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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And yet they were clearly much braver about it then, as shown by their knock-off DYRL flight suits in the flight simulator at the beginning.
  2. I honestly think they should rip-off Haruhi Suzumiya yet. Ariel could get hit in the head, get anmnesia, and exponenciate her already over-blown powers. Scott Bernard could be Kyon, Glasses guy could be Koizumi, the Android chick could be Yuki, and just about anyone in the cast has tits big enough to be Mikuru. They could all fly through space trying to keep Ariel entertained so that she doesn't whipe them all out of existence. Hilarious!
  3. It says "buy the UMD and stop playing ISO's"
  4. I wouldn't necessarily say that. You've seen the garbage that passes for kids programming. I don't htink it would be "that" hard for them to air something they made. The main difficulty for them remains in the "making it" arena.
  5. Orguss 02 was even more nonsensically non-canon than Macross II.
  6. Not sure why, but the trailer reminds me of Grandia for some reason.
  7. I vote for finding out who Palpatine is early, and falling in a fight with him with no one ever knowing.
  8. Purge is actually the same for both. You can manually purge even when using Type-B.
  9. Looking at Orguss, you have to feel a bit jealous that Macross didn't have its animation consistency. Sure there are still some off-model episodes, but the consistency overall is much better.
  10. Who know's at this point, but as it stands now, it does book-end the CG series without too much effort. From what I'm reading about season 3 and its flash backs to season 1 era episodes, I don't see why they don't flash back to a Qui Gon Jin /Obi Wan adventure. Sure that wouldn't technically be during "The Clone Wars," but it'd still be pretty sweet.
  11. Wow, no Kabuto Koji, weird everyone has a robot bad end Getter style future, and dual piloted Mazinkaiser? Sure I'd buy it if licensed, but Koji never needed help damnit...well, not direclty in the same cockpit at least.
  12. All good questions, I'll have to play with it some more later to check it out.
  13. Barring my obvious feelings on the matter, what an ironic way to go.
  14. I mostly go with standard. I played around with custom's for a bit, but found I prefer things to look as they did in the show. A side to that, would be switching to custom color schemes (preset ones) when using characters like Kakizaki, or changing Max's DYRL VF-1S to a different character speicfic color scheme, it's it's the most badass VF-1 in the game (cluster missiles & reaction weapons, bomba!).
  15. Tornado pack handles expectedly like the VF-2SS's fast pack.
  16. Careful there, forgetting Kawamori mecha designs is a bannable offense!
  17. Panty & Stocking Ep 6: finally their demon opposites pop up, complete with the return of the angel transformation, and a brand new demon transformation sequence. I can't wait to see what kinda epic crazy sh!t this series is going to end with.
  18. Seele & Nerv's goals were not the same. And neither wanted to bring an end to life.
  19. After the awesomeness that was Resolute, I can't help but wonder what the hell happened here. Also, the character designs are terrible Epic fail!
  20. Dude, the DVD has been out for almost 10 years!
  21. Especially with the hilarious "duH" way it was revealed.
  22. I just wish AnimEigo had gotten into releasing thinpaks before the series went OOP.
  23. lol, he doesn't even know how to use the three sea shells!
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