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Everything posted by Keith

  1. "Sh!t or get off the pot" best sums up the whole situation. If they're going to make something, do it. If they're not, sell the license to someone who gives a crap so we can finally get more Macross. Bandai Entertainmet, Funimation, etc, I'm sure would be interested in purchasing the license for a reasonable price. And both would have a much easier time dealing with Big West. Sure Tommy is butt hurt over the thorough panning that Shadow Chronicles got, and yet, if he can't handle it, he needs to either find someone who can, or reccomend HG do exactly what I just said they should. What they're doing isn't fair to their fanbase, let alone us.
  2. Exactly, he was (not even remotely) clearly talking about the super posables. If HG actually had the ability to release DYRL, they'd pimp it at every given opportunity "including" turning it into a robotech dub movie. The fanbase would crap their pants at the unbelievable animation quality in the new robotech feature, and we'd all be collectively sighing.
  3. Seemed to me that the mysteries of the first series were not only spat on, but then shat on and burned, eaten, and shat out and spit on again. Plus the leftfield nonsensicle reboot ending was anticlimactic at best.
  4. Have you seen School Rumble? If not, then that should be your next series.
  5. Actually, I think that's why we don't have a full game yet, because it will be comparable with Ultimate. Takes a long time to render all of those Valkyries.
  6. Try equiping the steak skill (kakizaki's all range barrier explosion), and make sure you're on top of Zentradi trying to steal those chambers.
  7. Big O II is still the reigning king of letdowns though, and proof that american companies should keep their noses out of anime production.
  8. Not gonna waste time with the preview, patiently waiting for the bluray.
  9. To figure out why Manga is still releasing Macross Plus & II in the U.S. with no hassle from HG, just take a hop over to manga.com What do you find there? Digital distribution of Roboteh, mystery solved!
  10. Just as I said, the last two will be the replacements for EoE. Storywise, I wouldn't expect anything fundamentally different, as everything up until now has been essential the same, just told in an awesome new way. i'd expect similar results from 3.0 & 4.0.
  11. In the demo they're more there to take flack than anything. The full game will/should have actual commandable wingmen. Any other background friendlies just need to be taken care of, i.e. make sure you take out the enemy before they take out your friendlies. One more thing, if you've used Klan's Quadran Rhea, you may have noticed it has the large Zentradi canon as it's third support weapon. These types of weapons have two types of targetting. Basically, if you hould down on the crosspad before firing, you'll launch out a straight targeted shot. If you push up on the crosspad before firing, you'll launch out a wider overhead shot.
  12. The length is understandable given the amount of general story content that's left to cover. Since many parts of the next two episodes that follow in the TV version of the story have already happened the only parts really left are the whole issue of Shinji interacting with Kowaru, and the EoE stuff. It'd also be nice if a couple bits about how this version of Nerv was formed, perhaps the Ritsuko's mother thing could be addressed when Seele try to hack the MAGI, and finally Yui being absorbed into Unit-01. Two 45 minut emovies would suffice in covering all of this territory.
  13. If you strike this thread down, it will become more powerful than you can imagine!
  14. Tekkaman The Space Night - Tekkaman Blade Fullmetal Alchemist - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki - Tenchi Muyo TV, Shin Tenchi, Pretty Sammy Record of Lodoss War OVA - Record of Lodoss War TV (bleh!) Bubblegum Crisis / Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Tetsujin 28 (several times) Mach Go Go Go (several times) And many many others. So yeah, it's been done, and in this case, would be a highly profitable venture for all involved, especially the fans.
  15. Well, he has been pretty quiet the last week, maybe he's already checking it out. If not, we may have to have an intervention.
