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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You can use missiles in Gerwalk, but you have to switch to the second weapons set (L1) in order to access them, and they use up your special meter.
  2. You sir, are in serious need of a copy of the recent Macross 7 remaster, trust me when I say that looks absolutely nothing like a good quality copy.
  3. Could be, the end of 2.22 would seem to combine
  4. That's a simpler one actually. In Japan, school uniforms are seasonal.
  5. Rule # 1 for spotting a bootleg: If it's got English & Chinese subtitles, it's a bootleg! Well, unless it's the HK release of 2.22 & Summer wars on bluray, those actually are legit. Rule #2: If it's R1 or 0, and has English & chinese subtitles, it's a bootleg! VCD'd of course didn't have regioncoding, but the compression is so bad on those things, it'd be hard to say any are truly "good" quality.
  6. Did you watch past the credts?
  7. Haven't had a whole lot of time to play in this heat. But overall impression, fighter controls are useless, targetting is a bit clunky, and on the MUF scale, it's slow as all hell, but still fun. I've only played a bit of the Frontier campaign so far, but the Aquarion just popped up in one of the missions, and that has a pretty sweet transformation, with each form specializing in different style attacks.
  8. You make it sound like Cowboy Bebop lost its rating or something, and had its TV run cut, when in actuality, its content was deemed unsuitable for its regular broadcast slot, which is why the entire series wasn't shown on (Japanese) TV. Also, there's no bluray release of Bebop anywhere, who told you it was ever released in HD?
  9. One minor thing, there's absolutely no way you can realistically believe that any Macross product sells better imported to the U.S. than it does in Japan. Not even toys, there will always inherently be a bigger domestic (Japanese) market. As for their reasoning, it's purely a rational, if not unrealistic in this case, reason. If they include English subs, they inherently lower their bargaining power when & if it comes time for a U.S. distirbuter to license any given product. Mind you releases like Haruhi have shown this to be little more than paranoia, it still stands that from a theoretical standpoint, they think they won't make as much money on licensing a product, if they already include that market in their initial product.
  10. Like I said, the alternate realities weren't there for the sake of showing differnt forms of existence. They were there to show the hollowness of not living in reality. What they taught Shinji, was that a "real" existence was a preferable existence, even if it was more painful than fantasy.
  11. Can someone change the subject line to include "NO SUBTITLES" or something? This is getting as bad as the whole "when is it going to be released" thing.
  12. That's what he was saying. The general toy mold "looks" like it was designed with transformation in mind. But the final production toys wound up having no movable joints, with the transformation idea being scrapped.
  13. I was actually referring to the echo that the giant Zentradi have in their voice.
  14. Also, Tommy Chong isn't Mexican.
  15. Why does everyone in Turkish Trek sound like Zentradi? -Double Dragon: You know, I watched far more of that cartoon than I should have, it was just like some kind of beautiful trainwreck that I couldn't turn away from. Probably the least offensive of its brethren, including "American Street Fighter Cartoon", "American Mortal Kombat Cartoon", and the absolute worst travesty Americans ever committed upon awesome Japanese video gaming in cartoon form, and yes, it's even worse than "Legend of Zelda", I speak of ... What they did to Morrigan alone warrents the entire staff being put in front of a firing squad. And hell, while we're onto the subject of bad american suedo sci-fi cartoons
  16. No, I was asking if he'd seen Gunbuster since Voices seemed new to him.
  17. There are two major problems with doing another Bill & Ted movie at this point. 1st: Bogus Journey pretty much had them becoming Wild Stallions, starting world peace, etc. No place else to go. 2nd: And more importantly, George Carlin is dead.
  18. Hmm, have you seen Gunbuster?
  19. Thanks to Funkenstein, I have now remembered the ultimate show.
  20. OMG, thank you, I totally forgot about Van-Pires, I totalliy need to post that in the TV show topic!!
  21. About the lances In a word, not really very likely at all, and if anything would cheapen the rebuild project alltogether.
  22. I love this dude, but I wonder how much of what we're saying is being properly conveyed through machine translation. And what he thinks of our random banter.
  23. Nonsene. Ace pilot skill + VF-19 Kai + mini-pinpoint barrier system + ANIMA FREAKIN' SPIRITIA = No chance of Basara dying. Well, except for that one time he died. But really, Basara wouldn't die, even if they killed him!!
  24. Totally missed that news, when was it announced?
  25. Sometimes being an anime fan means buying something even if it doesn't have english subtitles, just because it's that awesome.
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