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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I rwas really hoping they'd have support character release, to allow them to pilot too, maybe next game.
  2. Yakov Shmirnov as Captain Gloval? BRILLIANT CASTING!!
  3. Also reason #1 why i purchased a DVD player, it's too bad ADV's re-release lost the superior audio & prog-scan.
  4. Is that really a discusison about the size of the freakin' Macross? If Miyatake says the freakin' thing is a certain size, that's how big it is, he invented the damn thing. This may be a hard concept for robotech fans to accept, but when people come up with "original designs," they get to dictate the dimensions of those designs.
  5. The DYRL Macross is a refit of the original ship, bigger to begin with. Do me a favor, cut the crap about whatever it is you're going on about, and find yourself a copy of Macross Frontier. -It's 25 episodes -Easily enough found if you even remotely try. Go watch some "Macross" that you won't have robotech colored glasses to view through, and then come back here to show your post tone. For the record: -I've seen all of Robotech during its original 85 run -Rewatched the Macross portion on VHS via rental 10 or so years after that My story is an interesting one, for you see while I may have metamorphisized into a super Otaking Macross fan, I started out with humbler beginnings. Hell, I didn't even go full speed into anime until the character designs in RPG's reminded me that it existed. Ah SES/Sega CD era, turly a renissaunce. But one day, the Holy Froating head sent me a dream, in this dream, a familiar ship, with familiar characters appeared. And this ship was called "Macross." I awoke from this magical dream, and thought to myself, "damn, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than SDF-1." And so began my journey of awesomeness. After hitting some internet searches, reasearching what limited info there was at the time, and chatting aorund a bit, I became aware of something called "Macross Plus." A hop, skip, and a jump to a shop we used to call "The Wherehouse" back in the day, led me to pick up the first VHS volume of this. After royally knocking my socks off, I went back the next day and picked up the following 3 volumes, and enjoyed infinate levels of awesome. Some more research and what not later, sci-fi channel yearly anime festivals (it was such a better channel back then) some mre futzing around with anime reccomendations, and more investigation back into Robotech is what led me to rent the Macross portion of "that" series again. Being much older than I was during my first viewing however, it just didn't sit at all well with me. And now, I find it hard to believe that "any" adult would choose to watch that badly dubbed badly re-written ear piercing drivel. But that's besides the point. What I'd like for you to do is experience Macross in a fresh context, Frontier being the newest incarnation, and a highly accessible one at that, I think will give you, if you really are here of an interest nature, and not to troll, a little insight into what it is we're all talking about here. In my long years of fandom, I've come to learn that there are truly only two kinds of Robotech fans. Catapillers waiting to blossum into beautiful Macross loving butterflies, and sci-fi nerd buttom feeders who revel in watching absolute sh!te for the sake of it, claiming it has some kind of quality that no one in their right mind would even bother to look for. The kind of people that even the most laughed at hardcore ST: Voyager fans laugh at. So like I said, watch all 25 episodes of Frontier, and we'll see if we can get you on the straight and narrow.
  6. I hope the Japanese fans are going as apeshit over this as we are. Someone has to petition BW to make a full TV series re-anmated release. I don't care about subtitles, I just want the freakin' thing widescreen & bluray, and in my collection.
  7. After leveling up some major units (namely the Ghost-X9, & VB-6), I decided to take a crack at the freeplay missions. And as expected, those were the only units necessary to SS them. The Ghost can take on just about any pilot single/duo in this batch of mission (I went with 4 Ghosts) no sweat. Just as long as its not a confined space mission (i.e. the Ozma or Bodolza one) you're gold. The VB-6 (again went with 4)makes short work of the other missions (confined space & command ship), and cuts through anything like a hot knife through butter. AFOS? No problem. Bodolza? No Problem. Battle 7/Galaxy/Macross Quarter/Vajra Queen Grace? Absolutely no problem. Just stick low to the ground to dodge beam cannon specials, and fire the gun rounds and you'll be done before you know it. I'm not going to say the game is easier with these missions, as I think it's more of an issue of this game having better units in it than MAF. Had the Ghost or VB-6 been around then, they would have made just as short of a workout in the freeplay missions as they do in MUF> Suffice it to say, they should also make for some interesting head to head battle fodder.
  8. Hmm, MGO has been full of infinate laggers & glitchers later. Maybe I'll check out Uncharted online..
  9. I believe the 4th is blocking attacks, i.e. run in the middle of an attack, and hold L.
  10. So I go to watch Robotech on hulu, and a commercial pops up about getting HPV. So immediately close the window, since it has now been proven that Robotech is the true source of HPV!
  11. It's kinda like Starman, mixed with a giant spider, boss borot, a giant rat, space satan a mangled VF-1J, some Gamilus Empire rejects, and extremely boring everything else.
  12. For those who haven't experienced it yet. a fully leveled keonig Monsters is a BEAST! The VF-2SS leveled up is also a lot nicer than I expected. Though I don't remember it having bits (have to watch II again I guess), it's more sluggish than the VF-25's, but overall not a decent unit. Definately makes me want to see what would be done with the Metal Siren in this game, as well as the VF-2JA's. I'd expect the Metal Siren's super to be something akin to Kakizaki's skill.
  13. "Dodongo dislikes smoke."
  14. I think it was supposed to be reminicent of Idol Talk, but more so, very Apollonia/Vanity worthy.
  15. Ask Keith nuthin, search Keith on the google Alt.Fan.Macross archives
  16. Speaking of which, where the hell is our U.S. release of Fighting Wings.
  17. Nope, I think Phantasy Star IV was actually the msot expensive cart, didn't it retail 99.99?
  18. I've never played pachinko before, but that's one sexy machine.
  19. I'm actually suprised the Orguss Valkyrie didn't appear as a special unit, since they included a direct still shot of it (ep 27 Macross). Although they also included a still shot of the VF-19S & VF-17S with fast packs, so perhaps its a case of "we know it exists, maybe we'll include it next time."
  20. I was gonna give you a chance to cop to it, but now I'm calling you out. ADMIT IT, YOU JUST WANT A ROBOTECH GAME!
  21. Considering they're not Valkyries at all, I'd say somewhere between 0 & never. Best bet would be some type of SRW game that incorperates both series.
  22. And significantly more awesome without the first half playing twice.
  23. No one ever said the Megaroad-01 was destroyed. Also, wrong forum, also sensless topic.
  24. But how else would we be able to enjoy the OVA quality of The Shadow Chronicles, without purchasing the bluray?!
  25. Umm, did we just get Endless Eighted agian? ::runs to check episode on AS.com::
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