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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You can actually get the BD live content for both countries by selecting english or Japanese at the initial menu load.
  2. U.S. & Japanese disc's are 100% identical, but I've heard no one say that they had to connect online to view the subittles on the Japanese release. Only difference was that the Japanese release had a limited edition slip cover.
  3. The only thing even remotely filler-ey is teh tacked on mecha battle towards the end, but really, you won't mind that, as the series is packed with more than enough awesome to make up for it.
  4. Who?
  5. The only thing worse than knowing that it won't be out until December, is knowing that it will probably never be released here...
  6. Which given your penchant for being right, means he's the greatest gaming genius of our time.
  7. It's easy as all hell to play, the menu's are very intutitive.
  8. PSN, I've never messed with xlink. As for the other question, don't bother with Ace, just go straight to Ultimate Frontier, as there's no benefit at this point to having or playing hte earlier game. And please, don't get a PSP go, get a current model PSP 3000, as any region PSP system will play any region PSP's UMD games, the only thing you can't play is other region UMD movies, with 99.89% of the time isn't an issue at all. Also, buy a memory stick!
  9. Dude, he did that a year ago, it was called "Avatar."
  10. If that was WXIII, then the only good thing I got out of it when I saw it years ago, was a trailer for Mahoromatic!
  11. There's an E3 staff interview that comfirms the story takes place between 2 & 4, so assumedly this is the cyborg ninja body he has before the one we see in 4.
  12. Darker than the beginning of up with a man's wife miscarrying, then dying, then having his house taken away? I don't doubt Pixar's ability to do dark, even if subtly, it's something I admire about them.
  13. Not a problem, if HG starts any trouble, Yoshiki Fukuyama will pop out and beam anima spiritia at them, leaving them no choice but to turn tail & run, or join the Macross side of the force. Also, tuna buns!
  14. I'm available most wednesdays during the day if anyone wants to give it a go
  15. Supposition at best. If that were true, Wall-E would have been a box office flop.
  16. Tokyo Game Show should be around september-ish.
  17. I still say they made a huge mistake not casting Terry Crews as B.A., he may be a bit taller, but he has a lot more of the spirit than rampage ever will. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=WrE-AhX-qtk
  18. Oh 3DS, you had me at Snake Eater, then threw in Mario Kart, SRW, Gundam, & Martha Stewert!? (no but really, Snake Eater looks freakin' awesome). Now I await Sony to put more cash into developing their next gen PSP that's somewhere between PS2 & PS3 power wise, and has TWO FREAKIN' ANALOG STICKS/NUBS with a next gen MUF style game, and I'll be sold there as well.
  19. Now that's awesome, and really, all online multi-platform games should be cross platform online.
  20. All I know, is that the Force Unleashed II dev team better have added light saber limb chopping, 'cus it looks like Rising is gonna own the slice & dice genre for a while.
  21. And I want you to post relavent issues in relavant topics, but we don't always get what we want.
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