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Everything posted by Keith

  1. One thing you have to keep in mind too, is that back in the late 70's / early 80's, an orphaned boy traveling through space on a mission to avenge his mother, learning important life's lessons & taking on an entire mechanical empire was pretty freakin' epic. Not to mention the rewarding feeling of seeing Count Mecha take one right in the "eye" after seeing how he mounted Tetsuro's mother in his dining room. Things do play out quite differently in the TV version for many of these characters, so I won't spoil that for you, since you may be able to find it streaming free in your territory (It's streaming free here in the U.S., but they may have a region lock on that).
  2. Tuesday is the current estimate, Sony has said the 31st for a couple weeks now.
  3. Definately go for the OVA version of Diebuster, the movie loses too much in the translation (actually, the Gunbuster movie does too).
  4. I'm also not quite seeing where teh hate for Salvation comes from...aside from it being a direct sequel to 3. It pretty much delivered on all the things it could, aside from the one thing it obviously couldn't, i.e. the "future war." Yeah, they didn't quite explain why it was taking Skynet so long to take full control & swarm the planet with Terminators, but we could make some logic leaps there and say it too was hurt by the nuclear strike, and it took time to build up the resources to build up a full Terminator arsenal. What Skynet did do here, was take out enough of the organization we seen in "Salvations" ressistence, that we can easily imagine a more desperate human existence from that point forward. What I'd really like to know though, is wtf is Skynet doing with the rest of the world? There are other governments, other continents, islands, etc. If that organized a pocket was still around in the U.S., what types of potnetial military strikes were awaiting world wide.
  5. Galaxy Express is just the beginning. You still have yet to see "Adieu Galaxy Express 999."
  6. No amount of animation magic can make sense of that. I say it's head swapping + phase-shift armor.
  7. I think it's more of a lion switching "heads" with black lion kind of deal. There's no way it could work otherwise.
  8. Only problem iwth your scenario, is that Skynet always nuke'd everybody. Which majorly cuts down on the probability of people underestimating machines.
  9. Protip: Your kids already know every curse word, that girls have "boobies," and what "the bird" is, go see movies.
  10. Your Dai Gurren Dan avatar is revoked!
  11. Dude, this is clearly flash animaton. Comparing it with Frontier is like comparing classic Warner Bros with 60's-80's Hannah Barbera. Yeah both are animated, but it hardly makes them look the same.
  12. Murder suicide attempt?
  13. What did I tell you about hitting that crack pipe.
  14. No, that's equal parts wrong and mean. The truth is Lucas is actually the Gungan king in disguise, which explains that huge neck. Also, Jake Lloyd is a clone of George Lucas.
  15. T Even worse than I thought.
  16. ...I must wait for the inevitable Sound Booster version, but daayumm, I want one!
  17. "ooh nooo!" We should all snap into some slimjim's in his honor.
  18. HG: Melting & breaking your toys for you since 1985!
  19. That depends, how many chicks would be there, and how nude would they be? I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Let Bruce Timm's current WB animated feature group have a go at the franchise. Let them do original character/mecha designs, and have their own completely original take on the story.
  20. To dissassociate themselvses with the whole Jim + Mint issue? lol.
  21. And that is where you fail as a Robotech fan. "Real" Robotech fans know that the Yuniverse (new coined term, and I totally claim it!) is actually the "first" chain of events in the circle of events. In this original timeline, everyone else but Sott & Ariel died before the final battle. Once Rick Hunter travels back in time through the black hole in the SDF-3, a new timeline is created where the events in the 85 episodes of Robotech are seen. But none of this can exist without RTSC, and therefore it is the most important piece of the story. Yiou will also note that other differences in the original timeline include: The Robtech Masters never created the Zentreadi, and therefore Maia Sterling is actually half "Robotech Master," which is why she shortened it to "Alien." In this timeline the Zentreadi Don't exist. Also, many other changes to be detailed later.
  22. The CG series was actually decent, though incomplete.
  23. Maybe that's why Alien 3 didn't do well, they didn't give Riply big fake tits.
  24. Again, it depends on how much of a remaster they actually put it through. I'd actually think that the Gunbuster movie bluray would be a pretty good comparison + it has Mikimoto designs.
  25. The remote is totally worth it, not cheap or flimsy like the PS2 remote.
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