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Everything posted by Keith

  1. While I'm not sure why they're remaking this series, when there was absolutely nothing wrong with the original, I am curious to see what they're going to do.
  2. They cut the extra's out of the individual release? Weak!
  3. License holders such as Tatsunoko don't care, they get their annual fee's regardless of what HG does. WB on the other hand doesn't care, those who even remember what they paid for, problably forced a non-compete type contract, preventing HG from releasing any contradictiary stories to what WB would eventually (if ever) release, so the quieter they are, the better for now.
  4. Only difference in the bluray movie set, and the two movies individualy, is an incredibly beautiful box.
  5. R1 release 3 disc DVD set + R1 Release 3 individual volumes of Diebuster + RA release of Gunbuster Vs Daibuster bluray set, if you can find them.
  6. Only other thing I can reccomend, is that you make sure you let the initial menu's load totally without skipping them. Or if that doesn't work, try skipping them. Does any of the bonus content play without issue?
  7. I'd contact funimation directly before doing that, or in addition to. If it's a bad batch in your area, they should be able to replace it easily.
  8. Could just be a bizarre bad batch. Do you have a friend with a PS3 to test on?
  9. Check your firmware, then try cleaning your drive. Aside from that, I have no idea why there'd be a problem. But try posting over in the glitch disc forums over at animeondvd (or mania, or whateverthefartit'scallednow), if anyone else is having the same problem, that'd be the place to find out. You are the only person, and from this point forward, you shall be shunned.
  10. I don't know about that. EW was my first Gundam, and definately not my top fav.
  11. Ok, no more abbreviations here, because I'm incredibly confused. How is there a B in mission impossible? When was there a 3rd Men in Black? Did I fall into some kind off weird parallel universe with extra bad sequals & silent B's?
  12. Have you even watched the Boondocks? You've gotta funny interpretation of what racism is.
  13. When was MIB 3?
  14. I went for the seperate releases of Tron & Legacy, didn't like that they stacked the disc's on top of each other in the Identity Disc version.
  15. Still waiting for my blurays, but in honor of Tron & Tron Legacy hitting bluray this week:
  16. Don't forget all of HG's own "Hey, we've premiered our movie during major film festivals (thought not actually "in" them).
  17. Dude, I don't know what you're saying, but kudo's to you in whatever it is you're doing, and glad to see you made it through the quake.
  18. What he said.
  19. Nope, I'll fully support that. Ep3 is easily a tie for best SW movie with Empire. There's bad acting all abound, but it couldn't hold the awesomeness of either movie down.
  20. WTF is that thing? The simpler Sovereign design is much better. Also, they should offer that big ugly Romulan gunboat from Nemesis, damn that thing was ugly.And while I'm on a bitchfest, just from reading reviews here, I get the impression they don't seem to put much meat into the non-federation content. For whatever reason, if they feel not enough people are playing it to justify the costs, then they should have their own company dudes play the bad guys for players to go up against, just to make things a bit more interesting.
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