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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And don't forget the LARM is going to have to compete with the Live Action Voltron movie, Live Action Akira moivie, & Live Action Cowboy Bebop movie, all of which are totally gonna happen!
  2. That's not true either, Sunrise has stil done U.C., 0083, 08th MS, MS IGLOO, and now Unicorn.
  3. Dude, you realize you're linking to a post within the very same forum right? ::MACHINE TRANSLATION ON!:: 奴、あなたは全く同じフォーラムの右の中でポストにリンクしているとわかりますか?
  4. I can't wait to start watching 7 again, it's been sooo long.
  5. That's some hot fanart, now, go branch into doujinshi!
  6. Live action, and currently I'm attributing the success of the recent ST movie to the decision to make a live action Yamato movie.
  7. First season starts off a little slow, but is much better than the movie.
  8. I agree that Yamato 2 was the high point (so good that even Star Trek III ripped it off), but I also enjoyed the inbetween movies. Yamato 3 was pretty weak, until the team up with Desslor & the new Gamilus. Final managed to be appropriately epic though, even if Nishizaki foolishly & needlesly .
  9. Did you watch the new Yamato trailer???
  10. Be careful with that laptop drive. Nearly all DVD-ROM drives give you the option of changing the region a set number of times (somewhere between 4 & 10) before t hey perminently lock in. If you're using a software solution, then you won't have to worry, but otherwise, becareful or your perminently lock your drive into a region.
  11. Thank you new Star Trek movie, for making this possible.
  12. If you watch Star Blazers, I will punch you through the internet. SPACE BATTLECRUISER YAMATO: -Yamato 1 -Yamato 2 -The New Voyage (Movie) -Be Forever Yamato (Movie) -Yamato 3 -Final Yamato (Movie) Don't bother with the first Yamato movie, since it's just a clipped down version of the first season with a weaker ending, and don't bother with Arrividerci Yamato, since it was Nishizaki's wankfest, and Matsumoto fixed it up with Yamato 2 (season 2).
  13. Protip: Attempting to apply anything from an RPG, especially a pen and paper RPG, to real life, is equal to absolute failure at life. The same goes for attempting to apply anything from a "licensed" property (such as pen & paper rrpg's, "novels," etc) to the original movie source material, is inanely stupid.
  14. I know using melee/missile attacks lower the little red bar under your HP for sound units, I however don't know what the significance of that red bar is.
  15. Speaking of which, it's about time w got our first PS3 SRW game, freaturing Gurren Lagann, & Macross Frontier! Or hell, even a PSP one.
  16. I stilll haven't decided whether i'm going to punge in or not, but Gubaba's positive experiences with it are tempting me to check it out. Good on you for avoiding spoilers for as long as you did, I just kinda followed along topics here, and watched the last 3 episodes when they aired just to see how it ended. I've always been terrible about spoilers
  17. Stick with it, decent payoff in that series, and a good voerall steampunk feel.
  18. http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmg...s/desc/asc/50/1 They do international orders, and have the individual disc's still in stock for around 9.99 each. Mind you these are the ADV disc's, so they have inferior audio (AnimEigo went back to Big West for clean audio reels), and aren't progressive scan like the AnimEigo disc's. Although If there's somewhone here with an AnimEigo set handy (mines in stowage currently), and a DVD burner, AnimEigo "forgot" to put write protection on them, which means they're easily copyable, and single layer disc's. If you decide to go with those ADV disc's, do yourself a favor and also pick up Mospeada (only $13), and all 4 volumes of Votoms.
  19. Foolish robotech fan. Sivil existed millions of years before any of those things existed. She was created by the freakin' Protoculture, duh!
  20. Don't think your sweatshop efforts aren't appreciated. Someone has to spread the 7 love, you've been nominated!
  21. From what I hear, disc art is far more trouble than it's worth. It may look pretty, but you risk several drive damage issues, as well as general playback issues, when you use them.
  22. Hmm, if doable, i wouldn't mind stepping back in line on my set.
  23. :::cough::$5,000 transforming Yamato Macross:::cough:::
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