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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Personally, I didn't hate Salvation at all like I thought I would. Sure Bale as Conner was a completely excess character, but don't see at all why they wouldn't continue using the same shitty director.
  2. Don't see that happening. Hackers who break into things, potentially prank big important systems, yeah, they sometimes get hired. Hackers who break in, steal personal nformation, and hten sell it? They shouldn't be hired at all, but should be prosecuted to the full extent of the federal law they broke.
  3. Albums are still readily available. Import, rip to your hard drive, pofit.
  4. Two idiots puppeteering the franchise (which is the dead guy).
  5. Because the very thought makes him cream his pants, and rightfully so.
  6. No, I believe the legal term for the current state of the franchise, is "Weekend At Bernies"
  7. I think about the time the robotech license degraded from cross platform console games, to cellphone games, is about when the franchise died.
  8. I say in the next Terminator, Skynet should evolve itself into a beautiful blonde woman, then have sex with John Conner, & travel back in time to progenate the human race. Also the John Conner that everyone thinks died was really a clone because really, not even John Conner would be stupid enough to let a Terminator kill him because of childhood memories.
  9. Not sure where else to post, but I'd just like to gloat that I've "finally" unlocked everything in Gundam Assault Survive. That's right, i resisted temptation to download a hacked save file, and after systematically going through the unlocking of mobile suits, developement plans, & parts, I've finally point grinded enough to purchase the most uber expensive of parts, and then grinded a bit more to actually purchase the extra's that I unlocked...damn the taem that put this game together were beyond cruel with the hurdles you have to jump through. If only they followed what the Macross dev team did with the Nyan Nyan shop. Speaking of which, has anyone heard whehter Gundam Memories (coming out in June) is an artdink game yet? All I've seen so far are rumors back & forth that it is & or isn't. If it is, they took a big leap away from what's been previously done with the previous Gundam games.
  10. Mmm, Jessica Rabbit.
  11. Which would make sense "if" they sampled only the proton pack sound, or the slimer sound. However, with both together...
  12. Go into control options, and change flight type to normal.
  13. Yup, that's still there.
  14. Dear PSN, please make it so MGO doesn't glitch as much when you come back. Your Friend, Keith!
  15. You'll also note that this was done more out of paranoia than anything, although the scene in question was curiously left out of the movie compilation. This is actually the first I've heard of 0083 missing music, if any release were going to have music edits done, I'd think it would have been F91.
  16. Yeah, I've been eye-ing it too, but Shout seems to be a bit hesitent about finishing it, a shame too since they're apparently about to release all 3 Japanese transformers series that didn't make it out here. After Exosquad's 13 ep season 1 release (universal, not shout factory) with no follow up, I d hate to leave another show hanging like that.
  17. Actually, I'm not so sure Frontier would have quite the same music issue problem that 7 had. It's a different time, and plenty of shows with popular music get licensed (Haruhi, K-On!, Beck), and usually, the only problems we have these days, are when shows use music by Western artists (Zeta's themes, "I've Got a Feeling" in Beck, the Oasis song fron the intro of Eden of the East). So I don't doubt Frontier would make it out here with its music in-tact.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCYsATzakks
  19. Because even though Robotech is dead, HG's stranglehold on all things Macross that they shouldn't be interfearing with isn't.
  20. Clearly Rick Hunter ran out of his "Just For Men" gel, and was forced to let his true colors show.
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