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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Wow, just wow. All that "interview" needed to achieve 100% comedic value would have been someone asking "exactly what here did you create?" Or "Wow, why did you release the shadow chronicles on laserdisc." At least robotech fandom finally has an official answer regarding that carrot they've been chasing for the last 25 years.
  2. He's clearly some kind of skunkman from skunkworld. One of the many parties of the RDF/Sentinels alliance.
  3. Gentlemen, through extensive sleuthing & top secret contacts within the Robotech inner circles of superfriends, I bring you the primiere of the next great entry into the Robotech Shadow Chronicles...chronicle?
  4. Except her state of dis-dress(pun) was due to she & Isamu having already been fooling around. Besides, both Guld & Isamu look pretty damn sinister on that cover.
  5. Otaku technology truly rules!
  6. Yeah, Trial had more Macross Plus styled head lasers (like the YF-19 & 21 when Isamu & Guld were fighting on their way into orbit).
  7. I'm loving Unicorn so much, I alnost wish they'd re-animate the original Gundam movies in the same style.
  8. So wait, is this a special wallet for holding all yoru Robotech: Stripper Chronicles singles in?
  9. That's just it. Sidious told Anakin things that were completely unnecessary. If he were just trying to woo him with power, he could have easily handed him a magic Sith bean to feed to Padme. Anakin was a Jedi however, and the reason he trusted Sidious was because there was a fair bit of truth in everything he was saying. The Jedi were weak (due to Darkside clouding), the Jedi did fear Anakin's power (bad call on cock-blocking his promotion to Jedi Master, they should have known Anakin well enough to know how he'd react, regardless of it being a forced move by Palp), etc. As for Yoda & Obi-Wan, their lies to Luke were because of their lightside shortsidedness. They were refusing to see what would have guided Anakin on the proper path, and what eventually guided Luke on the proper path. You've gotta be a little bit light & dark to keep the force in balance.
  10. Pre-ordered like a muthaf^ck!
  11. All they really have to show is Grace & Co launching the excess Galaxy citizens into space, since the pretence of having a colony fleet was no longer necessary.
  12. I'd wager 3P0, Vader don't give a sh!t 'bout no kids or Wookies.
  13. "All to easy" Which reminds me. Just who made it possible for Chewbacca to put 3PO's parts back together in prison?
  14. Here's the problem in a nutshell. 7.5 out of 10 anime series are concieved with an ending in mind. 10+ out of 10 american series/comic books are concieved with a 'let's milk this for as long as humanly possible" sales mentality in mind. If your'e going to do a movie sequal, end your freakin' story. Start a new story for a new sequal. Shadow Chronicles did not even try to wrap a single thing up, and its maybe sequal won't do it either.
  15. Sith spells it out clearly enough for me. Palpetine's little opera side chat with Anakin (imo) is his confession of involvement/known involvement in Anakin's birth. Either Plageus or Sideus set forth to make the ultimate apprentice, and succeeded. Factor in Shmi's ability to take a Tuskan Raider gang bang & still greet Anakin with a smile, and it's not hard to imagine Plageus or Sideus picking her at random to be their baby's mama. Tatooine itself is a great environment to raise a strong force user. Harsh climate, adverse conditions, pod racing. It ensure's that initial developement would either provide a strong individual, or kill off a weak one.
  16. All 3 movies are coming out (i think this year). The first two will suedo tie up the story (maybe?), the 3rd is a trimmed down version of the TV series.
  17. Text messaging. Cost + time = TALK ON YOUR DAMN PHONES, THEY'RE PHONES!
  18. As far as me goes, i'm going to wait for however long it takes for the series to be finished, and the inevitable collected release.
  19. Nope, you could purchase the official release & watch it in all of it's raw glory.
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