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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You guys are forgetting another possability on the Ahsoka issue. She may be CGI'd in to the bluray release of Episode III, and killed there!
  2. This is why we're not allowed to have nice things.
  3. I just hope it's some demo glitch. Bad voice acting I can deal with, but a high end fighter plane that drift's for no damn reason is unacceptable. Although it does seem they're aware, since they were emphasizing the yaw controls. But really...
  4. Plenty of clips on youtube. Season 1 intro: Season 2 intro:
  5. Damn, totally blocked that one out. That's why I love these topics, they let me access long sealed away memories Speaking of Adrian Paul, he ruined the already prett bad "War of the Worlds" in the crapiertactular post apocolyptic second season.
  6. While possible, they may just leave her be, and let you assume "Order 66" killed her.
  7. Japan did a remaster a couple years ago that blew away AnimEigo's remaster (and rightfully so, since there were better materials to work wth) A bluray of that, regardless of the lack of subtitles, would maximize the quality of the show, while also being packaged in an easily importable format. So yeah, there would be a benefit to it.
  8. Don't forget all the rampant incest that goes on in Macek's original "vision" for robotech. Zor's clone has a baby with Minmay, who turns out to be Zor, who then is cloned, and has a baby with Minmay, lather, rinse, repeat.
  9. Nope, Kurt Russel mops the floor with Richard Dean Anserson, in every concievable way, "including" mullets. Stargate TV was a long drawn out never should have happpened 'cus the store already ended in the movie waste of time. But from the depths of memory, i pull another trick out of my hat. "It's like anime, but American!" And damn, I totally almost forgot, the "new" Bionic Woman.
  10. The biggest smokescreen in all of this is the remastering issue. I seriously doubt the DVD masters as they stand are up to HD snuff, and as such have to be remastered somewhat again to get an adiquate HD image. And at that point, if you're already going back to one source, why not do both? Obviously, the number of untouched scenes vastly outnumber the redone scenes, leaving a negligable cost to catch only the necessary parts up and branch them into the already being remastered movie would be more than covered by the millions of bluray sales.
  11. The quickest & easiest solution is simple, provide some sort of Mass Effect 1 movie. Given the short timeframe from now to release, a traditionally animated feature is out of the question, but assuming the in game models are good enough, using them to do a feature length recap shouldn't be a problem at all. Something that would be easy enough to supply with the storage space of bluray. Also downloaded the HAWX 2 demo today, and is it just me, or are the controls even looser than the first game.
  12. I'll allow it. The fake tits factor alone in regular Baywatch should qualify it as sci-fi.
  13. The major problem with the new version of the music scene, is that the song style doesn't even remotely fit in with any of the music that the band is playing in the background during before or after. Ok, I understand, he wanted to replace the puppets. But there was no reason to replace the song as well, and yes, it does make a difference.
  14. Hmm, I'm seriously gonna have to think about ME 2 now.
  15. Do you really think your wife will be able to tell the difference between Phase I & Phase II armor? Army men are army men!
  16. Since no one else will say it, I will. "The X-Files." Sure it started out fun & mysterious, but the whole thing super crapped on itself with a long drawn out "alien" mystery that never did go anywhere. Then when Duchovney left, and that alien mysery was suedo explained, entirely different aliens popped up with super terminator style aliens and much wtf. Plus, far too much of the show was focused on that news story about some dude emitting noxious gas in a hospitol. I officially dub the X-Files to be a failure.
  17. I honestly hope they add all the old Definative Collection ducumentaries, including the full version of the "original" Jaba's palace song. It'd also be a shame for them to omit A&E's "Empire of Dreams" from the DVD set.
  18. You konw, I think Ultimate Frontier woke up Japan to the custom soundtrack option, and really, it's about damned time.
  19. TV movie with a follow up TV show. Caught part of an episode once where Optimus Prime did the voice of the new version of "KARR," and the car somehow turned into a Bayformer. I think they probably got sued out of existence. I'm gonna say Team Knight Rider wasn't worse, since it had that cute blonde chick in it.
  20. I just hope they don't string out the series too long, since the character designs look like they're starting to fall in line with episode III already. Hell, isn't Padme pregnant in season 2?
  21. Bah, totally forgot they made a new "Knight Rider."
  22. Repeat after me: "It was always there." or "No really, it's been there for months, how did you not notice that?" or "I totally won the office pool, who would have thought." You just have to get creative with how you integrate new hardware. Like "I was totally about to go to this strip club, but I love you so much, I got a PS3 instead."
  23. That looks sufficiently epic. Is the 3rd season supposed to be the final season of the series? I'm actually surprised to be enjoying something that I initially completely hated the character designs off, but there ya go. The major dilemma next year will be whether or not to break up the bluray movie viewing with all 3 seasons of Clone Wars inbetween eps 2 & 3.
  24. As much groaning as is going on right now, I can't help but think many will still end up purchasing regardless. Me, I'm read' ta go.
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