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Everything posted by Keith

  1. "Day of the Sagitarious"
  2. That's ok, one of the last developement plans I've got right now (likely more will pop up when I buy more of the expensive suits) requires a part that I don't even have available for purchase yet!
  3. All I'm saying, is watch Unicorn ep 1, 100% pure oldschool awesome, wrapped up in a shiny HD modern package.
  4. Keith

    Macross on PS3?

    Plus, if the artdink games were to hit PS3, bamco would make them DLC nightmares. The sheer volume of mecha in the games would kill your wallet alone.
  5. True to self, what brought me on board was hearing about the next episode preview for Live Alive that featured an M7 reference
  6. But dude, it's GUNDAM! We wouldn't even have Macross if Kawamori & co hadn't seen Gundam.
  7. Sure you do, it was James Cameron!
  8. I've now got 100% missions, 50% MS, 81% pilots, & 56% parts. Unfortunately, no tune point limiter, and no SEED/00 MS release into other era's yet, grrr, looks like MS/Parts/Pilot completion is indeed part of the unlock process. Worse yet, most of the MS I have available now are in the multi-millions of points range. V2 itself is almost 8 million. I don't even want to know how much the Assault/Buster is gonna cost. Looks like finishing developement plans is my next project.
  9. I don't know, I've had a lot of MS in un-related campaigns suddenly become available after purchasing MS & Pilots & raising percentages. Pretty sure it does have something to do with only being able to purchase certain mobile suits after you've raised your percentage by certain levels. BTW, unlocked Freedom last night, and damn, makes those battleship parade extra missions a cakewalk.
  10. Ya'll talkin' crazy talk, Eureka Seven was awesome from start to finish.
  11. Hmm, where might one import such a product
  12. I've been doing a combination of buying everything I can afford, and compoleting missions. Currently, I have all story missions complete for all UC era's, and all character & ex missiosn complete for SEED & 00. Be warned, the 00 campaign is painfully repetative. I'm talking doing the same missions four times in a row repetative. I still haven't watched 00, which is possibly why thisis so confusing, by why they would re-do the same missions 4+ freakin' times just to show a different character perspective is beyond me. But damnit, they're done! Currently I have 46% MS unlocked, 81% pilots, 80-ish % missions complete, and 50-ish percent whatever the other thing is. I've got full use of character types & suits for all UC era's, but the SEED & 00 suits & characters are still limited to their era's & extra. Haven't gotten the tune point limiter yet either. I've also probably got about 40 or so developement plans to finish unlocking for the custome MS. As for parts, I've been having good luck collecting most of them by replaying harder & extra missions. Though I still have a good number of extra missions to go. Best thing I can reccomend for the SEED & 00 campaigns, is if you haven't unlocked Freedom yet (I know I haven't), Raider is pretty bad ass once its fully tuned. It's the closest thing SEED has to a Zeta (can do the transformed ram SP attack), and its Gundam hammer mace deally melee attack takes out most Gundam types no sweat. Don't waste time with its primary weapon those, its solid type, which makes it useless against phase shift. For 00, Exia is all around a good brawling MS. Transam + SP attack = knock anyone on their ass. I actually really like Exia here, its portrayal in the game gives me high hopes for seeing the Turn-A in a future game, as the way the legs look during flight would adapt well to the Turn-A. I just unlocked the V2 for purchase, and am contemplating grinding for the 7 million plus to purchase it, or just waiting to beef up my MS percentage first. A lot of unlockables & available MS seems to have a lot to do with your current MS & pilot percentages. Almost forgot, the most confusing mission so far has been on the SEED campaign. The ZAFT version of the Assault on Orb still has the Arch Angel as your base ship...
  13. Another observation: YAY! no more stupid box missisons!!! -BOO!! Stupid capitol ship swarm extra missions!!!
  14. I will say this or Assault Survive, partner AI is way better than previous games. You tell them to spam, they (usually) wait for an opportune moment, you tell them to defend, and bam, they actually defend themselves. Yiou tell them to heal...well, sometimes you have to trick them into hurrying up by locking on to an area gate, but damn, I'm in general impressed with my wingmen this time.
  15. I've been playing for a little over a week now, and am 30 some hours into it...so many mobile suits...none of my tactics/royale, chronicle/universe tune points have carried over either...GAH!! With that said, best battle/assault game yet, but still sub part to MUF. The custom soundtrack system is actually better than the one in Macross though, there's only one dump folder now, and it's easier to select & customize songs. Curiously missing though are the loading screen images, and so far there's no sign of a MS gallery.
  16. Will you ever get anything right? Kawamori didn't make Eureka Seven, he just did the mecha designs. And the "rehash" episode as you so puti t was 51, not 50. Said episode has also not been released in the U.S.
  17. But what if a Jegan traveled back in time and replaced the original Gundam? What if a Strike Dagger...no, no matter what you do with those, they'll always suck!
  18. Dude, the flight mode for the RX-78-2 is the G-Sky! This game is freakin' awesome. Besides, it's not so much about liking AU's or not, it's awaitin the epic Hi-Nu/Freedom battle. As well as taking mobile suits into storylines they don't belong in, and tearing ass with them.
  19. It's even worth buying a whole second PSP for if need be!
  20. Like I said, I figured out the square thing, just took me to the end of the campaign, poor little overworked Zaku II. Figured out the developement thing too, it's just an odd way of setting up unlockables, but it's col. What I haven't been able to find though, is an MS gallery of all unlocked suits. I also noticed this game is missing the fun little loading screen images. Since it's still not using the whole UMD, I wonder why they weren't included. I did opt for software install, but I'm still not sure it cut down on loading times by anything noticable. Maybe it's meant for the older model PSP's?
  21. Ok, now that I've put a little mileage on Assault Survive, I can honestly say I dig the new "field" system. Aside from some really tough ass missions that are a bitch to die all the way at the end, its benefits vastly outweigh its negatives. Though I'd keep it specific to Gundam, since storywise, Macross wouldn't really benefit from going back & forth between battlefields. I do wish they kept the shop more in line with MUF's though. I dig being able to purchase parts & TP for mobile suits, but I think MUF had it right with tune points being earned after the mission, with optional extra tune point purchases from the shop. Though perhaps it was just far too unweildly with the 300 some mobile suits/armors/etc. With that said, I was getting really stumped why no Zeon suits were coming up for purchase on the 0079 campaign. Here I was all the way up to Aboa Qu, and I still only had my dinky ass grunt Zaku II, and the non-space worthy tank from IGLOO. I was certain a Rick Dom at the very least should have been earned, then bam, I hit square in the MS shop, and there's the Zeon side purchases, doh! I do wish they'd have let me keep my tune points from Universe though, since I had a good chunk fully leveled up, but nope, gonna be a long trek starting from scratch. Right now I've finished 0078 Federation/Zeon, SEED both side, most of 00, and I'm nearly done with the Federation side 0f 0083. If only I could figure out how to get the full vernier GP-01... With that said, I can't wait to tear ass thorugh this game with Hi-Nu, Freedom, & the V2!!
  22. 08th MS had a worse tacked on final episode, but overall, 0080 made me mad, if only they had shipped the Alex straight to Amuro!!
  23. I agree, 0080 is the least gundamy OVA of the Gundam OVA's. I also have a sneaking suspicion that it was made by whoever did Macross II & Orguss 02, and not just because they all shared the same periood of Mikimoto designs.
  24. Never said subtitle translations were all perfect, just that they didn't remove anything that was originally there. Attention, pay some!
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