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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Even knowing that, and seeing magazine ad's back in the day, it never struck me how giant those cart's were.
  2. OMG, I never realized how monsteriously huge the Neo Geo & it's carts were. No wonder the carts were $250.
  3. You know, I think I just realized why the HG crew has been so quiet for the past couple years, looking at the timing of their sudden silence, only one possiblity exists. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related After this episode of Frontier aired, the HG staff went into culture shock, and are currently awestruck sitting around Tommy's computer sustaining themselvse with vending machine food. Back on topic, you guys have probably already seen this, but I just found it randomly searching shadow chronicles crap. Fanmade fake production animation pretending to be Shadow Rising. That's right, the fans have put out more original animation than HG once again
  4. To be fair, the battle pods were in the last one, they just weren't playable.
  5. Memo uses inception to plant idea's into robotech.com forum members heads.
  6. Since we're getting Ex-Gear this time, I want a fully functional Dainamu transforming Ranka VF-25!
  7. What if we're all wrong, and right now Tommy & Steve are sitting on 100% completed storyboards for the completion of an epic Robotech storyline just waiting to be greenlit for production.... lol.
  8. NCS has it up for pre-order. GET SOME!
  9. That doesn't make any sense at all. Any news about HG that doesn't come directly from HG is bad news. I'm pretty sure it's their company motto.
  10. Unfortunately, GXP got burried in the mountain of Tenchi licenses, and went grossly unappreicated.
  11. DAMNIT! And here I was hoping the franchise would revert back with Matsumoto so we could have some real Yamato again.
  12. Here is what I truly do not understand. -HG's profit apparently comes from realestate. -HG can't be making anything substancial off of the Robotech brand, and even if they were, it'd quickly be paid out to the leeches (producers) who are taking paychecks for doing absolutely nothing. Sure they must have gotten a cash winfall from the supposed movie license, but how much of that went towards paying off what they invested in Shadow Chronicles. WHY DO THEY EVEN BOTHER, WHY NOT JUST STICK WITH REALESTATE!!!!!
  13. I like the part in the new movie where Megan Fox dies her hair blonde and tries to sneak back on set...
  14. And it winds up in the hands of "Macross Purist's" :::MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA::: Delicious....at least it would be if it were anything of any remote interest whatsoever...
  15. It's been listed so far as a seperate play mode, so I wouldn't worry at all. I doubt it'll expand much past a quicker way to level up pilot stats, and possibly unlock some Nyan Nyan shop bonus's. It may even have its own Chronicle style missions, but I heavily doubt it'll gimp the regular gameplay.
  16. This is my stance on the SW names. Many culture's with languages that aren't English have names/common names that mean direct things. Native American's for instance. Put into that context, names like "Skywalker" & Vader, etc, don't seem unnatural at all. With that said, I haven't seen any of the 3rd season yet, but if it stays at the standard 22 episodes, it's way too early to write it off yet.
  17. The Base Jammers & whatnot where upgradeable in the Gundam games, and honestly I kinda like the fast packs rising with the Valkyrie upgrades automatically better.
  18. The packaging also looks pretty sweet. This time the UMD has it's own case, & it'll come with another film strip.
  19. I thought it was way over hyped. Of course I still can't stop playing the laggy (but incredibly fun) MGO.
  20. I don't know what you're talking about, Escape From LA was freakin' awesome. Pliskin' disabling all technology & walking away FTW!
  21. Don't rule it out of the new game just yet, there are always mecha & extra stages from things that don't have full campaigns, movie 2 fits that bill this time.
  22. Actually, it has more to do with the Japanese release mentality of "we just released an LE for an ungodly amount of money, and only the people who paid us will be allowed to watch it for a decade." I blame Disney for being a bad influence.
  23. Still a no go, I just can't crack my time score. I know if I can get it finished within 3 minutes, It'll SS.
  24. No, it doesn't. Seriously, took me 3 months to get through it.
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