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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Get along obviously, Haruhi is a Fire Bomber fan
  2. I forget, how long has it been? I could "maybe" see this being an issue if there were an even remote chance of his family reading posts here...ever, but come on. Don't forget the Dukes of Hazzard-esque narrator, that's the true gem of The Sentinels. I'm honestly surprised they didn't stitch together all the flash animation they recieved from their contest years ago. You forget Mark Hammil had dual roles, he was also one of the floating robot eye badguy things, so we were never truly without him during the film. As for the CG, what are you talking about, that was total "OVA" quality!
  3. Damn you guys are making me want to watch Shadow Chronicles again...maybe I'll have a Sentinals SC double feature!
  4. I'll take that as an approval. Can't wait to see it next month.
  5. Unlike Macek & Keefe, Sandy Frank has something going for him that will immortalize him forever... With that said, for those having trouble re-watching Voltron, give Golion a spin. It's still cheesey & old, but with significantly more carnage, and all super robot-ism's in place.
  6. Damn, there's some truly epic Mylene & Sheryl in there.
  7. No no no, you've all got it wrong. he's saying he's lonely and just wants to be loved.
  8. Actually, there's a very easy way to justify it... BLU-RAY PLAYER! and it'll also let you browse the internet on TV.
  9. It's far easier to just assume he's wrong, and let him be
  10. Now you're thinking, Megan as "Minmay," Lindsey as "Lisa," and someone mentioned earlier that douche from Twilight, and we should be able to achieve Wing Commander levels of box office fail!
  11. But the bluray is compatible with all U.S./Canadian/Japanese bluraya players.
  12. Graham picked it up I believe, think he said it was mostly strategy stuff, not a lot of pictures.
  13. Broken heart nuthin', Emperor Palpetine killed via long distance force somethingerother!
  14. Should we try to cast Megan Fox in it? I hear she's free right now, and loves working with giant robots lol
  15. How was Tytania? I recall hearing something about it bieng a not quite so good LotGH, but since it's just been licensed, is it still worth picking up?
  16. In case you guys haven't heard yet, Bandai announced last week that they're also going to release the ONA series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya chan, & Nyoro~n Tsuruya chan in a 2 disc set sometime this summer.
  17. The guys over at the anime on dvd forums say they put out a DVD of 1.0 with english subs that were great quality, so the same is epxected here.
  18. GAS did very nicely implement a two wingman system, and at this point, it would only serve to amp up the awesomeness of a Macross game. As long as that's the "only" thing they borrow from GAS. That, and maybe the ability to easily assign songs by putting them in one lump folder, and switch songs mid stage.
  19. For those too impatient to wait for an eventual U.S. license, looks like the HK bluray of 2.22 is region A, will have english subtitles, and comes out next month. Yesasia has it up for $39.99
  20. I wouldn't say I was astounded by it, I can't very well be surprised by my own natural ability afterall.
  21. Sounds like they dropped the ball a b it
  22. So from what I'm reading here, this was basically a really long version of Jacob's Ladder?
  23. That's just it, is it downloaded, or is it unlocked?
  24. Hmm, should we expect him to go turncoat, suddenly proclaiming his love of Macross now that HG has burned him publicly?
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