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Everything posted by Keith

  1. There's another interesting bit Kowaru says while Gendo & Fuyutsuki try to see what's going on, on the moon. He
  2. Just finished Casshern Sins. I didn't quite ilke it as much as I thought I would, something about the second half of the series just didn't sit right. It almost seems like someone major who worked on the scenario left, and someone else took over who didn't quite understand where things were originally going. But regardless, was still a cool show, and if nothing else, very stylish.
  3. Actually, that's not so much of an issue with it all being on bluray. Especially when you consider that MUF, with its infinately simpler texture's & models, still only fits on less than a gig of UMD.
  4. I'd actually say Basara was far more cool & collected, dude went out into battle with nothing but his song.
  5. Background image on the new Itsuwari no Utahime page.
  6. The only way the Order 66 scene could have been better, is if they showed Anakin's lightsaber lob off a kids head, even if in silhouette only. Hell, Lucas even let his own kid get eaten alive by clone troopers, I love ep III
  7. Hmm, can't help but wonder exactly what this game is going to be, since nowhere are they mentioning that this may be a demo for a fuller game. Can't see it being too long with only the movie story to cover, but I suppose we'll see.
  8. To be fair, CDJapan still doesn't list subtitles on the TV set, and that's been comfirmed. I think it's just too early for solid info on the specs.
  9. There has been no mention of English subtitles yet, but Amazon.jp has an exclusive steelbox edition of Disappearance up for pre-order if anyone's interested.
  10. A friend just sent me a link to a translation of Kon's final words, Apparently it was pancreatic cancer, and he only had a few months after finding out. http://www.makikoitoh.com/journal/satoshi-kons-last-words
  11. The TV show no, I wouldn't ranka as anywhere near the worst. The ALF TV movie however was absolute crap on a stick.
  12. Yeah, Zathura was awesome, especially that part where that chick was totally ready to do her younger brother.
  13. I love Macross 7 more than the above average Macross fan, but don't see a direct sequal happening. Kawamori doesn't seem to like retreading over his steps (aside from the occasional movie version), the best we can hope for is that Nekki Basara pops up during the next epic singer battle in whatever Macross project may pop up. Although story wise, I really want Shin & Sarah to pop the hell up first.
  14. Maybe it's because I actually watched the show, or maybe it's because it was made by the same people who made Herculies The Legendary Journeys, or maybe it's because right after it, was Jack of All Trades, which stared minnie me as Napoleon, but I definately don't think Cleopatra 2525 was anywhere near the worst sci-fi show ever.
  15. After watching this trailer, I'm going to disagree, this looks like the best Charlie Sheen movie ever!
  16. Nah, too much cleavage to be truly considered the worst.
  17. I predict decent/pretty good bluray/DVD sales. I know I'm ready to pre-order as soon as it's up. Hell, I'm hoping for a November release.
  18. I've played a couple stages on the Frontier campaign. And whlie I haven't played any of the A.C.E. games before, it feels expectedly "slow" compared to more fast paced Macross games (MUF for example). Missile lock seems to use up the special meter, which means you can't use it all the time, which is also unfortunate. But regardless, it is a cool game, just seems more geared towards Gundam styled units.
  19. Then the solution is simple. Anakin must lose Ahsoka sooner than later. And it must be because of some "goody" option that he chooses. Letting someone live, etc.
  20. Note: I'm no stranger to refueling, as I've doen it in every Ace Combat that had it but... In Hawx, I was all lined up, followed instructions given, then crashed into the refueling plane somehow, and haven't gone back to the demo since!
  21. Turns out that Tobey was actually a Macross fan all along, and started this whole thing to play a huge prank on Robotech fans. You know, get them all excited about a new movie, hold up production on Shadow Rising, then sit back & laugh as absolutely nothing came about. He's going to be the guest of honor at MW Con '10.
  22. Same reason why we didn't get the season 1 bluray before season 2 aired...mystery! As CN here isn't in HD, I'll do my usual wait for the bluray set option.
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