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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The movie version of Galaxy Express 999, specifcally the first movie. There is no man in the universe more passionate than Tetsuro, damn kid just ups and travels through space with a mysterious hot blonde...ON A TRAIN!! Fights alongside Harlock & Tochiro, and all in all carves his own path through the universe. Also, I think Gamlin's hair is more of a light blue than grey.
  2. With all due respect to Gurren Lagann, which it aptly earns, the most passionate attack in all of Anime belongs to Tetsuro Hoshino, as he finally shoots Count Mecha to avenge his mothers death.
  3. I couldn't get past the fact that the naked guy on the roof in Death At A Funeral was really a lizard the whole time! And a bonus special nod to myself for reaching post (Interstella) 5555
  4. I tried to wach an episode on hulu recently, and was quickly warned that doing so may give me HPV!
  5. I purchased it many years ago for obscene DVD retail (at least $30) just so I would never forget it! HELLBOY SOOOOLLLDIIIERRSSS!!!
  6. Figured as much. Write off another rant due to sour grapes. Although really, Hatch wanted screen time more, the dude is freakin' looney over BSG, and likely would have stalked the producers until they put him on screen.
  7. LOL, "computer generated." "And don't think that just becasue you're black you've got the shining."
  8. Was that written before or after Richard Hatch appeared in the new show?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Q_ZKOcwbE
  10. Another vote for the Fatty!
  11. Benedict also seems to have all but forgotten "Galactica 1980."
  12. Since no one else is gonna say it, i will. "Who the hell was that." lol.
  13. I only have one thing to say on this issue. SSSSSSSS
  14. Don't get my wrong, Gamlin Kick is awesome, but "The Crash King's" flying bicyle still trumps it.
  15. Don't forget about Bobby...
  16. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, and find out how I can help make this a reality Provided I get one of those Nekki Basara guitar replica's...
  17. Youtube or other like styled link?
  18. Mah-Ku-Ro-Su or Mah-Crow-ss anything else is flat out wrong. DANGAN SOUL!
  19. Stop hatin' on Diebuster, it was quite awesome in its own right.
  20. I am all for this, BOMBA! Actually, I am for re-animating the original series like that new pachinko game first, and Macross 7 movie edtion 2nd!!
  21. You watch, Nishizaki's new Yamato movie will somehow turn into 'The Shadow Chronicles II"
  22. Raising your heart level with Sheryl & Ranka (both) will lower your shop costs.
  23. It took me 3 viewings of Macross to wash the memory of that garbage out of my head. So the answer is I don't think about it, and anyone who tries to make me gets punched in the face.
  24. Give Gamlin a break on his hair, poor guy is obviously losing it too young.
  25. And the DYRL movie in the timeline was made in 2031/
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