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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You're welcome. Now how is it? What's the bonus for the previous game saves? Any stats carry over yet? Dish!
  2. Keep checking. Law of probablility is you'll still be the first one on the forum with it. As for the YF-29, you're forgetting the one feature of these games that would easily allow it's inclusion. The passwords that come out in magazines upwards of 2-3 months after the initial release. We won't have a full game roster, or access to all of the ex missions until all of the passwords are out. Of course people who hack the ISO's usually get those features sooner, which would lower the probability of such an awesome inclusion.
  3. Snarf, the original Pokemon! Shave him to unveil Mew!!
  4. It's a little hard to tell, but it looks like Survival has replaced Chronicle. It may just be the resolution of the pictures posted, but I think they beefed up the mecha texture's a bit too.
  5. According to NCS, Triangle scored 9/9/8/8 in Famitsu this week.
  6. Did they call Xibit to pimp their Gundam?
  7. I'm just missing the trophy for SS on all. And yeah, it's the atmosphere one.
  8. Japanese Godzilla vs Mayan Godzilla in the ultimate apocolyptic showdown!
  9. And since this thread has gone this long without mentioning Jem. Let's mention Jem! Now me, I was always pissed off we never got a proper ending for Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors!
  10. I'd prefer things not go back any further than they have in the prequals.
  11. Things sound like they're going in the right direction. http://splashpage.mtv.com/2011/01/27/thundercats-tv-series-image-interview/
  12. The whole "Force Wielder's" concept could very well point to where Lucas would take the story if he does plan on going post ep6. The main problem all that fanficted universe novels & comics has, is that it relies to heavily on retread. Jedi this/Sith that, reborn sith/jedi threat, etc. A true balance to the force wouldn't have a distinction between the two any more. Both Luke & Anakin tiptoed the line between the two sides, having attributes of both. Any new threat would assumedly do the same. Also, this episode reminded me a bit of Beast Wars.
  13. I feel guilty for starting the YF-29 rumors, but who know's, that one may pan out yet. Though honestly, now I'd really love to see the VF-19Active, but definately doubt that will pop up until the next version. Has Famitsu reviewed the game yet?
  14. The epilogue doesn't take away anything at all. David still doesn't technically get what he wants, just one last tease of it. Beautiful movie alltogether, and I can't wait for the bluray release in a couple months.
  15. You're not doing much to sway my opinion!
  16. One console thread to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
  17. Robotech fans are officially the Gollum of all fanbases. They'll defend their "precious" to the death, and I can't wait until they jump into that damn Volcano! As for fanservice, I think the main thing Tommy & gang forgot was that you have to add jiggle to those tits.Maybe they couldn't afford the jiggle. Who knows how much extra that would have put them over budget, I don't know. But where anime strives at (para)naturally bouncing tits that defy gravity. TSC has given us the equivilent of bad porn star implants that are as hard as rocks, and run away from each other.
  18. I doubt any of what's been seen so far is going to be so cut & dry as what it appears. The notion that Anakin has is freakin' awesome though. The probability that has definately risen.
  19. Clearly you all believe Guld raped Myung because that idea was planted there via inception.
  20. I'm actually starting to like the YF-29. Something about it, maybe the canards, is reminding me of a Cosmo Tiger.
  21. A.i. is epic awesomeness wrapped up in more awesomeness.
  22. I just can't hate on new Cheetara. Though new Cheetara on old Cheetara action would please everybody (doujinshi!)
  23. For that matter, why not just clone Anakin & implant his memores, and forgo the whole cyborg Vader thing. Same goes for Grievus. It's why games like Force Unleased are non-canon, we don't know that cloning & memory transfer works that way in SW.
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