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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Macross The First: Animated Make it happen BW!
  2. Not me, it's gonna be a definate first day purchase. I can't wait to see what kind of inanely stupid things they do, and the wait for hulu would be too excruciating.
  3. I admit I don't follow this stuff much, but how the hell is smallville still on after 10 years? How long does superman hang out there before moving to metropolis???
  4. Palpatine killed Padme with the darkside, that's how he knew she was dead so fast, "he" did it.
  5. King Gainer will be #1 on the list of best dancing mecha!
  6. I have no idea what you guys are talking about Sith was easily as good as Empire.
  7. Don't worry, that usually means they're going to put out a lower priced re-release.
  8. You know what would be funny? If the only thing 3D in any of the films, are the little communication holograms With that said, As soon as I have my bluray set next year, I don't care what trendy kick Lucas goes on with the movies, 3D, smellavision (and I thought they smelled bad on the outside), the bluray should be the definative version for quite a while.
  9. This is not news, and unfortunately, as far as we know, they are "not" making this into a series. However, if done right, I don't think anyone would really mind if they did make Macross The First into a series. HG can go stick their trademark up their collective asses, I would import this non-existent show on bluray in a heartbeat.
  10. After viewing these scans for the first time...I DEMAND THIS BE MADE INTO A NEW SERIES RIGHT NOW!
  11. I thought the Gungan King was supposed to be George Lucas?
  12. And rightfully so!
  13. I'm saying by definition, the're robots, not mecha. For exapmle, Kikaider is a machine (Kika), but not mecha (otherwise he'd be mechaider). Now if the list had been "Anime's top 10 robots" that'd be a whole different deal.
  14. And yet, Super Robots, Giant Robots, & Robots are "not" mecha damnit!
  15. It's from DYRL. As for that list, I stand by my comments, only 3 on that list are actually classified as mecha.
  16. Lack of subtitles has more to do with not spending money on external markets, and raising the value of a licensing fee for international distribution. Sucks, but that's how they do. If you've already got a PS3, sign up for a Japanese PSN account, and you can download the trailer in HD directly to your PS3 form the Japanese playstation store.
  17. And that's what makes Gainax so lovable. I also can't wait to see SRW OG: The Inspector. Streaming through crunchyroll starting next month.
  18. The problem with Yamato Ressurection was that Leiji Matusmoto wasn't involved. It was 100% pure bonkers Nishizaki ruining the show. If you want to see something good, check out Galaxy Railways.
  19. I was actually joking about that Panty & Analyzer thing, as I can totally see why those would be left out (or will they?!), but I think it looks more like the new ST than BSG.
  20. Fred Savage is more than miffed at Robotech, the effects of Protoculture left him seriously disfigured.
  21. Dubs are usually owned by the original Anime licensor, not just by the domestic company that dubs it. As such, the dub is usually part of the package when a show is re-licensed.
  22. They're being strangely quiet about the BD release, I almost think they didn't mean to announce it. The movie will definately be coming on BD though.
  23. Hmm, might work if they could hire John Travolta to be the head Boomer, or maybe even as Mason...hmm.
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