Once all that's gone, you're pretty safe in lieasurely taking out the rest of the Macross. Also, keep your PPB up as much as possible, its much weaker, and recharches much slower, since the EX mission YF-21 has base stats, but it could still save your ass.
  23. Well, they have rights to a piece of the action for Macross TV & Macross DYRL merch, yes. But not a damn sent of any other Macross mech, including FB 2012, Plus, 7, Frontier, Zero, & II. As for the rest, use, it is just a feeble tool used for scarring companies out of the U.S. market. HG's tantrum stemming from BW being too smart to waste time with them.
  24. Bingo, though ishe's still tough f you use it at even the slightest wrong time.
  25. Easiest way I found to SS Kamjin's trap is to (after finishing the crates, and while you do, take out those regults that pop up before the last crate), kill Kamjin as quickly as possible. The method that works best for this, is to use the last supper skill (STEAK-Y) Right when the enemy warning pops up, you should have 2 full SP bars, unleash, and head to the area where Kamjin usually appears (somewhere northeast of the Macross's bow). It's a strong enough attack that you should be able to take him out no prob, but just to be sure, keep trying to lock onto him (target + up on the crosspad), and melee or shoot him while the barrier explosion is wittling him down. Between the combo bonus (from the barrier explosion attack), and the quick kill of Kamjin (a must on this level), you should be S/SS. Take on the remaining Regult's after, they're incidental to the mission grade. As for get set, while quickness & melee are important, so is "not killing the large Vajra" until nothing else is left on screen. The longer the large Vajra are around, the more small Vajra will appear. keep an eye on your targetting while melee attacking, if you see yourself headed for a large Vajra, target + down to switch to a smaller one.
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