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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Scirroco Paptimus established Jupiter to be the most evil place in the universe by sheer force of his presence. As such, Jupiter is now synonimous with evil.
  2. Except that II has some notable improvements. Most noticably almost all of the crashing has been fixed. The menu's load "like butter," and the force powers have been nicely streamlined. Also don't confuse having fewer random planets to play on, for having fewer stages. I actually like how there's no clear definition between levels, instead each stage is a scene transition. It plays a lot more cinamatically that way, in the style of Uncharted. Reccomendation? Level up your saber skills, things get a lot more fun once stormtrooper limbs start flying.
  3. What's that big square thing in the middle dood? It looks like some kinda ancient viewing device. Here in the future, everything is wide & flat!
  4. I was recently hitting my DVR backlog of Conan episodes, and saw this bit. I can't help but think given Pierre Bernanrds history of fandom, that this is a knock at Steve Yune. And if so, well done sir, well done http://www.tbs.com/v...ef=sharethisUrl
  5. Enough boring contract talk, more awesomeness.
  6. Shyeah right, that's as crazy as casting Sean Connery as a Russian. Oh wait...
  7. You're missing the point. What everyone's saying is that this particular system is highly influenced by Flynn, say he likes pork, so he writes in pork, etc.
  8. Looking at the complete laps of releases since Gundam Battle Universe (1 additional artdink game, 1 additional Gundam Vs Gundam game) vs the higher priority for release that the Macross games have recieved, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on a sales front. Hell, Trial Frontier is the first ArtDink game to hit PS3, that alone says a lot. Bottom line is, money would be the big dictator for release order, and the Macross PSP games seem to be stealing the limelight away from the Gundam PSP games.
  9. That was really f^ckin' awesome.
  10. The shot with the cracked visor, no wound with blood floating inside.
  11. Considering this franchise has blown the Gundam one out of the water, I think it's safe to say it will continue Movie 2 will suffice for a full campaign, and R sh ould at least give us mecha, if not characters & levels. After that, who know's. Maybe they'll start hitting the PC engine continuity. Hell, maybe they'll hit that this time. Who here would complain about haivng grown up Komilia as a pilot. Actually, Macross The First would make a great new campaign too.
  12. I remember when MW first started up. I was all "screw you guys, AFM for ever!. And then AFM died in a sea of spam, so I was all like "damn, now I gotta go sign up at MW." Good times
  13. What he said. And as shown in the trailer, Alto cough's up as much blood as Sheryl.
  14. That was surprisingly hot, when it had no reason to be. Debbie Gibson panty shot ftw.
  15. Problem: If this movie feature's "space jockey," then will the whole movie feature no dialogue, alien dialogue iwth subtitles, or aliens speaking English? I don't see any combination of this working, unless of course they'll toss in another "humans ran into aliens in an undocumented encounter" type scenario.
  16. You can't incept into the matrix. YOU CAN'T INCEPT INTO THE MATRIX!
  17. Ah, but we didn't get the Tornado pack because the extra mission mecha was the VF-2SS. Since we have a full II campaign this time, that makes the candidate's for extra mission mecha a bit more sparse.
  18. As long as it gets put back in the bluray.
  19. Just because the second movie won't have a campaign, doesn't mean that there won't be any content from it. it's still unclear whether Klan's 25S is game only, or will be featured in the movie. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a YF-29 as a secret unlockable. Also, why does Michel's Ex-Gear model have tits?
  20. Assautl Survive's biggest problem was a waaaaay to expensive & convoluted mecha purchase system. First jump through hoops to unlock certain mecha (including buying incredibl expensive parts), then pay an ungodly amount to purchase that unlocked mecha. If they had simply used a Nyan Nyan shop type method, it would have been much better.
  21. If only Kawamori & Mikimoto would get together to anime "Macross The First."
  22. It would seem my theory about Alto helping with Sheryl's wound in the first movie was correct.
  23. Gonna have to agree here. The fine tweaks done in the movie one upped the novel. Not to mention this is one of those rare times when the novel is nearly page for page recreated in the movie. As for the anime, I'm really curious how they'll handle things too. It's my understanding that the 10th novel is supposed to be the final one? I wonder if they plan on doing the rest of the books in 3 hour movie chunks (ok by me), ora combinaiton of movie & series.
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