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Everything posted by Keith

  1. OH HELL YEAH!! My favorite part of the Clone Wars mini-series was the dream sequence where Qui Gon gave young Anakin the tree test. This is bound to be epic, and for this occasion, I will break my "wait for the bluray" rule, & watch all 3 episodes.
  2. Yup, I'd wait until Triangle comes out, since the release is in 2 weeks. As for the Gundam games, the last one (Assault Survive) actually did remove stuff from the previous ones...
  3. here's what I want from a PSP2: -UMD sized bluray compression disc's (with full PSP UMD backwards compatability) -Region Free (again) -The ability to have multiple user accounts (like the PS3), which would enable one to have both a U.S. & Japanese PSN account on the same PSP (allowing for DLC & whatnot play in both regions). -Dual analog sticks/nubs (whichever is scientifically proven to be more durable) -An equal sized (to the current PSP) mini-HD screen. -Some way to include L2/R2 buttons. -Compatability with most commercially released digital copies that come with movies. -Continued support of the memory stick pro-duo (since Ij ust bought a 32 gig one). -Trophy interaction with your main PSN account, since it already uses the same login. -Blutooth compatability with the PS3, so adhoc party will work with wi-fi connected PS3's. -A browswer with a significantly larger cash, and and beefier flash. I don't expect PS3 level graphics without an obscene price tag, but no doubt it will be pretty for a handheld. Things I don't need: -A ipad like touch screen -Kindle support (well, maybe) -a camera. And for godsake, give the thing the option of having a decent battery from the start.
  4. There's an update on the site regarding the UMD, anybody got a translation?
  5. Bane's the obvious choice for knock-down drag out brawl's. Less comic-y than Killer Croc, and a more menacing name than Penguin or Riddler. Though to be honest, I'd prefer they just bring back Liam Nissan for some epic Ras Al Gul-ness.
  6. I skimmed through, and didn't see this posted yet. Forgive me if it does turn out to be a repost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qqCW_x1PsU
  7. Though I only have about 2 import games on the DS, I've got many more on the PSP. I suppose as long as Sony keeps its multi-region acceptance, we'll be cool (Macross games & whatnot). It's too bad though, the 3DS looks like it will have a decent Gundam game on it too.
  8. Business is a funny thing. What may seem like a good idea with Voltron/Akira/Thundercats projects on the horizon, quickly becomes a detriment when everyone else starts bailing out. No doubt they'd purchase the license with a full intent to use it. But as common sense sets in, distancing yourself from an almost sure fire bomb is well worth the initial money lost. It comes down to a matter of cutting an initial loss, or following it through to a full blown loss. G.I. Joe was enough to make any studio think twice about the marketability of 80's cartoon franchises.
  9. They could always cast "The Hebrew Hammer." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx0WauS9Sus
  10. The answer to that question is simple.
  11. Since I can't seem to drag my ass to the theatre these days, I decided to wait for the Bluray.
  12. Follow with me if you will. WB CEO/Stock Holders Meeting: -Robotech...WTF is that? It sounds like some kind of lego set. You spent how much on this license? -Toby Mcguire brought it to us, he says it's got transforming robots fighting aliens. -Didn't someone already make that movie? It's called Transformers -No no no, Transformers has alien robots fighting other alien robots. Our movie will have human pilots flying transforming airplanes fighting aliens. -BRILLIANT! 2 years later -Ok, Tranformers 2 sucked, and everyone elses 80s Japanese cartoon movie productions are dropping left & right. WTF do we do? -Ok, how do we save ourselves here. First, let's drop the transforming robot idea, that's stupid. Now, let's drop the stupid lego name. -But that has all of our name recognition tied to it. -Ah, but according to my polls, no one know's WTF a robotech is begin with. -Good point, let's ditch that, and salvage this as an Independance Day knock-off. -BRILLIANT!
  13. Yup, one of the earliest picture's featured Valgo.
  14. I know, that's why I nitpicked the most inane part of it, for that was my joke rolled onto your joke rolled onto my joke.
  15. Can't believe i missed all this info until now. I'm not surprised at all of the new inclusions, though it looks like we'll have to wait until the next game before we get the YF-29 afterall. As well as the new Macross R VF-19's. Here's hoping the next game also has a Macross The First campaign with appropriate color & head varients. Overall, I'm quite happy that we'll get an even more complete Macross 7 campaign. Also, going by those pictures, it looks like they managed to squeeze a bit more detail into the mecha models.
  16. No, Keanu would definately make a better Spike than Johnny Depp. Alex Winters would make a better Spike than Johnny Depp.
  17. Ah, now I get it. CAP(tain Ame)RICA! (damn I hope I'm the first person on the internet to make this joke).
  18. I didn't have time to search around for that this morning, but I suspected she must have sang God Know's as well. Of course now I want to see Aya Hirano sing Northern Cross, or Seikan Hikou.
  19. That doesn't make any sense at all, even for a Robotech story. Some elements just don't belong in Sci-Fi, and your inclusion of an ashtray is definately one of them. Everyone know's there's no smoking on the bridge!
  20. Speaking of crazy alternate dimensions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnyqjPGiAko
  21. Why's Cap hanging out with Cylons?
  22. At this point, I'm surprised Tommy hasn't written himself into the story to become the next big hero. Just imagine it: As Rick Hunter lay dying on the bridge of the SDF-3, he hands over command to his most trusted ace pilot Tommy Yune. "Tommy ::cough cough:: pl..ease take care of my ship, which I love like a woman, and my wife ::cough cough::: whom I love like a ship. The Protoculture matrix is in your hands now, for only you can be relied upon to save the day. We built the machine for the fighting, the time has come to scramble veritech again" Narrator: And with his last breath, Admiral Hunter transfered over command of the Robotech Expeditionary Forces over to his protoge Tom Yune. As the bridge crew launched the body of Admiral Hunter into space, chanting "til all are one," intrepid young Tom held Lisa Hunter in his arms, and watched the stars. Oh wait, that would still involve creativity
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