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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The majority of the menu's & hud displays are in english. What little isn't is very easy to figure out. All PSP games are compatable on all region PSP's, only the movie UMD's are region locked, so you are absolutely safe to import games.
  2. This is actually 100% true. They can use any Macross mecha, or character designs in future Robotech Productions...via splicing in pre-existing Macross TV footage into said production (ala the sentinels).
  3. Here you go!
  4. Hmm, no particular order as well: -Snatcher -Macross Ultimate Frontier -Metal Gear 1 & 2, Soild 1-4, Portable Ops & Plus -Lunar 1 & 2 both Sega CD & Remakes -Popful Mail -Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Genesis & Arcade -Street Fighter Alpha 3 & III 3rd Strike -Vampire Savoir -Ratchet & Clank series -Jak Series -Kingdom Hearts series -Chrono Trigger -FF VI -SRW series -old TMNT arcade games -Tron -Rampage -Jungle Hunt -Bust-A-Move -Dr. Mairo -SMB 1-World -Grandia -Xenogears -Guilty Gear -Mario Kart -Zelda 1-3 -Phantasy Star 1-4 Meh, I like a lot of clasics mostly!
  5. Hmm, Plolish subtitles, intriguing.
  6. Conan hates the nickname "Coco," it's a moniker that Tom Hanks bestowed upon him during his first week on the Tonight Show 7 months ago. Unfortunately it stuck despite his constant protests.
  7. For shame on all of us, apparently this month Bandai stealthly started hinting at, and this past weekend finaly announced, that they've licensed Haruhi season 2. There's a new video promo up at www.asosbrigade.com , and man, are the girls they got to promote this time around "skanky," in the "eww" and "dirty" kinda way. Oh how I miss season 1 promo Mikuru, she was far hotter than who they got this time around. Unfortunately, there are no release specifics yet, but I can't wait to buy all 100 episodes of endless eight...no really!
  8. No, he isn't "that" funny, he's "that and a bag of chips" funny.
  9. FMA: Brotherhood continues to far outshine the first series. Hoenheims origin story was this week for those interested.
  10. Consider it retroactive payback! Besides, it is somewhat on topic, I'd rather see Conan Obrien playing Conan in this new movie than that douche!
  11. Until there's Macross Ultimate Frontier for the go, the "moving parts" models will always be superior!
  12. I can't believe NBV chose Leno over Conan either, bastards! But that was truly one of the most epic last episodes of a show ever. My hat is off to Mr. Obrien, truly the most classy (& funny) man of late night.
  13. Do yourself a favor, and skip Ace for now. It's a fun game, but it's still got a lot of the Gundam Battle game engine in it. Ultimate is a far better "Macross" experience.
  14. Hmm, let me know when you're done with those!
  15. This has me curious, were the R2 DVD's dual layered? If not, then there's no reason to use the extra space.
  16. How's FFXIII's story? Good story = linear play, deal with it!
  17. For shame, after all the wonderous things Sam Raimi has brought the world, to bad mouth him so. To list a few: -Evil Dead 2 -Army of Darkness -Darkman -Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  18. MICHEL!!!
  19. Caling the Macross "Battle Fortress" is a violation of MW TOS. Cease immediately or you will be banned!
  20. I think it spits in the face of the originals awesome ending, and always will!
  21. I think "The Galaxy Is Calling Me" explains it best. Every living thing in the universe produces a form of Wave Motion energy, that radiates outwadrs & touches every other thing. Spiritia is another name for this energy, which is directly affected by ones mental state. Consider it somethin akin to a combination of the neural impulses in the brain, and the intangible concept of a soul. The Protodevelin having come from another dimension where all life is pure energy, were originally an existence comprised soley of soul (pun intended). Chiba's invention being the first in human history to quantify the soul into an actual type of energy. The Proltodevelin themselves having much more sophisticated instruments that can distinguish between various subtypes within that measure. Also, don't feel bad, you're still new to 7, you'll hit your Planet Dance second wind soon enough.
  22. That right there is actually the true tell of a Macross 7 fan. I call it the "Planet Dance" effect. It goes like this: -1st few listens: Decent enough song -Next few listens: Seriously, I'm tired of this damn song already! Rock, we finally have Holy Lonely Night, down with Planet Dance!! -Sometime later: I LOVE PLANET DANCE!! Not sure why it works that way, but it does, even I went through this, and to this day, I still love Planet Dance. Note that those who can not learn to love "Planet Dance," will never be Macross 7 fans, again, don't know why, it just works that way.
  23. I'm looking at you Fruits Basket!
  24. Thanks to the power of MW & Jason, I've now got the shiny remaster with subs of Macross 7, BOMBA!! So anyhoo, Accidentally watched an episode too far, because I forgot exactly where you guys were, but "Angel Night" is the first reveal at where the series is really heading. Gigil still quite pissed that Gepelnitch is being secretive about his plot, illuding to "dreams," just wants to go crack heads & steal spiritia. Meanwhile Mylene still naive to the bigger picture going on with Ray & Basara, once agian gets angry at Basara for invalidating her opinion on singing, i.e. she doesn't understand Basara's gruff way of telling her she's overthinking things, and decides to quite. Now here's as very intersting subtext at this moment. Many tend to believe that Basara is a selfish closeminded idealist that only see's his way of doing things, and has no time for anyone else. "But," take a look at what's actually going on. Basara actually is fired up about Mylene's songs to, and care's about what she's putting into it. Hell, if all Basara cared about was the "Basara show," why would he even waste time with Mylene's solo vocals? As seen here, he's just trying to help her see the bigger picture, and get away from "Honey's" fashionable marketable way of playing. Bassara realizes full well that Mylene is an integral part of the band, so much so that he immediately accepts Ray's scolding, and goes after her. This being the first indication of the rough time they've had keeping bass players (later touched again on encore ep "On Stage." Meanwhile sulking Mylene stumbles across Alice Holiday, a singer who's lot her passion because of that same marketing system Mylene keeps trying to adapt to. But something interesting happens. Just as the Varuta "coincidentally" target Alice to test Gepelnitch's theory about musicians having spiritia regeneration abilities, and oblivious to everyone except the Varuta, Mylene's passion to help re-inspire Alice actually regenrate's Alice's stolen Spiritia, hell, not only regenerates, but surpases her previous level. Did Basara's guitar playing factor in to? Somewhat likely. But here we have the key moment that will send all future events rolling. Gepelnitch now is certain that his dream of a never ending source of Spiritia can be achieved. And our Fire Bomber is finally starting to show that a sound more explosive than missiles is achievable, even if they don't realize it themselves. Also, bonus points for Sweet Fantasy, one of my favorite Mylene songs. I say we double up on episodes this week, and watch "Deep Ballad" before Friday, so we can get to "Minmay Video" faster! I honestly can't decide if its more exciting watching 7 for the first time not knowing what's going to happen, or watching it again with anticipation for the epic things to come.
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