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Everything posted by Keith

  1. It's BGM from MAF & MUF.
  2. Is he too much of a celebrity? Or is he hiding from the fanbase that would rightfully demand some kind of truthful interaction from him?
  3. Anybody catch the new Castlevania Lords of Shadow trailer? http://www.amazon.com/games Though I almost completely forgot this game existed, I've now put down my pre-order!
  4. Assumedly, the frigate interior was shown during one of the early flashbacks, the one where Tigh almost torched himself before getting the re-enlistment knock.
  5. Damn i hated the stupid freakin' hybrid, made me miss the lightbulb headed things from the original series
  6. Gamefaq's posters probably got their info from NCS, who incorrectly posted that it will be a full game port.
  7. And what an ass place in the story to pull the plug at that, thanks for reviving that anger! BTW, how well does the DVD release of Roughnecks hold up in our shiny new HD era?
  8. The "how dare the people who made the thing that our thing copies make more when we have none" crowd has never made sense, and never will.
  9. Next prediction: Tommy Yune will say that they're going to target the RLAM to run against the next Star Trek in 2012. Also, I wonder if you called HG's realestate division to talk about properties, do you think you'd get a direct line to Tommy or Kevin?
  10. Yeah, all it was good for was an initial bombardment scene. I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of the topless chicks who are never scene elsewhere in the series was..
  11. Alright, after going for that almost insanely low BR deal amazon had last month, I just finished the series (except for the Plan, but I'll get to that in a day or two). Watched everything in order, webisides, DC episodes, etc. All in all, I'm surprised at the level of closure that was brought about to the story. It's just so damned uncommon in the U.S. Not so surprised at what look to be a ton of anime references, and overall stick with my initial impression that Gall Force was the backbone of the main story. If I had one complaint, it's that a little too much of the action happened off screen. I'm sure it's due to budget, but there were a lot of battles spoken of happening offscreen that would have been nice to see, not the least of which being the initial mini-series attack, and decimation of the main colony fleet. Second, inhibiters or no, new Centurians should have been able to talk. And just a tad bit too much religion in general, but it works well in its context. But overal, fun show, probably wouldn't have checked it out without all the praise it got here.
  12. Wait a minute, doesn't re-releasing Prelude potentially hurt the live action movie, since it'll set up too early of a demand, and...What was their reason for not doing Shadow Rising again?
  13. I wonder how many sticky ones will get signed before Scarlett says no more!
  14. F^ck that, where's more Bayonettta?
  15. You forgot the final five Zentradi, hidden among the crew. Hint: Shammy is one of them!
  16. Almost like they knew the media wouldn't hold up for some reason, AnimEigo neglected to include any copy protection on their DVD's. I take this as a "feel free to back up your disc's" from AnimEigo.
  17. I'm pretty sure it was something about melon's & Misato's ass.
  18. Sho Hayami was Klein Sandman, that's enough reason to watch both seasons. Also, without Gravion, we probably wouldn't have Godannar!
  19. It's been never since I've played mass effect 1, however Protip: Context - When someone is speaking about how they hate the Galaxy Class design, and are glad it was replaced by the Sovereign design, they're obviously speaking about Star Trek.
  20. WTF are you talking about now?
  21. I always hated the damn Galaxy class, too bulbous in the wrong places. The interiors were also far too "cruise shippy", Can't tell you how happy I was when they finally blew it up, and replaced it with the Sovereign.
  22. The AnimEigo set is superior in almost every regard. It has progressive video (ADV's release is interlaced for some reason), and a superior Japanese audio mix (AnimEigo kept their good stuff since they got the audio masters outside of HG's license..), ADV was stuck using a completely un-remastered degraded track for their release. The only area's where ADV's release shines, are disc/box art, and translation. AnimEigo slipped in a couple pop culture references, which drags their subs down a notch for me.
  23. Obvious question, did you watch Gravion first?
  24. i never gave any of those dudes a second chance. And for the record, "I" am robotech community enemy #1, there used to be a web page saying so!
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