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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Now don't be so pessamistic. Maybe it'll turn out like this
  2. I don't know, I always thought Orguss 02 spit in the face of Orguss's ending
  3. Because they probably couldn't get Nishizaki to agree not to mess with production unless Matsumoto also wasn't involved.
  4. I find this to be an acceptable conclusion! Although I think you forgot the part where Grace unleashes 100's of MDE's, whiping everything in the robotech universe out of existence.
  5. Not sure what Unicorn OVA 2 you were watching, but everything still looked freakin' awesome in mine.
  6. We've been left hanging on "The Shadow Chronicles" for like 4 -5 years now. I demand to know what happens next. What happens when I try to find out what's going on? I get banned from RT.com, WTF!
  7. Is this really a story that needs to be told? Also, I'll watch if they bring back Rob Schnieder.
  8. Hey, any updates on the new Robotech Projects? lol, sorry, couldn't resist!
  9. Gundam SEED Syndrom? Well maybe Brera a bit, but everything else was just updated Macross TV.
  10. Nope, they chose to credit Gits instead, but really, there is way too much Megazone in The Matrix, right down to Wong Dai in part III.
  11. Thanks for the heads up!
  12. Both parts reminded me of the Hollywood World episode of Abenobashi.
  13. Killing zombies with dildo's, Tom Cruise, Stimpy, Panty straddling a pole with her ass, this episode felt very Abenobashi to me, but then I loved Abenobashi too
  14. this trend of good comic book movies disturbs me. I don't know if I trust it...
  15. Yup, Scrapped Princess is a very nicely deceptive series in the beginning, that handles its concepts well. Would have also made a great RPG.
  16. Finally, I shall know WTF Kaji was saying in the prologue. Worth the price alone!
  17. Current order -7 -Frontier (TV + Movie) -TV -DYRL / FB 2012 -Zero -Plus -II
  18. That was actually the golden age of HK DVD's. Considering the base translaction were fairly decent for the time, I think they intentionally mispelled every name imaginable just to keep official company's from going full ass on shutting them down. At least until SARS hit, and authorities had an opening to blindly raid them. Couldn't let them finish GE:999 TV first....
  19. Sorry it took so long to check on this, I've been a bit busy. Oh hell yeah, forwards, backwards, left, right, above, the Tornado's beam gun can hit anywhere that's not underneath you in all 3 modes. Well, I guess technically it could shoot beneath you in battroid. Most notably during boosting manuevers, but they've got very fluid movement, including boosting you backwards in Gerwalk. As a nice extra, the launch sequences also vary up with them. In space, they're positioned with the boosters behind you, in a standard posture. In atmosphere they're pointed downward, to help you hover above the flight deck. Haven't really done any speed test differences with them, but I'm sure the Tornado has higher base stats than the standard super pack. The level of detaiil in this demo is staggering.
  20. Imagineasion actually did finish Orguss, but availablility didn't last long past the release of the final disc. Considering they were DVD-R's with a high defect rate, it's not a surprise. Their subs also left a few things to be desired (odd spelling choices such as "moo", no seriously, "moo"). But they vastly outclassed the old HK set, with its evil robots of "timmy."
  21. Tried Black Ops, and wasn't impressed. I'll stick with my MGO thank you very much!
  22. That's actually got me pretty stumped. I've tried several tactics on that, including all melee, and rapid target switching gunpod + mutli-lock inbetween firing bursts + Michel's sniper support attack, and still came up short of SS-ing it. I tried all support characters in fact, hoping one would have the combo + ability, but nada. If anyone has read anywhere how to SS this mission, please share. It's the only mission (regular & hard) that I can't seem to get top score in. I also haven't been able to break the 3 minutes left barrier, which may be the extra score requirement. I usually come up around 1:30 left, or 2:00 left on a good run.
  23. To be fair, Cad has the good sense not to wear a jet pack. Both Fett's would probably have lived longer if not for their insane love of jet packs.
  24. Considering Kei is essentially saying "nah, yo biyatch is mine now bra' " , I'd hardly call it a triangle
  25. The proper term is "F^CKING EPIC!!"
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