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Everything posted by Keith

  1. No, it's called "Robotech Pioneer" and it's made using flash animation & Kevin Mckeener does all the voices.
  2. The Protoculture's intention was to stop the Protodevelin from destroying all life in the universe. All they were able to manage was to seal them away. Basara was able to solve the problem alltogether, i.e. Basara > PC Anima Spiritia.
  3. Kudo's to The Monarch for getting the moppets to STFU!
  4. It was established that after a certain period of possession, i.e. prolonged posession, the Protodevelin could no longer seperate themselves from their host body. Basically, it was too late for Gunther & Gigile's host, otherwise various Anima Spiritia exposures would have knocked them out of those bodies (as Gabil was knocked out of Gamlin). Same goes for the Evil bodies, it was long since no longer possible to "give them back." Sivil only possesed Akiko for a limited time, so she was safe. The real question however, was Gabil someone who had been posessed? Or were Gabil/Glabil originally designed to have a "remote unit."
  5. You forget the masterpiece Megatron. Didn't it have some funky orange thing jammed in the gun barrel?
  6. I think Type A gives you the Valkyries inherent special, not a specific melee one.
  7. Don't forget Carl Macek's various comments about how he "fixed" those crazy Japanese stories.
  8. All i'm sayin', is that if a random group of people can organize and catch on to the aliens, then the freakin' government, any government, should have caught them too.
  9. More importantly, a bigger hole has been left open in this remake for something that was also never addressed in the original. -If you know there are aliens secretly infiltrating society, to the extent that there are elite groups attempting to take on their "terrorist cells." Then why the hell didn't the government jump in and say "hey, these freakin' aliens are terrorists" and nuke the sonsofbitches when they made their big reveal? Where's the freakin' military hardware! From "a-n-y" country? Even if they somehow i niltrated into all the top government to having absolute control, as unlikely as that would be, there would still have to be some military base somewhere to go awol, and attempt to blow them up.
  10. I'd stick with Haruhi-ism. Any attempt at basing a religion around Eva would result in some sort of Seele styled fiasco, and no one needs that!
  11. More accurately, the prevelence of DYRL styled designs shows that they were indeed more recent in canon history. There would obviously be more things left over from 2031 era than 2010 era.
  12. Don't think you understand, the only reason I haven't watched Macross 7 in years, is because of the god aweful FX set subtitles. In my younger years, I didn't mind such things, but as I get older, my tolerence for the oldschool HK subs has substancially diminished.
  13. Man, I wish I had a shiny new remastered with awesome subtitles DVD version of Macross 7 to watch....someday
  14. What Diebuster did you watch? Because the one I watched was freakin' awesome.
  15. shhh, we can't let the white folk catch on!
  16. Almost forgot to mention, couldn't hold out the wait for 1.11 on bluray, so I picked up 1.01 to hold me over. All in all, I really liked it, all the subtle differences really intrigue me. For instance, a question for thsoe who have seen 2.0, has the explanation for the new Angel numbering order been given? Which old/new show up in 2.0? Have they flat out said that humanity has been classified as the 3rd Angel? Or perhaps Eva has?
  17. How about this, have you ever seen Kare Kano? I say we animate it using stick figures, then set them on fire!
  18. Episode 2: Hey, this pink dust kills the Visiters!
  19. Then it us up to us, the Macross fans, to produce a new Robotech sequel for them, who here is proficient in flash animation?
  20. Any sign of the final password? The wait is killing me!
  21. No no no, HPV, not HIV. There's no way robotech could get aids, who would ever sleep with it?
  22. There's a huge difference between the Vajra Queen & her support Vajra. Just like there's a huge difference between the AFOS and Regults & Glaugs. To put it another way, I think the Protocutlure developed their mechanical technology themselves, and the Vajra adapted themselves to combat it. The Protoculture's Biological technology on another hand (like the AFOS), may very well be based off of the Vajra.
  23. Mark my words, if we see Gamlin agian, it won't be as a pilot. He will have his own ship.
  24. Those are actually giant antenna for broadcasting Fire Bomber American to all the pirate fleets in the universe. Kaifun had them speically built.
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