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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And of course they're probably goimg to blame the property more than the director's mishandling of it. Personally, I liked the animated Green Lantern: First Flight. It managed to pack in a lot more story even though it had a much shorter runtime.
  2. This movie could have been salvagable if the studio had made a director change, or hired a "really good" editor. As is, it comes off really awkward. Best way I can describe it, is as a not as entertaining version of "Howard The Duck," and that's not just because both movies have Tim Robbins.
  3. Not as funny as getting stepped on, but I guess it saves the "lamenting over her getting stepped on" time.
  4. It does have the occasional "soapy" episode, but it stays on target for the most part. What surprised me most where the sheer number of what seemed to be anime references integrated in (in a good way).
  5. The anime designs are actually pretty funny, though they missed the opportunity to go gainax on Leela.
  6. I think it actually starts next month.
  7. lol. That was the best way that issue was ever addressd on a TV show.
  8. Do they give a reason for Megan Fox's character's exit, or do they just pretend the Carly was always there?
  9. Simon Pegg promoting Max is close enough to Macross news.
  10. The lack of fanservice is partially because the manga started back in the 80's. at least I assume that's why. Though the occasioanl drunk belldandy episode always makes up for it.
  11. After watching some clips online, I finally realized what this show reminded me of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbXDXwtx3O8
  12. Both seasons are pretty good, it's just too bad they never produced a 3rd, or released the Fighting Wings OVA over here. Sure it's pretty much a harem show, but it's a fun one. Better yet, you get to hear what Grace would be like if she weren't evil
  13. This is continuing to be the polar opposite of nickelodeon's voltron. I just hope it gets a full story run, this is CN we're talking about.
  14. Wow they sexed up those pictures. Awesome.
  15. Should've known something was wrong when they went with an all CG costume. Totally unnecessary.
  16. Not a problem. None of the movies I mentioned had a plot.
  17. OMG Highschool of the DEAD, fanservice & gore that would make Gainax jealous!
  18. I still say they could mix Wing Commander, all 3 Starship Trooopers, & Independence day.
  19. Given the popularity of Unicorn, perhaps they've considered doing "Hathaway's Flash." Though I'd be happy if we could get BE to license the CCA & F91 blurays. Not to mention the remastered original edits of the 0079 movies.
  20. If anyone's still playing MGO, I just updated our clan emblem, mind you this is double size & it looks better in game, but at the very least, it's much more accurate than the previous verison.
  21. It's official, Duke Nukem Forever has beat'n the next Robotech project to release. For shame HG, for shame.
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