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Everything posted by Keith

  1. That's the full game, the demo came with the first DYRL BD release (and is the reason the film was edited). To date there's no PS4 Macross release, the last ArtDink Macross game was Triangle Frontier on the Vita.
  2. PS3, and it was an amazing demo for a full game that got slogged down with RPG elements. ArtDink just published a train sim for the Switch, I wonder if they'd be up for doing another Macross game (without the boring RPG elements)
  3. Even he had to be shaking his head that Basquash was more internationally available than Macross.
  4. Especially after the Switch port of that awful 2D robotech shooter, Battroids have gravity in space! If we could get a Switch port of the Saturn/PS1 DYRL Shooter it'd be epic.
  5. Ya'll joke, but Macross 7 will finally shine in the U.S.!
  6. Strangely, all I want from this right now is Mospeada & Orguss on blu-ray.
  7. It was probably their primary sticking pint and escape route (if necessary). But if HG is sharing movie rights/revenue, they most certainly bent the knee.
  8. At this point, would't it be cheaper to get a few sheets of plexiglass and assemble them into a case?
  9. If you pay attention it's a huge indication. Those are regions where HG attempted tp flex their muscle & were subsequently shut down. The erosion of their claims internationally "will" have eventual ramifications in the US/Canada. Legal precedent is the name of the game.
  10. Yup, for a game where you're constantly flying, it sure had a low invisible ceiling.
  11. Was that any better than the dumpster fire that was Battlecry?
  12. Did they ever do a 4th season?
  13. Katanagatari was 100% worth the wait though.
  14. The thing you're still pressing is that the religious terms aren't there for any mystery whatsoever. They're represented by quite literal forms of bio-super science that's reasonably defined within the story. If I were to put a qualifier on it, it would be that (within the context of the story) all the worlds religions got it wrong, and misinterpreted a (genetic memory encoded) blueprint for how to propagate life in the universe as a religion.
  15. To understand Adam & Lilith, you have to look at what they specially are, and how they relate to each other. Neither came into being autonomously, and require the presence of the other to constitute a "complete" existence. The attributes of the Adam/Angel side are an entropy free immortality (perpetual life through the S2 Engine/Core/"Fruits of life."). Attributes of the Lilith/Lilim side are perpetual reproduction/evolution & culture (be it at the cost of entropy). Seem independently the Adam/angel side is powerful, but extremely limited by that power. The Lilith/Lilim side is conversely incredibly fragile, but replicates in mass to make up for that fragility. Existing by themselves, neither is suited for a long range colonization, but together the Angel side is the perfect ark to transport & deposit the Lilim side, able to travel & exist infinitely until a suitable planet is found to deposit the building blocks of life. Remember, neither side on their own was considered a "God," it required both rejoined together. This!
  16. Like I said earlier, I'd suggest a watch of Fushigi no Umi Nadia, think of it as a Jules Verne themed (with literal Verne setting & "tones") prototype version of Eva's story.
  17. Next time you watch, pay close attention to Fuyutski's & Yui's explanations. Keel (in Monolith projection) gets pretty specific about the Black/White moon stuff, though it's also spelled out in "The Red Cross Book" (original EOE theater pamphlet). As Yui through her rare monologs tells her plan to become a new Lilith (god) to colonize a new world, and ensure humanity doesn't die out on Earth. Gendo's overall plan was to replace the Adam component of her Lilith form so he could go with her.
  18. Actually no, the seeding of life was 100% intentional, as specific conditions were required to do so (Earth like planet with a moon). The colonization on Earth only happened once (1st Impact) on two fronts (Black Moon/Lilith Egg & White Moon/Adam Egg), with both of the "Eggs" being two halves of the same being (the fully formed Lilith, or what Eva refers to as a "god" being is actually a lifeform capable of traveling through space to colonize). Angels & humans were originally the same being, it was Yui's plan to recreate (and become) Lilith that instigated Seele awakening the Angels & their subsequent attacks. Tones imply themes withiteral meaning behind them, watch the show, those "tones" aren"t there. Only the names assigned to aspects in Eva.
  19. Because all references are in name alone, with no actual significance being held by their counterparts in mythology. Getting caught up in any of that is a distraction from the actual story.
  20. There are no true religious undertones in Eva, it's actually all aliens & colonizing. If you really want to understand it, watch "Fushigi no Umi Nadia."
  21. No, but it has the same writer, director & studio.
  22. It's a little darker, but I'd recommend checking out Katanagatari if you can find a copy. It's a much shorter Nissi Oissin story, but very awesome.
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