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Everything posted by Keith

  1. It's actually not anywhere near as bad as it was since the recent update (1.36), mind you it still happens, just not as much.
  2. I don't think he's getting the point about what a real "remaster" is. On one hand, he's arguing that films shouldn't look better than SD media, but then neglecting the fact that these films were never meant to be seen in said SD media. Films were designed first & foremost to be seen on the big screen. Filmstock intself isn't a medium which utilzes "compression" to carry the media on it. So using his argument, Beta, VHS, LD, DVD, are all mediums which change the original product (unless that product was originally created using equal or lower technology). He's also neglecting to realise that film itself ages. It gets old & dirty. it wears out the more its used. Even kept in the best of conditions, it's going to age. This is why we're currently using digital restoration methods to "restore" these films, not to mention preverse t hem in a more durable format. So no, while you won't see a movie on bluray that looks exactly like it does on LD, nor will either format look exactly like it's filmstock negative counterpart, what you "will" see on bluray is something that looks a hell of a lot closer to what is on that film negative. And that "is" what the creators intented you to see. Lets go back to DYRL for a sec. The other week, I dug out my HD remaster DVD, and compared that with the first release DVD. First impressions? Wow, this is grainy. So then I popped in the older disc, and sure enough, I didn't see as much of that grain. But what did I see? A much less defined image, blacks were murkier, and detail wasn't anywhere near as accurate. Where the HD remaster DVD faulters at th is point is in its color vibrancy, and that itself would be assuredly corrected in a BR release. To understand why this happens, you have to understand some fundamentals of both compression, & film degridation. Basically, that same grain was present in "both" versions of the film. Why wasn't it as noticable before? Because the previous release wasn't as cleaned up, and more importantly, the compression on the disc was higher. Especially with SD material, compression turns grain into muck. SD displays hide this somewhat, but HD displays don't lie. And that's the real truth of this HD era we're entering into, whatever you put into something, you will get right back out. If a lot of care & love is put into mastering a movie, it'll show. If a quick slapped together job is done, that will show too. I know I was surprised when I first got itno HD stuff. I walked in somewhat assuming that everything would look better. But sure enough, pop in my AnimEigo release of "Arcadia of my Youth," and I couldn't believe how bad that film looked. It's not AnimEigo's fault mind you, it's the materials they had to work with. Suffice it to say, all non-anamorphic releases have been the first thing to be replaced in my collection. My point being, don't automatically assume that because something was originally released in SD, that it will always look better there. Sure it's a lot less expensive to believe that, but that doesn't make it true. As for HD remasters, just read the reviews first, there are plenty of people out there that will let you know if something is worth upgrading to or not.
  3. I'm still not buying the "kids today" schtick. Kids today don't have to have shows that are designed to suck. Nor does this generation of kids have to be stupider than the previous. Clone Wars is a good example of a show designed generally towards the newer gen that "works." It's also vastly superior to our "Droids" & "Ewoks."
  4. Hopefully the proceeds will go to fund "good" pixar movies. They've had enough of a hit record that I'm not worried yet.
  5. I'm going to take a wild guess, and say it'll probably be Optimus again.
  6. But what an epic interactive movie/perfect stealth game. Finish it, you won't be dissapointed. Then play Metal Gear Online!
  7. What model PS3? I've been giving mine a pretty thorough workout for the better part of 4 years, also try to vac it out periodically. As for the HDD, just note that you can't move that directly to another system, as the PS3 is designed to automatically format whenever it detects a new HDD. Best bet there would be to hope you can get it running long enough to backup to an external.
  8. And stranger yet still, didn't find Futurama hilarious when compared with it...
  9. I can only assume it was GNFOS?
  10. Troll posts are getting pretty trolltastic. How is preserving film in the highest quality possible "wasting money" ? If you're satisfied projecting your LD's on a wall at low res (until laser rot sets in), then by all means, go for it. But implying that remastering & porting older films into HD is a waste is ignorant at best (not I said ignorant, nowhere did I accuse you of lying). You can quote amazon until you're blue in the face, but never have reviews on the site been considered a serious source of information. Hell, I'd believe 2chan before amazon.
  11. Drats, foiled again!
  12. Have you just been reluctant to jump into the HD era or what? All of this you are spewing is hater talk, and ignorant hater talk at that. You'd rather watch a non-anamorphic LD projected? Why don't you just convert every movie you want to VHS and watch them on a 6 inch portable black & white tv while playing old Vectrex games on the side.
  13. What kind of legal troubles? The kind that would cause HG to go bankrupt & shutdown?
  14. Should've known it would just be used for promotional materials.
  15. He does let other people write star wars, which more often comes out like crappy fanfic novels with official publishing. I'll take the new Jabba's Palace scene over that crap any day.
  16. Yup, I've started calling it the PSV for short. But it's looking more & more like a PS3/PSV cross compatable save file sharing uber beautiful Macross(insiert title)Frontier game could be a reality. If it were a launch game, even more awesome. That would totally justify the purchase of the already reasonably priced Vita.
  17. They could have saved so much bad CGI budget by going directly with a Sinestro Corps story. Instead we get something that looked like one of the "special needs" T-600's from Salvation made into a gas cloud.
  18. Is this streaming anywhere online? I can't bring myself to set DVR for it.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfwPh_0ENcY BACK ON TOPIC! (full version: )
  20. I got the impression that once you "accept the darkside" you get a super testosterone of evil rush that makes you even more prone to impulsiveness. Kinda like the dark hado in street fighter, "za powa" in Xenogears, or any general dark power bestowing cliche in sci-fi/anime. Under normal circumstances no, I doubt Anakin would go off an slaughter a bunch of kids. Under a Sith power trip, it probably made total sense to him. As for the clones, order 66 overrode their "persona's" to carry out a pre-programmed suggestion. I doubt they were aware of it secretly laughing behind the back o the Jedi saying "ha ha, we gonna kill dose fools someday." You'll note that they did include an episode where a clone had been "triggered" in the first season.
  21. Unless of course you want ot support the release of what you DL'd....
  22. Simply put, it wouldn't be NUNS doing it. It would be someone like SMS. Obviously, it would also have to be an evolution that the Vajra agreed to, as opposed to somehow forcably enslaying them.
  23. If that doesn't work, then to a Back to the Future III, and just point at your junk.
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