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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I can. "Dear Shoji Kawamori, all your bases are belong to us. Love, Harmony Gold"
  2. I actually like that Anakin is either Sidius or his master's son. Roofy's are strong with the darkside.
  3. Ah, welcome back to MW then, feel free to hang out lol.
  4. Long time no see. Chances are if he hasn't responded to you by now, he's not gonna. I'd just pay that debt forward, rather than worrying about it.
  5. It just makes you appreciate the little fan community we have over here all the more.
  6. It's almost like they intentionally want to smother out their fanbase
  7. Many years ago, my little brother lost my copies of Rad Racer & Batman for the NES. Suffice it to say, he has never been forgiven...
  8. Necromanced as in inactive since '06. But while we've got your ear, a certain Robotech.com member has been put on ban for on topic positive discussion about new Robotech projects that actually sparked some interesting conversation over at RT.com, and had an active positive following. What's up with that? Is there some hidden sub clause in the RT.C TOS that says actively discussing positive aspects about new robotech productions is some type of attack on Steve Yun and requires an apology? lol.
  9. Hanks actually starting to show signs he may be the genius successor to the family name, hmm.
  10. Going by those pictures, I don't think they're wearing any pants. I think the belts are to help keep their uniform buckled, so their wangs don't go flapping in the wind. Take a look at Max there, you can nearly see his asscrack through the back of his uniform.
  11. Mayhaps he's just a robotech fan with who thinks that he can also try to hijack a Japanese franchise by exploiting the ignorance of the people who issue U.S. copyrights.
  12. At this point in the timeline, the Supervision Army, even if they did pop up, would be no greater than a rogue Zentradi fleet. We now know exactly who they were, and who they worked for. It's doubtful as a threat, they'd be any more dangerous than the Varuta. Besides which, without the Protodevelin around, there's really no reason for the Supervision Army to continue any form of hostility, since their main purpose would have been Spiritia collection. I'd wager to say one of two things happened to them. 1: The Zentradi whiped them out, and didn't realize it. 2: They awoke from their brainwashing themselves, and settled down on a world somewhere. If there had still been a Supervision Army in existence, the Protodevelin would have called them in as backup. Unless they did, and they did, munched on them for Spiritia, and scalped their fleet into the rebuilt Varuta fleet. Or hey, another alternative, redub some key scenes from Macross II, change that Earth into a long distance out of contact colony fleet. Change the Macross into one of the many mass produced SDF types that we now know exist. And change the Marduk into a self aware evolution of the Supervision Army. Profit!
  13. Far more wasted than Darth Maul, was Qui Gon Jin. He should have been in all 3 movies, culminating in Anakin sitting back as Palpatine killed him (would have been far more meaningful than Mace Windu dying), resulting in Anakin's final turn to the darkside. Also, if "anyone" was going to be edited into Jedi, it should have been QGJ.
  14. Man, I'd love to see an Iron Man/BGC crossover...
  15. I'd be surprised if he didn't miss a clause in his contract stating that anything he did while working on a Sega character property didn't automatically revert to Sega's ownership since the original intellectual property was their's. Or in other words, nice try dude.
  16. More importantly, Mylene doesn't run around telling everyone at every opportunity who's daughter she is.
  17. Dude, he got a Sheryl & Ranka cell, lucky! I wonder how much the Grace shower cells will go for on auction
  18. LOL at necromanced Bateman account, and yeah, I actually own all those titles. As a Macross fan, I'm morbidly curious as to the random directions HG tries to take the franchise. Besides, I watch them every once in a while to remember why I stopped being a robotech fan
  19. This has all happened before, and it will all happen again...
  20. IT'S A TRAP!
  21. Just because I own The Sentinels, Codename Robotech, Shadow Chronicles, and Space Gundam V doesn't make me a.... BOMBA!
  22. Panty and Stocking will finally bridge the cultural gap between the U.S. & Japan, and usher in the future foretold in "Timetrax" where we are one great nation with anime for all!
  23. That b!tch is too skinny, way too skinny WAAAAYYY to skinny. Seriously, I don't care what the show is called, she needs to eat.
  24. Definately looks like Gainax has another winner Now I just wonder who will license it, Funi or Sentai.
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