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Everything posted by Keith

  1. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=71414
  2. Don't forget a much more recent super hot green chick in the new ST movie.
  3. Mospeada did fine without Robotech. 3 words, "Love, Live, Alive." Mospeada love seems to be hovering in the same vicinity as Orguss, and maybe a bit less than Votoms (since a new OVA for that comes out every so often). And neither of those shows had any help from "robotech."
  4. Don't we already have an Avatar thread?
  5. The real question, will Sanada have artificial limb bombs! Thinking about it though, I wonder how they'll trim the story down. I'm hoping they focus on Domel & Desslor as the main baddies.
  6. Dude, that's not breakage, that's realistic battle damage. Toynami goes to great lengths to make their toys as authentic as possible, and part of that is depicting what happens from normal wear & tear on high end transformable robotech machinery.
  7. I think it just means his PC is playing them, and then streaming that to his PS3, kinda like a wireless whatever connects PC's to TV's.
  8. OMG, that episode was F^CKING EPIC! It had Kira Yamato singing & being mixed by a DJ to totally culture shock those alien things, Bootleg Ozma turned into the incredible hulk, smashed up his own cockpit, and then did a 20 minute spinning lazer blade thunder cats symbol attack. Bootleg Michel lived and saved someone's life with his sniper bazooka. Bootleg Luca hung out for 20 minutes and played with his light marionette funnels eventually, The Monarch is now a captain of something with his captains hat & coat with orange shoulder pads, Speed Racers dad did somethingerother too, then Heine Westefuss (Seed Destiny's Ramba Ral) joined the bootleg SMS in an orange vaklyrie, and did the one even remotely fast special attack, then bootleg Alto pulled his ultimate attack, which is apparently switching to Gerwalk so that a main ship can fire a cannon at a small mecha, instead of actually engaging it himself. Truly truly epic!
  9. I wonder though, as incredibly successful as I'm sure Unicorn will be, does it raise our chances for finally gettin GaiaGear animated?
  10. Ok, the truth is, I really wanted a Macross coffee mug that said "SDF-1," so I...I ordered one from HG. However it commited suicide, and jumped off my table one day, knowing it was living in sin. so I replaced it with a coffee mug full of SPIRAL ENERGY POWA! http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca.../82536/4/650/12
  11. Still haven't seen that, but I can only assume there was a major reform in Canada after the fiasco that was G-Savour. Although truth be told, i do have a soft spot for the movie, I have no idea why, maybe it's the fact that you can switch over to the Japanese dub for even more laughs.
  12. Grandia was freakin' awesome. Story, characters, music, epic battles. I loved me some Grandia back in the day. Think of it like Lunar with a bigger scale story, 3D characters, and...well, they both were Game Arts I never did actually play Grandia II, I tried 3, but hated the first town so much I never went back to it...
  13. I say make them blue, it worked for the blue man group, it'll work for the Gamilus.
  14. G-Saviour doesn't count, hell, it was made in Canada, how can you take anything seriously that was made in Canada?
  15. But I just want to get into the secret officers club, so I can send back top secret robotech intel!
  16. I thought the trailer already had an actor for Okita in it?
  17. Credits probably just aren't complete yet, also, I nominate Mika Doi! You know, It's pissing me off, but I can't remember what movie it was. A few years ago, I caught a movie in the middle of the night on cable, probably from the 80's, possibly late 70's, true story about a writer who went to France, and it had an actress who looked just like the Matsumoto archetype, with dark hair. I'll be damned if I can remember what movie it was though. I may be remembering wrong about the inspiration though, as a quick search brought me this, I don't eve remember where I heard the french actress thing, but this origin is equally cool. http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=301
  18. Wait a minute, something is wrong here. When did I lose my status as robotech community enemy #1? I realize I've been a bit lax lately, but I can't have you guys showing me up now. Getting old sucks!
  19. Considering how hard it is to find a woman who looks like the french actress who inspired all of Matsumoto's "hot" females (note he does have a couple other archetypes that aren't as), especially one who would be the right age...and speak Japanese, I'd say they did a damn fine job.
  20. Now see, I totally hated that, and freakin' D.O.M.E., which is why X is my least favorite Gundam.
  21. Uh-huh, for some reason I keep hoping it'll get better...
  22. As an above average otaku, I understand the Shadow Chronicles qiute clearly, breast implants are standard eqiupment for all RDF female officers, saving ships with their crews completely dead (except for 1 robot) that have no strategic value is more important than saving their flagship with the last remaining source of superfuel, & taking technology from aliens then making it your mainline hardware does not require fuly investigating it and checking its safety first. Oh, and the most important thing I learned from it, "I really like that little skull on your uniform."
  23. I picked up Final Fantasy Unlimited a year or so ago for $20, so figured I'd give it a shot, and just recently started watching it.... Currently I'm debating on tossing it back into the bottom of my watch pile 5 episodes in, and nada!
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