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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Wait a minute, I realize I don't pay too much attention to what goes on here (as proven by my repeat Snoo Snoo joke), but since when is Memo a mod over at rt.com? Isn't that a crime against all that is holy & grammerical in the universe? That's like making a lion a supermarket butcher, or making a monkey a zookeeper.
  2. Those have to be fan made, and that monster is the worst of the bunch. The battle pod just makes zero sense, why would Zentradi mecha have Inbit asthetics? Or is that supposed to be th E.D.209
  3. Snoo Sno?
  4. I am taking a self imposed break from MUF so I don't go insane, and am temporarily playing Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus. When I come back, i'll help with any missions you have left
  5. No reviews out of Japan at all?
  6. I hate that guy so much, I remember back in the 80's when he'd try to ruin my Domino's Pizza!
  7. And give the PS3 version an edge over the xbox one? That'd be insane!
  8. "The Galaxy Is Calling Me" only works right after "Desperate Capture Operation," and before "Individual Farewells." Since the combining ability of Gabil/Glabil was unknown before that.
  9. Keith's official gestimation of the placement of "The Galaxy Is Calling Me" is between episodes 42 & 43.
  10. Sweet, though that black font thing is weird. Wonder what that's about. Hopefully won't have that problem.
  11. Almost forgot to ask, is it just the TV seires, or does it include the 7 Plus Shorts, Movie, & Dynamite?
  12. Faulty USB cable maybe? And you do know you have to have the system on to charge.
  13. Did you at least watch that awesome Macross Anthology video? (I agree where's the Macross II).
  14. OVA, the movie version trims down a fair bit, including a lot of the trademark Gainax fanservice. The only upside to picking up the movie version is that it's on bluray.
  15. I'm actually surprised that more PSP games aren't online. I know it can be done, since the Metal Gear Portable ops games were online, but it takes a game company putting up a dedicated server.
  16. That site is actually what made me decide to finally track down Nadia, which in my foolishness was "after" ADV's original boxed collections went OOP, wasn't cheap, but it was worth it. And hell, while we're talking about Anno in general, how many here have seen Love & Pop? That movie along with Kare Kanno solidified him as one of my favorite director's.
  17. Envy, Robotech fan is thy name!
  18. Depends on how well encoded the MP3's you aquired were I suppose. But it's the full 2 disc vocal & bg soundtrack. Complete with "Blue Monday E'r"ectrical Parade," and "Do You Like My Trumpet." My favorite is still "To Hell With Gattai!"
  19. The most striking thing to me, was the scene where Gargoyle showed Nadia Adam. That to me more than anything made me glad I saw Evangelion first, as it really gave you a sense of Anno's evolutionary process. Those ending episodes are so epic, and really make the series a bridge between Gunbuster & Eva I just wish the series hadn't been tampered with. I actually don't mind most of the Island episodes, but those damned Africa episodes truly need to be whiped out of existence. Marie's song justifies the existence of the musical episode.
  20. I personally loved Diebuster, both on its own merit, and as a sequal.
  21. Ritsuko was actually talking about Yui, but that, like the true events surrounding "Second Impact," and the true nature of the Eva's, was Nerv spin doctoring. And while no doubt, most aspects of Eva are metahpors for the human condition, that doesn't detract from their literal canon meanings in the series. Which takes us back to Nadia, i.e. Proto-Eva.
  22. For the most part it is. After Megazone 23 Part II, Shogo was forcibly joined with "the system" to be its operative "Wong Dai."(who also serves a simlar role to "the architect.") Much in the same way Neo sacrificed himself & wound up being taken in by the machines. The Sentinals were extremely similar to the Dezalg of Part II, complete with the way they kill. The Resistence in its run down operations were very similar to the teen punk resistence of Part II. The overall "Matrix" structure, is quite similar to how EDEN is set up in Part III. Eve & the Oracle share a very similar role, Yui's death & ressurection at the end of part II is mirroed by the same events with Trinity, etc. The closer you look at the two, the more direct plot points they share, complete with the way in which both 3rd parts end. Though to be honest I was a lot angrier at what they did to Shogo than what happened to Neo.
  23. MP3's nuthin', official sountrack comes with the speical eiditon vol 1 & 3 U.S. bilangual release.
  24. Stick with the official sony controllers.
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