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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I think he's trying to tell you that your nitpick is a bit arbitrary. You're making the assumption that "he can take ownership of the company any time he wants, he should just do this." When he is obviously "not" thinking under such terms, and realistically so. He's an angry youth about to pass iinto the age where no, it's not "cool" anymore to act the way he does. He harbors bitterness towards his father for disappearing, and by proxy, his father's company. He "doesn't want" to take charge of it, he wants to play & be irresponsable. He knows he can play & be irresponsable with this dad's company, because they can't really do anything to him. The base comparison is that Sam is just like CLU, angry at KF for abandoning him, and taking it out on the thing his father built.
  2. I mentioned those. In fact, those were the first things I mentioned.
  3. It looked to be a closed system that Flynn was working on in his basement, so assumedly, all programs there in were either created by Flynn, or ported over from the old system. The games seemed to be entirely for CLU's entertainment, and or his attempt to piss off Flynn. The programs inhabiting the grid were a combinations of original programs written by Flynn, some potentially ported over from the old Encom system, and some of the aforementioned that had been "reporposed" by CLU. This not including the Now was there access to outside systems since CLU was able to activate the phone-line & call the pager? Hmmm. Perhaps it was a failsafe that only went one way, since that too was something setup by Flynn.
  4. And hell, "The Sentinels" is the biggest argument against HG being able to use Macross designs. -Bootleg DYRL flight suits...a bit dubious, but too badly animated to compare. -Character deisgns were "all" unrecognizable. Yes Max had blue hair & glasses, but looked nothing alike. Milia looked like a very masculine feemale biker of androgenous persuation. -Misa looked like, well, let's just say it, sh!t. -Hikaru looked like super generic badly drawn proto-bishonen with hair over his eye. -Britai had a freakin' bucket over his head, just to be sure they didn't get sued for the eyeplate prostesis. -Exedore was a short purple dude with major male pattern baldness. -The SDF-3 was the prototype for Exosquad's exocarriers, non transformable, & bulgy. -Minmay was arguably the least terrible of the redesigns. The only thing that looked like "Macross" in that movie, were the stock footage clips inserted. At this point, I doubt HG could even get away with inserting stock footage into a newer production. Hell, take a look at "the shadow chronicles," and the only reason you would ever guess that 'Rick Hunter" is who he is, is because they call him by name.
  5. I think he was referring to "The Black Hole," but I agree, there's nothing significant that could be done to the original that would give any major improvement. After seein gthe remaster on bluray, what is there looks absolutely fantastic.
  6. Fastest way to shut down any robotech zealot, is to simply ask "well, if HG can use whatever they want, and release whatever they want, then why haven't they!" End of story.
  7. Precisely!
  8. Isn't that the PSP kid? Weak promo, with weak theme, plus weak newer design style = not very excited about this Take a tip producers, this is how you update a super robot show.
  9. Your team leader is named "Keith," and didn't call his team 'Voltron Force." For shame!
  10. There was no stipulation that required them to mesh shows together, that was a "choice." Because they went for a specific syndication bracket, and because they decidfed against going under a main anthology header "robotech" with different shows carried within it, they bogged themselves down with the hassle of trying to tie together 3 unrelated shows.
  11. Don't cut it how? It'd be strange to have higher end visuals & SFX with the processing power of that day.
  12. Dude, I'm so going to send my Demon Hipster Chicks to attack you!
  13. ..Could have done without the shield array, but the Excelsior is still win.
  14. LOL, Mckeever thinks he's Dr. Lang, the most useless overblown one shot background character ever!
  15. OMFG! Funi has Panty & Stocking!!
  16. "You're just afraid of my power."
  17. Just becareful, if you disable the limiter, your eyes might explode!
  18. Just watched Legacy the other day. I think the biggest surprise to me was how "Dude" like Flynn had become, but putting him into the whole Apple scenario legitimizes that. I think the biggest question that the 3rd movie will have to answer now (for me), is if "all" programs live in a sentient alternate computer world, or just the ones based on Flynn's video games/encom system. The roundabouted the issue in this movie by having things take place in a fully closed system. We know the MCP had taken over competing companies through the primative internet, but that still doesn't tell us much about what was in those systems it took over. Another curiosity, why didn't Sam exibit any "user powers."? There were plenty of opportunities for him to take over or influence things, but it never quite happened. Anyway, loved the movie, awesome looking bluray. Tron's remaster is also surprisingly good looking.
  19. You are a winer and a wush. Saying "I don't want to play with the settings" when they're there regardless is stupid. Hell, I'll make the game harder for you, try pulling out your square button from your PSP, that'll make it super hardcore.
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