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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Why would you turn off pilot chatter? That's half the fun!
  2. Wait a minute, is the dude who played the bad guy in "Men in Tights" the bad guy in this one? Ah, never mind, it's the bad guy from Princess Bride.
  3. You know, it would have been so simple to make the twins work. Have Shawn & Marlon Wayans both play them, and write the jokes. But no, somehow Spongebob was a better idea!?
  4. i declare him an OUTLAW!?
  5. Loved it, especialy the Venture Bros vibe it had this time.
  6. Aquarion is definately on Escaflowne, but I enjoyed it.
  7. Gankutsuo so far is the best out of Gonzo's anime transformations of classics. Samurai 7, and Romeo x Juliet are good too, but Gankutsuo definately takes the cake, even with the weak random CG mecha duel thrown in.
  8. I've dedicated the last couple days of my life researching the proper method of dealing with this issue, and it is most definately "NOT" something so mundane as throwing it in the trash. Gentlemen, I give you The Ultimate Way to dispose of your Toynami VF-1.
  9. OMG, is this an extra from the Haruhi S2 DVD's? I know it wasn't on the Lucky Star DVD's, at least not the US ones.
  10. There's a Gundam called Zeta in it, so there!
  11. Oh I know, I was more referring to its sales as mecha anime in general over here on bluray, than anything. If it sold well, it would be a determining factor in future similar anime on bluray with english subs.
  12. Misa's going to be pissed when she see's Minmay in her uniform!
  13. I actually wonder how well Unicorn did. BV aren't stupid, they know there's a U.S. fanbase, and they also know that there are problems getting the show licensed here. They've shown in the past that they're quite willing to include english subtitles on bluray releases they plan on releasing in both countres, Jin-Roh, Honneamise, the Gunbuster/Diebuster movie set, and now Unicorn. The real question agian is, was Unicorn profitable enough to make someone high up in the company say "if we include english subs, we may get a noticeable boost in import sales."
  14. All I know is if you look at any of the great "hubs" of robotech fandom, you will find many things, but anime fans are very rare among them.
  15. They didn't cancel the Perfect Collection series, the company actually folded midway through. Of course had they decied to do one show at a time, they could have gotten all of Macross out, instead of only releasing half of Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada. As for VHS, I had all of II & Plus obviously, and a fansub connection that had all of 7. Unfortunately, I didn't have a fansub conenction for the original series, so I had to settle for robotech copied from some hollywood video rental tapes... I did however have fansubs of DYRL, FB2012, and mecha Graffiti. Not to mention my dub copy of SUPERDIMENSIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS "NOW WATCH JET JOCKEY"
  16. OMG, I totally forgot, is Avatar the first sign that what Back to the Future Part II predicted will come to pass in 5 years? Will we have a 3D holographic billboard with a crappy CG Jaws coming out of it that soon? Will I be able to race Flea on my hoverboard? I CAN'T WAIT!!
  17. That's because we finally got our "real" Macross fix.
  18. There is only one movie that should ever be in 3D, and that movie, is "Captain E/O Speaking of which, I wonder if we'll ever get "Love & Pop" on bluray...
  19. I actually thought Avatar was worse than ROTF. Or rather, ROTF would have had the two twin ratbots on screen non-stop, with no other character having dialogue, to reach the "stupid and ignorant like a child" level of Avatar.
  20. Nobody but the super agro miniscule robotech fan base were truly "influenced" by Robotech. Better yet, most Robotech fans to this day are far from what would be considered "Anime" fans.
  21. I finally made it all the way through Final Fantasy Unlimited..... that's right, it took me 3 months!
  22. That's what I thought.
  23. Do you even know what you're arguing anymore?
  24. Umm. let's tak a tally of "Free Anime On Free Television" that had nothing to do with Macek. -Astroboy -Gigantor -G Force -Speed Racer -Starblazers -Voltron -Force 5 -Mazinger Z -(I absolutely refuse to call it Tranzor Z) -Might Orbots And I'm sure several others I'm forgetting. And let's be really honest here, there is one, and only one real reason any show from Japan with transoforming robots woiuld wind up on TV, syndicated or otherwise, the popularity of T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M-E-R-S. Twas not Macek wh invented the beast, he was just one of many who cheaply jumped on the bandwagon. Also, really, you need to get off of this "free on tv" thing, it's stupid, and obnoxious as all f*ck. Back to the topic though, Anime on TV didn't start to gain any kind of full steam until Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, & Pokemon popped up almost 10 years later. Much too late to count "Robotech" as a determining factor there. Despite the delusional grandure of Robotech fans, the shows influence was a mere drop in the bucket.
  25. For anyone holding out on the blurays becausae of that gigantic box with the disc sleeves, looks like someone finally got a clue about how to package disc's. Now to wait for that price to drop a little...
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