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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Hopefully the PSN will be back up in time for whatever patch they release.
  2. Could be something wrong with the disc most likely.
  3. I seem to remember this same exact debate coming up when the DVD's were announced. And from what I recall, very few of the naysayers actually skipped those. I can understand those who haven't upgraded to HD wanting to wait, but having just watched the DVD's upscaled last year, there's clearly a lot of room for improvement on them.
  4. Bottom line, we all know that the original versions are perfectly feasable to use, hell, they even accidentlaly used the wrong cut of the scene where R2 gets stuck in the swam on Degoba for the new versions. Bottom line is, George doesn't want to include them. It's his movie, and at this point, I just want SW in HD. Those who want to pass, do so, but do so knowing that there will probably never be an anamorphic version of the original films (note: I am purposely trying to reverse jinx this into coming into reality so we can have them). 3D is crap, but it sells at least in theatre's. I don't think there have been enough home releases of the current 3D gen, let alone the fact that they still can't decide on one 3D format, so I don't see that taking off too well.
  5. About Papillon Rose, there's a reason why there's a low nudity count, we got the broadcast version, not the home version. ADV know's better too.
  6. That's more to do with the effort that goes into remastering than the age of the movie.
  7. Sigh all you want, but blatant crap in the guise of "childrens cartoons" is still blatant crap. There are occasional pockets of time when animators actually get together and care about their craft.
  8. No target audience deserves character designs & half-ass cell shaded CG that crappy.
  9. Sure there's been plenty of "time" to transfer the original versions into HD. And sure, there were no less than releases of the previous DVD set (4 disc LE Widescreen, 4 disc LE Pan & Scan, 3 disc regular Wide & 3 disc regular Pan & Scan, 3 individual 2 disc editions with matted widescreen original versions, plus the single releases of I-III. So if it were truly a money issue, Lucas would have more than made enough back on the DVD's alone to cover it. Fact is, he doesn't like them anymore, so he's not going to release them in anything remotely resembling anamorphic widescreen. Sucks to be us. The good news, these new blurays are going to cost an average of $15 each, with the complete collection giving 3 bonus feature disc's for virtually free on top of that. And as much as I love the SW DVD's, they can sure as hell look better in HD, and very likely will. THX looked pretty good remastered, & American Graffiti will be out in June.
  10. You know, I was just thinking back to some old robotech dialogue I thought I had forgotten. It was in one of the early Macross episodes when a briefing/pep-talk was going on. Then somebody said something to the effect of "gentlemen, you need only remember one thing, "robotech." And it seems that the current shadow squad gang have taken this policy to heart.
  11. Spoiler: The old characters will give way to the new.
  12. Not a fan of solid state either. A good old EMP during Skynet's robot apocolypse will wipe those out.
  13. Yeah, and if the PSN bieng down has shown us anything, cloud drives still aren't all they're cracked up to be. I'll take my physical disc media that I can use while running a generator in my fort during the zombie apocolypse thank you very much!
  14. Well if we're including random op's/ends now, then I'll incldue best WTF were they thinking because it barely has anything to do with the show intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka59YoIhgkA
