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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Let's put it t his way. If you were the dude who directed Schindler's List, and started up an organization to chronicle holocost survivor's, then it doesn't look good to have a sh!tty actress spewing things which could be construed as anti-semetic while working on one of your productions. As for Jerry Seinfied, he's Jewish, so he can. Just like how I can.
  2. It was animated by the same guy who did Dexter's Lab/Samurai Jack, but the current CW series seems to carry on its basic design style. While there are parts where the Jedi get some over the top super powers, it's an awesome mini series, and you should definately check out both volumes. As things stand now, you can pretty much watch with the first volume picking up after episode II, then the CG series, and then the second volume of the animated mini-series leading directly up to the beginning of ep III.
  3. The primary reason for purchasing should definately be to watch Itsuwari no Utahime, awesome movie, but no subtitles. Trial Frontier is nothing more than a quick (but beautiful) demo of what MUF/MTF would look like on the PS3. The only selectable mecha are VF-25 varients, a Quadran Rhea, & Large Vadjra. There are only 4-5 missions (plus hard versions of the same missions) which are all space/sky based missions. So if you're purchasing it just for the game factor, you'd probably want to wait to see if they make a complete version at some point. If you're interested in the movie, then the demo is an awesome extra.
  4. Has anyone checked out the new Gundam Memories yet? I'm curious as to whether it's a new artdink game in the "battle/assault survive" line, or if it's yet another new Bandai franchise.
  5. This won't be spoilery, since it's what's been covered in both Zero & the Frontier TV series. But I get the impression that Kawamori is leading towards a story where Vajra will eventually become a symbiotic mecha, i.e. a generation of living Valkyries (hopefully not bug like). This would put humanity on par with the tail end of the Protoculture's technology, and also achieve something that the Protoculture were never able to. This potential eventuality seems to have been slowly building up for years. The Space Whale organs that are interchangable with fold engines, the AFOS & EVIL which both biologically recreate all Protoculture technological science, and the DYRL living mobile fortresses. I just hope whatever happens comes out looking more like the YF-29 & Nirvash Zero, and less like the Escaflowne/ & Vajra.
  6. Agreed. I just hope the popularity of Frontier would prompt Big West & Bandai to pump the necessary cash into DYRL that it needs for a proper remaster. Speaking of which, I know the 7 remaster a couple years ago looked great, and the R2 remaster of the original series stomped AnimEigo's atempt, how well did Plus come out? For all we know, DYRL's existing remaster may actually be limited to the compression used for DVD. Unfortunately, I don't have a region free copy, so I can't compare how it would look upscaled in my PS3.
  7. I just wonder if this current Clone Wars series will end up bookending with the first one. They have yet to redo any major territory that one did, such as how Ventress became Duku's apprentice, 3PO got his gold plating, etc.
  8. Wow, that's so 100% on the money it's scary.
  9. The only surprising news here is that it wasn't officially cancelled 2 years ago.
  10. Has no one done a Skull Squadron custom paint scheme? You know, Roy, Hikaru, Max, Kakizaki in their DYRL colors. That'd be hilarious.
  11. To be fair, Asoka has been telegraphing her death since season 1 almost as hard as Data in Nemesis.
  12. But how would you be able to tell what was an actual piece of the model, and what was just some random sprue? Just about anything could be used for the random meshes of metal that make up those designs!
  13. I get your point, I just think you are confusing "hey, I watched this on a 9 inch black & white tv hooked up to my VCR playing at EP, and that's how it must always look" with shoddy remastering. A proper remaster that doesn't DNR & EE everything to hell, and manages to bring out more detail that was originally there is a "good" thing. Smearing detail out & sharpening the lines however I agree is a "bad" thing. The trade off for this is of course grain, but then how can you claim grain is bad, and digital smoothing is also bad in the same breathe? If you want to skip out, that's fine, but the fact of the matter is, SD sources only look passable on SD displays. As far as me goes, I'll take extra detail + natural grain any day o fhte week over most SD sources. Your argument is almost like saying you prefer matted widesreen presentations to anamorphic, or some other such nonsense. Regardless, I think we can all agree that there's absolutely no point in making something into 3D that was not originally 3D. And more DYRL blurays for those of us who want them!
  14. Depends on the quality of the remaster, and the quality of the source available. Disney has been able to do incredible things with their remasters.
  15. "It's a scooner."
  16. I just imagine bayformers being a nightmare to put together from sprues.
  17. That wouldn't be such a bad thing. Really, "The Clone Wars" can't go on forever.
  18. shhh, I'm trying to start rumors!
  19. Is it truly on the side? Or did HG give him the boot? hmm.
  20. He didn't just get her fired, he also digitally replaced her in the first two films, and will have "agents" secretly replace everyones DVD's & blurays before the premiere of the 3rd.
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