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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Actually, the game was more likely delayed to meet up with the movie, not rushed. You have to understand, this yearly formula update with a fleshed out campaign from last years extra missions + new extra missions that tease of next years campaign has been going on for years. -Gundam Battle Tactics -Gundam Battle Royale -Gundam Battle Chronicle -Gundam Battle Universe -Macross Ace Frontier -Macross Ultimate Frontier / Gundam Assault Survive and now -Macross Triangle Frontier.
  2. Dude, seriously. Keep the doll stuff in the doll topic.
  3. Quality work ain't free, and you get what you pay for.
  4. No one said it would cause a time paradox (that's back to the future), it just seemed more of an issue that Mikuru not know who was pulling her strings so to speak. But the specific circumstances
  5. That's what's been bugging me. It looks like the freakin' second form Nirvash Zero!
  6. I don't even know what to say about that ending. 100% hilarious, totally fitting. I hope there actually is a second season of Panty & Stocking
  7. I think he looks like the Casshern Sins version of Braiking Boss.
  8. Alright, finished the novel, and now I'm super ready for spoiler talk Warning, do not read if you have not seen/read/already heard about everything that happens in Disappearance. But damn, I can't wait to find out what happens next. The stakes in this story keep getting bigger and bigger. Spoiler's for things that may come in the story after. What Evangelion did for the mecha genre, Haruhi is doing for the Harem comedy genre. Truly epic.
  9. Multi-imput-dealy-switchboxamadoodles are your friend.
  10. As long as we get a special Otaku Matrix with tons of crazy anime sh!t. Who wouldn't be up for that?
  11. By far my favorite scene was the one thing I was hoping would happen once things went awry,
  12. That all of the sand has fallen off of in the box
  13. So I watch my copy of Disappearance last night (regular LE, liked the art better), and O M G ! Yeah it was raw, and yeah I've read halfway through the novel in one day to catch up on various dialogue subtleties that my years of anime watching minute knowledge of the Japanese language can't help me with, but damn that movie was epic. This movie was 100% worth the hype.
  14. There's no question whatsoever that the fanbase would buy TP, if for no other reason than rememberence of the cool Spaceballs Logo TP from the movie
  15. I think it's time they just let it end, before they catch Star Trek-itis.
  16. I think we're getting a couple of things mixed up here. The new trailer show's a full Meltrandi Klan Klan without fast pack's melee-ing a Q-Rea. Ultimate Frontier had FP Klan Klan, and mecha pilot Chibi-Klan, but no giant Klan without fast pack. It should also be noted that the new Klan Klan & Ex-Gear pilots seem to have much smoother animated movements than the mecha do. The only question is whether or not the Klan Klan shown can be equipped with & shed her Fast Pack. Also, I can't wait to see FP Klan Klan in the PS3 game, that will infinately rock!
  17. Who did what now?
  18. What is this HDMI control of which you speak?
  19. I'm honestly still confused on how Tommy got hired at HG in the first place. Did they initially bring him on for concept art? Did having something resembling an artist in house just completely blow the Agrama's minds? "Hey, you can draw, we have a cartoon series, can you draw us new cartoons?!" This is how I imagine their thinking works at least. I'm really anxoius to see what happens when HG burns through their initial movie licensing money, since they're obviously not going to get any more. Given our current economy, I wonder how well their realestate deals are holding up as well. At this point, aside from the various benefits Macross fans would have, the best thing that could happen for the remaining robotech fan community, would be for HG to go under. At least then they'd be able to do their fanmade projects without the crazy HG legal action threats.
  20. Manga handles digital distribution for Robotech, so obviously some back-alley deal was made there. As for RT.com, good luck with that. I got banned for making lively on topic conversation that was actually productive and got fans interested.
  21. OMG, what an epic turn of events for Panty & Brief. I can't wait to see the final episode, and it airs on Christmas Eve no less.. BRILLIANT!!
  22. "It Does Everything."
  23. I specifically meant the bluray
  24. I have high hopes the Mihoshi Academy part won't be much more complex than the intermission scenes in the SRW gaems, but we'll see. Nothing a good ole faq won't fix. There are also some new gameplay pic's up under the system tab. Most of them are the one's already published. Love the new song to (Get It On), hopefully it'll be on the next movie album. We should expect updates every friday-ish if past games are any indication.
  25. Anybody check out the Nyanx2 video collection? Just got mine yesturday. There's nothing new storywise, but it's still quite awesome.
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