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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Somehow I seem to have entirely missed that show during the 80's, but watching the intro, looks like it was done by whoever did the Bionic Six.
  2. Dungeons & Dragons actually did conclude, though its conclusion led into a completely different series.
  3. Specifically the Obama "Dick Ridin'" music video, lol
  4. And Flying Guillotine for supreme awesomness
  5. Sometime between nobody know's and whenever they feel like it
  6. Damn, beat me to the punch, lol.
  7. I've got a pocket full of miracles!
  8. Damn you BSG and your sex change trend, now both Sado & Aihara are women! Or so the cry's would go out if this were an american fanboy event
  9. Let's see, naked Cheetara in the first episode..you may be on to something there.
  10. Ah the great ST/RT war of 2000, man a fanboy were lost that day, but the Trekkies successfully raided the Protoculture Matrix for all of the Flowers of Life to replace their dwindling Dlithium Crystal resources. It's said that Geordi could be seen drinking out of Dr. Lang's hollowed out skull to absorb all his knowledge. And just a few decks away, Worf dined on the entrails of Wolf during the wedding of Picard & Lisa Hayes Hunter. As per usual, Rick Hunter was lost in a Jeffrey's tube while on the way to intervene, and has never been heard from again.
  11. Well that parts easy. -Jet Skydream -Brent Winbush -Chuck Conners -Mark Silvermane -Wolf Lynx -Harvey Firestein -Maxine Electra -Lucy Justice -Joe Don Baker -Foxy McMellon -Roderick Moonraker -Walken Christopherson -Jessica Pantsuit -Sarah Darkmean You can pretty much throw together any two random names and have the perfect fit.
  12. I was hoping they'd actually pick someone more...less "fake" looking. Oh well, giant robots beating the crap out of eachother, yeah!
  13. I also demand that the term "sniper bazooka" be used!
  14. And yet, if "you" were a smalltimer looking to rip something off of the big animated production in town, wouldn't you go for something with a little more flash, like the scene where the Decepticons bust into the audio-bot shuttle, and tear them an new a-hole. Or the scene where Unicron comes across the dying Megatron and reforms him into Galva...hey wait a minute, I seem to recall a scene where those crackly robot cat thingies were shown in purple wire-frame with a skin effect going over them too in "Sentinels," hmm.
  15. Of all the things to "borrow," really HG, really?
  16. I'd assume the A model is the generic green one shown in background shots.
  17. Unfortunately, I think that's still lost in some kind of licensing hell.
  18. http://www.shoutfactorystore.com/prod.aspx?pfid=5257193 And just to confuse the kids who have no idea what this is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEPq0FvFm3g
  19. And yet, Plus, 7, Zero, Frontier, Escaflowne, & various design works including assiting in Cowboy Bebop & Eureka Seven, Kawamori has had (IMO) a more varied & colorful career in the past 3 decades.
  20. Actually, I'd have Kyon as Michel, and Haruhi as Klan Klan, think about it! As for Yuki, she's clearly Grace
  21. ArtDink is freakin' evil. As soon as you spend a couple hundred hours on their latest Macross & Gundam games, you still somehow get all geared up for the next game and promise of even more awesome. How they do it, I'll never know.
  22. And yet, Kawamori has done far more for anime in the past 30 years than all of the above. I think people expected a recapture of that glory when Tytania was announced, but look what happened there. Me, I'll hedge my bets with Kawamori.
  23. I'm actually not surrpised Sheryl's mother looks like Mao & Sarah. I'm still a bit more interested in Ranka's lineage.
  24. Unless Voyager wakes the hell up, figures out how to license new materials for something, or co-ventures with one of the current existing anime company's, this isn't very likely. http://www.starblazers.com/home.php Well, it does look like they're awake, but no signs of them wanting to do anything remotely new or profitable
  25. Reminds me of a really fat VF-4
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