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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The fact that a Smuf's movie both "exists" and beat them to market says it all. WB doesn't care, Toby isn't even in their main stable anymore, and the rights are going to wind up right next to the ark of the covenant.
  2. Let's put it this way. A high resolution bluray will show more grain yes, but that also equates to more detail. That grain is always there, but it becoems murky blobs the lower the resolution is that you put it through.
  3. And a hearty "grr" for it. Maybe shout factory will save the day.
  4. The firmware update is up for download, and service is officially starting to return.
  5. Dirty lies by people who don't understand what film grain is supposed to look like.
  6. Now you're just talking crazy talk. next thing you know, you'll be complaining that they'd star showing Top Gear America.
  7. Like they'd know what to do with a woman even if they paid one. Besides, I'm pretty sure even the hookers would get tired of being made to watch robotech.
  8. Except for the ugly fake tits running away from each other.
  9. That's because any profit robotech makes is automatically delegated towards the much bigger losses it has made over the years.
  10. I don't doubt that, but that's what the implication from the yellow track suit promo pic. Once again, Kick-Ass beats out spidey-reboot.
  11. Supposedly it's his trap suit, er "track" suit.
  12. Or at least one with "real" boobs.
  13. Mckeever's response to that translated in Zentradi: "DECULCHA!!!"
  14. Besides, it's not like we're nto all going to spam the game in F-14's once they're unlocked. Damn I hope they have online multiplayer in this one.
  15. As long as it's the 30th for Macross, and not hte 30th for DYRL, that'd be too freakin' long of a wait. The major factor against us, catalolg titles that old haven't gotten much attention on bluray in Japan.
  16. The Gunbuster movie DVD's actually did have that very feature. Partially because they completely re-recorded all of the dialogue for Gunbuster, but it also included archive footage of the original recording process, in addition to interviews with the seiyuu comparing their original recording sessions with the new recordings. I "think" they included that on the bonus disc that came with the bluray box domestically.
  17. That's so much better than any of the other preview's they've had. As long as they promise you can turn off that extra active time sh!t, I'm all over this game.
  18. Now I have images of the Gurren Lagann ripping off parts of a VF-1 and making it mpart of itself...mmmmm...
  19. I haven't seen that much ass on a superhero costume since Batman & Robin.
  20. DYRL needs a "lot" of remastering before it hits bluray. I'm not talking about quick & dirty upscale, edge enhancement, & DNR, no, I'm talking about actually going back to the print & cleaning it up. The soundtrack has also degraded quite a bit, and is full of way too many pops to ignore. I picked up the HD remaster they did a couple years ago, and while it is superior to the first DVD release, it definately has a lot of room for improvement before it hits bluray. The FB 2012 bits are also a bit of a problem, since they look like they were done in a really low res, and there may only be analog masters left there. Although, I don't think any of us would mind if they re-animated that sequence, mmmmm. Frontier should have shown BV that Macros + BR = $$$, so we'll see.
  22. Check the ps3 online forum at Gamefaq's.com. A lot of them there are saying that they can still successfully use netflix.
  23. But robotech fans love bad art & hackneyed stories, that's not an excuse!
  24. Here's what I don't get. Yune's a comic artist. Robotech has a web page. Why not do a webcomic to tide over their dwindling stir crazy fanbase until they can afford to do...something. Instead, they lead them on with empty promises and broken fanboy dreams.
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