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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Has anyone seen any shops that still have Frontier bluray Vol 5 + box still in stock?
  2. Damn, I laughed so hard seeing Shrek in the "Sense of Right Allience," that not even Bruce Wayne turning into Spider-Man could top it.
  3. Nothing, he was a washed up old soldier who sold out to protect his own ass. He lead other soldiers to their death, and at the very end forcably has a streak of concience, then dies like the back stabbing bastard he was. A good episode in its rightful context, but robotech makes it infinately inane trying to glamorize the character.
  4. I just wonder why Rainy Boy didn't get the "Wolf Treatment." Was Macek snoozing during that episode? That would have been a perfect opportunity to kill off a significant Macross character. They could have made him Max, and say the Invid killed Milia, and he went ona solo mission to rescue her, got captured and turned into a cyborg that now hunts other humans or something.
  5. Don't you mean "sucksessfully" I hope that "one" episode you watched, was the epic season finale.
  6. I made my secondary MGO character female just to mix it up a bit, and tried to give her a bit of a Yoko look (red ponytail, red bikini top, big sniper rifle). It's too bad they've yet to add "really short shorts" as a clothing option!
  7. You know, after Crisis Core, I wouldn't mind a handheld remake, but I'd love a full PS3 version, somehow using the Advent Children Renders, that included a redone version of CC as well. Now that XIII is almost out, has there been any news on Vs XIII? I'd almost be willing to bet it will be a far closer traditional action/rpg than XIII turned out. Plus, I realy want them to finish it so they can get started on Kingdom Hearts III. Hell, if Squenix is smart, they'll do an HD Final mix PS3 re-release, ala GoW collection.
  8. As awesome as that would be, what if they were actually following a Vajra mating call (aka "Aimo") from all the way across the galaxy.
  9. Here's my question, does the omission of all but 3 main Mospeada characters in shadow chronicles depiction of the Mospeada ending retcon them out of robotech canon? Or was Tommy Yune too afraid to tackle redesigning Yellow, just imagine the agonizing over whether to give him huge tits, or a six pack. Plus reminding robotech fans that Jim was a lolicon would automatically void their fandom! Ah Love, Live Alive, thank you for your epilogue.
  10. Can't help but remind everyone that Grandia is up for download on the playstation store.
  11. You know, I still haven't gotten around to playing VIII, but I find that hilarious, and entirely possible after reading it. Considering how everyone went apeshit with Aerith, that'd be a balzy & comical movie for Square to have made.
  12. Haven't watched the clone wars series?
  13. That thing he said!
  14. Funny how in one topic you've found god regarding cursing, but here you are racest as all f^ck. Priorities?
  15. Sorry, much like myself, my PS3 refuses to even acknowledge that dubs exist.
  16. I believe episode III makes the franchise stronger as a whole, especially the mirroed scenes between Vader's downfall & redeption (making the wrong choice not to back up Mace, and the right choice to back up Luke).
  17. I'll translate for you. Anything you do that kills a lagger despite their obvious lag, makes you a noob. If you really want to piss off laggers one day, equip CQC lvl 1 & Blades lvl 3. Sneak up behind them, get them in a hold, and triangle for throat slit. They'll immediately hit their lag switch to prevent from dying. As they magically un-die/respawn exactly where they were, grab them again, repeat, until thier attempts at saving themselves kill their connection. Just discovered that last week, and damni is it funny.
  18. Shouldn't spambot topic be closed?
  19. Crisis is over, had something to do with the PS3 thinking it was a leap year, then realizing it wasn't a leap year, and instead of its head exploding, it just kinda recoiled into the fetal position for a day or so. After resting a bit on the issue, it came to realize that everything was "ok" and all is back to normal.
  20. Looked to me like she was disapointed that her man wasn't strong enough to keep up with her, so she left him for parts unknown, and wound up in City 7.
  21. I think it has something to do with Saturn Dating sims, at the very least those were the first games I can recall hearing about that had time sensative features.
  22. Already have it, A-W-S-O-M-E ! !
  23. If they weren't doing something totally new, i'd agree. But as 1.11 has been supremely awesome so far, 2.0/2.22 looks to bring much new to the rebuild, and onwards is a complete mystery, I don't mind this re-release at all. Besides, after the Nadia movie..... Gainax couldn't possibly sink to a lower depth.
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