  15. Psst, "Gipsy" & "Ride On Shooting Star" are both endings.
  16. Via Bluray.com Lucasfilm previously announced that "all will be revealed" concerning the Star Wars Saga Blu-ray sets on May 4th at 6am PST with an e-mail message directing fans to the May the 4th Be with You - Star Wars Countdown page on StarWars.com. The details and images revealed include official box art, a disc-by-disc breakdown of the bonus content available in the Complete Saga Blu-ray box set, confirmation that each film will feature a DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 surround track, and another teaser of sorts: "Fans will get an exclusive first look at some of the collection's extensive special features at this year's San Diego Comic-Con International -- which marks Lucasfilm's 35th anniversary as a Comic-Con presence. In 1976, the fledgling film company was looking for innovative, grass-roots ways to promote its underdog release, a film no one expected to succeed -- a space opera known (at the time) only as Star Wars. One of the first film companies to reach out directly to core audiences by way of fan conventions, Lucasfilm will return to the venue to showcase the full evolution of the epic story." The Complete Saga Blu-ray box set will offer full 1080p video presentations of the films, DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 surround tracks (it's unclear whether these 6.1 mixes are matrixed or discrete) and more than forty hours of special features, including never-before-seen content from the Lucasfilm archives: Disc 1: Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom MenaceAudio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Dennis Muren and Scott Squires Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 2: Star Wars: Episode II, Attack of the Clones Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll and Ben Snow Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 3: Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll and Roger Guyett Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 4: Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 5: Star Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 6: Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew [*]Disc 7: Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III Deleted, extended and alternate scenes Prop, maquette and costume turnarounds Matte paintings and concept art Supplementary interviews with cast and crew Flythrough of the Lucasfilm Archives Additional Content [*]Disc 8: Star Wars Archives: Episodes IV-VI Deleted, extended and alternate scenes Prop, maquette and costume turnarounds Matte paintings and concept art Supplementary interviews with cast and crew Flythrough of the Lucasfilm Archives Additional Content [*]Disc 9: The Star Wars Documentaries Star Warriors (2007, Apx. 84 Minutes): Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures...these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world. A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later (2010, Apx. 25 Minutes): George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan and John Williams look back on the making of The Empire Strikes Back in this in-depth retrospective from Lucasfilm created to help commemorate the 30th anniversary of the movie. The masters discuss and reminisce about one of the most beloved films of all time. Star Wars Spoofs (2011, Apx. 91 Minutes): The farce is strong with this one! Enjoy a hilarious collection of Star Wars spoofs and parodies that have been created over the years, including outrageous clips from Family Guy, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother and more — and don't miss "Weird Al" Yankovic's one-of-a-kind music video tribute to The Phantom Menace! The Making of Star Wars (1977, Apx. 49 Minutes): Learn the incredible behind-the-scenes story of how the original Star Wars movie was brought to the big screen in this fascinating documentary hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2. Includes interviews with George Lucas and appearances by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. The Empire Strikes Back: SPFX (1980, Apx. 48 Minutes): Learn the secrets of making movies in a galaxy far, far away. Hosted by Mark Hamill, this revealing documentary offers behind-the-scenes glimpses into the amazing special effects that transformed George Lucas' vision for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back into reality! Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983, Apx. 48 Minutes): Go behind the scenes — and into the costumes — as production footage from Return of the Jedi is interspersed with vintage monster movie clips in this in-depth exploration of the painstaking techniques utilized by George Lucas to create the classic creatures and characters seen in the film. Hosted and narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billie Dee Williams. Anatomy of a Dewback (1997, Apx. 26 Minutes): See how some of the special effects in Star Wars became even more special two decades later! George Lucas explains and demonstrates how his team transformed the original dewback creatures from immovable rubber puppets (in the original 1977 release) to seemingly living, breathing creatures for the Star Wars 1997 Special Edition update. Star Wars Tech (2007, Apx. 46 Minutes): Exploring the technical aspects of Star Wars vehicles, weapons and gadgetry, Star Wars Tech consults leading scientists in the fields of physics, prosthetics, lasers, engineering and astronomy to examine the plausibility of Star Wars technology based on science as we know it today.
  17. Can't you just contact them to see if they can uncorrupt you file?
  18. Hmm, a lot of good ones already listed, So here are a couple of my fav's: School Rumble (Op 1)- http://www.youtube.c...h?v=U2NgBrozFi8 Galaxy Railways - Nadia- http://www.youtube.c...h?v=wYAW-cojw60 Aquarion (Op 2)- http://www.youtube.c...QQ&feature=fvst Mezzo- Overman King Gainer - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=tXdTE1YiSs8 Genshiken (Op 1)- Kare Kano- http://www.youtube.c...h?v=25H--2ZPpOA Orguss- http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ECfGtSgPRhw Tekkaman Blade (Op 2)- ExDriver- Eureka Seven (Op 1): http://www.youtube.c...F9CDE9901E3BCB1 Re: Cutie Honey- Galaxy Express 999 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6F0Zu4GQyI And of course Diebuster (op + ed)- This of course isn't counting obvious fav's like Gurren Lagann & Haruhi.
  19. I actually didn't mind the original Southern Cross series much, and hell, I'd watch it again, but the chances of it ever getting any kind of follow up of any kind in any media outside of Robotech is astromically low.
  20. I think it has to do with the way the front page displays the topic page number spill over. Sometimes page 18 will jump down a line, and while you mean to click on that, you end up clicking on a much earlier page. Also, "get off my lawn."
  21. Or just pop out the drive. If you have a friend with a PS3, you can pop it in theirs, and it'll automatically format it, since the systems put an id tag on each drive. PC thing would probably be faster though.
  22. See, see what you guys did, she was gone, but you summored her back. I hope you're happy.
  23. Like I said, if your main reason for purchasing a PS3 was to run linux (which ran on a gimped version of the hardware to begin with), then you should have bought a computer to begin with. Otherwise, get the f^ck over it.
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