  16. Block actually works best against beam attacks, and or it'll minimalize general damage (missiles, gunfire, etc). But like I said, you'll notice it most if you get caught in a a beam attack. With the targetting off, you will still auto-ain at the nearest enemy, but it's handy in missions where you have to pick up items and carry them places (not in the demo), and or getting away from something that's firing a beam at you (red vajra, capitol ship, Michel), since it's hard to boost away from something you're locked onto. I also forgot, if you hold down triangle until you flash, you'll do an SP melee attack without using your SP. Fighter is a good general purpose mode. Trash for using the gunpod (unless you're using Michel's sniper rifle, it still has pretty good accuracy in fighter), but it's most useful when you're out numbered and taking a ton of misisles. The very last stage in the demo is a good example. If you stay in fighter and boost around, while switching to your single lock missile option, you can easily take out each VF-25 one by one, wihle taking little to no damage. Chaff when necessary (autotically kicks any missiles locked on to you). Just be careful that you don't hit boost (X) before missiles (circle) or you'll accidentally set off your support attack. If you start firing missiles (hold down circle), then thumb over to boost at the same time, you'll be untouchable & deadly. Battroid is best used up close. While you can still fire missiles, you'll notice that the multi-lock ones go in shorter bursts. Gunpod accuracy is the highest though, so say a stage like the one with a million Vajra, if you take the whole thing in battroid, you'll be able to gunpod most of them (tap R1 (target lock) while an enemy is dying to quickly move on to the next), while using multi-lock missiles to supplement you're your fire (and cover you while reloading). is great in space misions, and missions where you're in a higher atmosphere. Gerwalk doesn't get to shine too much in this demo, since there are no ground missions. But in missions with ground combat, it's a life saver to be nearly as mobile as Fighter, but have a more battroid like gunpod accuracy. There are also (in the PSP games) levels inside sihps, where Gerwalk will let you quickly navigate corridors, while also being able to fly on the walls or cielding (a very cool addition to the last game btw). You can also climb up buildings on ground levels while in Gerwalk. And of course carry items (boxes, minmay, AFOS head) while being highly mobile. Another nice additioni n the last game, you won't be able to use fighter with a fast pack on (well, except for the VF-2SS)since the fast pack makes the Valkyrie too heavy, so it'll only let you switch between Gerwalk & Battroid. Ah, peaking of which L3 + R3 - Purge fast pack! In the PSP game, it's Square + Triangle + X + Circle. This game engine actually has a lot of depth despite initial superficial appearances. It literally is the closest any video game has come to the Macross show experience. You can double tap left or right on the crosspad to roll. If you double tap down while in fighter and hold down, the legs will drop down to give you a reverse boost (fire missiles at the same time for awesome anime like action). If you hold triangle while in fighter, you'll turn off your engines and glide (dino-bird!), if you hold L1 while in Gerwalk, you'll also stop your engines. L1 + double tap up/down in Battroid/Gerwalk will automatically boost you upwards or downwards (until you hit ground/air level cielings). Ah, and the final game should also have wingmen, which adds a whole other level of awesome. The PSP games only gave you one wingman, basically hitting select brought up a short menu of commands to issue your wingman. Hopefully this next game will follow the Gundam series (this company also does Gundam games), and let you have two wingmen (selecting commands with both the crosspad & face buttons). If you have a PSP, ifnd yourself a copy of Macross Ultimate Frontier. It'll show you how epic this PS3 game will truly become.
  17. L1 - Block L1 + Square - Switch secondary weapon L1 + Triangle - SP melee L1 + X - SP Boost L1 + Circle - SP Secondary L1 + R1 - Turn off Targeting R1 - Target R1 + crosspad up - Target stronger enemy R1 + crosspad down - Target weaker enemy R1 + crosspad left / right - switch general target Square - Main Weapon Triangle - Melee X - Boost Circle - Secondary Weapon Square + X - shoot incoming missiles (when in Battroid & Gerwalk, release chaff when in Fighter) Triangle + Circle - SP Attack (varies depending on which Valkyrie you're using) Circle + X - Support Character SP attack (varries by support character) L2 & R2 - Adjust Yaw Most Valkyires have 3 secondary weapons, multi-lock missiles, high manuever single lock missiles, and head cannon. Your SP attack changes also depending on whether or not you're using a fast pack/tornado pack. You also have to wait until your SP meter (under HP meter) is charged to do full SP attacks/most support attacks.
  18. Yup, it was the episode with the multi-colored thingy. Basically, the whole Luna turning out to be a homocidal robot killing maniac just didn't seem to fit everything that lead up to it. The explanation for the ruin...also a bit random.
  19. It looked to me that they were going to have the little girl turn out to be the rebirth of Luna, hence the need for her original cell deally (which was completely dropped after!).
  20. I don't know what your'e talking about, but I loved Pink Monsoon. Only song on the Universal Bunny album I wasn't big on was Gira Gira Summer.
  21. I commented similarly when watching a few months ago, but the last half of Casshern really feels like it was done by a completely different group of writers, who didn't understand where the first group was going.
  22. I'm actually more curious about why the A.I. Cylons yielded to their newer fleshy incarnations that the 5 made them. Were all of the previous Cylons somehow uploaded into new "real" bodies? Were they simply boxed? or were they tricked into the newer super toaster bodies that had the inhibiters in them. That's the one bit that never quite jived for me.
  23. You may want to suppliment natural grinding with also using Nyan Nyan points, it'll make it go a lot quicker. I had everything maxed out at somewhere around 100 hours. Right now I'm occasionally grinding pilots & raising love/respect stats.
  24. Really, fanservice haters now? Get over it, or go watch JAG.
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